Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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nature and the promise of his grace bind him to hear the prayers they offer unto him, and to grant them all that salvation which he has led them by his promise and Spirit to request. He who does not pray is not humble; and an un-humbled searcher after truth never yet found it to the salvation of his soul. God never inspires a prayer but with the design to answer it. What goodness is there equal to this of God?—to give not only what we ask, and more than we ask, but to reward even prayer itself! The only return that God requires is, that we ask for more! Who is like God? One reason why we should never more come to a fellow mortal for a favour is, we have received so many already. A strong reason why we should claim the utmost salvation of God is, because we are already so much in debt to his mercy. Now, this is the only way we have of discharging our debts to God; and yet, strange to tell, every such attempt to discharge the debt only serves to increase it. Yet, notwithstanding, the debtor and Creditor are represented as both pleased, both profited, and both happy in each other! Reader! pray to Him, invoke his name; receive the cup; accept the abundance of salvation which He has provided thee, that thou mayest love and serve him with a perfect heart. It is a modern refinement in theology which teaches that no man can know when God hears and answers his prayers but by an induction of particulars, and by an inference from his promises. And on this ground, how can any man fairly presume that he is heard or answered at all? May not his inductions be no other than the common occurrences of providence? And may not providence be no more than the necessary occurrence of events? And is it not possible that, on this skeptic ground, there is no God to hear or answer? True religion knows nothing of these abominations; it teaches its votaries to pray to God, to expect an answer from him, and to look for the Holy Spirit to bear witness with their spirits that they are the sons and daughters of God.

God has put it in the power of every man to know whether the religion of the Bible be true or false. The promises relative to enjoyments in this life are the grand tests of divine revelation. These must be fulfilled to all them who, with deep repentance and true faith, turn unto the Lord, if the revelation which contains them be of God. Let any man, in this spirit, approach his Maker, and plead the promises that are suited to his case, and he will soon know whether the doctrine be of God. He shall taste, and then see, that the Lord is good, and that the man is blessed who trusts in him. This is what is called "experimental religion," the living operative knowledge that a true believer has that he is passed from death to life; that his sins are forgiven him for Christ's sake, the Spirit himself bearing witness with his spirit that he is a child of God. Prayer is always heard after one manner or another. No soul can pray in vain that prays as Christ directs. The truth and faithfulness of the Lord Jesus are pledged for its success. Bring Christ's word and Christ's sacrifice with thee, and not one of Heaven's blessings can be denied thee. One person full of faith and prayer may be the means of drawing down innumerable blessings on his family and acquaintance. How true is that word, "The energetic faithful prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" Abraham draws near to God by affection and faith, and in the most devout and humble manner makes prayer and supplication; and every petition is answered on the spot. Nor does God cease to promise to show mercy till Abraham ceases to intercede! What encouragement does this hold out to them that fear God to make prayer and intercession for their sinful neighbours and ungodly relatives! Faith in the Lord Jesus endues prayer with a species of omnipotence; whatsoever a man asks of the Father in his name he will do it. Prayer has been termed "the gate of heaven;" but without faith that gate cannot be opened. He who prays as he should, and believes as he ought, shall have the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of peace.

God has put it in the power of every man to know whether the religion<br />

of the Bible be true or false. The promises relative to enjoyments in this<br />

life are the grand tests of divine revelation. These must be fulfilled to all<br />

them who, with deep repentance and true faith, turn unto the Lord, if the<br />

revelation which contains them be of God. Let any man, in this spirit,<br />

approach his Maker, and plead the promises that are suited to his case,<br />

and he will soon know whether the doctrine be of God. He shall taste, and<br />

then see, that the Lord is good, and that the man is blessed who trusts in<br />

him. This is what is called "experimental religion," the living operative<br />

knowledge that a true believer has that he is passed from death to life;<br />

that his sins are forgiven him for Christ's sake, the Spirit himself bearing<br />

witness with his spirit that he is a child of God.<br />

Prayer is always heard after one manner or another. No soul can pray<br />

in vain that prays as Christ directs. The truth and faithfulness of the Lord<br />

Jesus are pledged for its success. Bring Christ's word and Christ's<br />

sacrifice with thee, and not one of Heaven's blessings can be denied thee.<br />

One person full of faith and prayer may be the means of drawing down<br />

innumerable blessings on his family and acquaintance.<br />

How true is that word, "The energetic faithful prayer of a righteous<br />

man availeth much!" Abraham draws near to God by affection and faith,<br />

and in the most devout and humble manner makes prayer and<br />

supplication; and every petition is answered on the spot. Nor does God<br />

cease to promise to show mercy till Abraham ceases to intercede! What<br />

encouragement does this hold out to them that fear God to make prayer<br />

and intercession for their sinful neighbours and ungodly relatives! Faith<br />

in the Lord Jesus endues prayer with a species of omnipotence;<br />

whatsoever a man asks of the Father in his name he will do it. Prayer has<br />

been termed "the gate of heaven;" but without faith that gate cannot be<br />

opened. He who prays as he should, and believes as he ought, shall have<br />

the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of peace.

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