Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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away life, is properly a murderer. This commandment, which is general,<br />

prohibits murder of every kind:—<br />

All actions by which the life of our fellow creatures may be suddenly<br />

taken away or abridged.<br />

All wars for extending empire, commerce, &c.<br />

All sanguinary laws, by the operation of which the lives of men may<br />

be taken away for offences of comparatively trifling demerit.<br />

All bad dispositions which lead men to wish evil to, or meditate<br />

mischief against, each other; for the Scripture says, "He that hateth his<br />

brother in his heart is a murderer."<br />

All want of charity and humanity to the helpless and distressed; for he<br />

who has it in his power to save the life of another, by a timely application<br />

of succour, food, raiment, medicine, &c., and does not do it, and the life<br />

of the person either falls or is abridged on this account, he is in the sight<br />

of God a murderer. He who neglects to save life is, according to an<br />

incontrovertible maxim in law, the same as he who takes it away.<br />

All who, by immoderate and superstitious fastings, macerations of the<br />

body, and wilful neglect of health, destroy or abridge life, are murderers;<br />

whatever a false religion and ignorant superstitious priests may say of<br />

them, God will not have murder for sacrifice.<br />

All duellists are murderers, almost the worst of murderers; each meets<br />

the other with the design of killing him. He who shoots his antagonist<br />

dead is a murderer; he who is shot is a murderer also. The surviver should<br />

be hanged; the slain should be buried at a crossway, and the hanged<br />

murderer laid by his side. All who put an end to their own lives by hemp,<br />

steel, poison, drowning, &c., are murderers, whatever coroners' inquests<br />

may say of them; unless it be clearly proved that the deceased was<br />

radically insane.

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