Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org
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Most High; and that, through it, an identity or sameness of spirit with the Lord is acquired, the person being made a partaker of the divine nature; having the mind in him that was in Christ; and thus dwelling in God, and God in him. He loves God with all his heart who loves nothing in comparison of him, and nothing but in reference to him; who is ready to give up, do, or suffer, any thing, in order to please and glorify him; who has in his heart neither love nor hatred, hope nor fear, inclination nor aversion, desire nor delight, but as they relate to God, and are regulated by him. Such a love that Being who is infinitely perfect, good, wise, powerful, beneficent, and merciful, merits and requires from his intelligent creatures; and in fulfilling this duty the soul finds its perfection and felicity; for it rests in the Source of goodness, and is penetrated with incessant influences from Him who is the essence and centre of all that is amiable; for he is the God of all grace. He loves God with all his soul, with all his life, who is ready to give up his life for His sake; who is ready to endure all sorts of torments, and to be deprived of all kinds of comforts, rather than dishonour God; he who employs life, with all its comforts and conveniences, to glorify Him in, by, and through all; to whom life and death are nothing, but as they come from, and lead to God; who labours to promote the cause of God and truth in the world, denying himself, taking up his cross daily; neither eating, drinking, sleeping, resting, labouring, toiling, but in reference to the glory of God, his own salvation, and that of the lost world. He loves God with all his mind, with all his intellect, or understanding, who applies himself only to know God and his holy will; who receives with submission, gratitude, and pleasure, the sacred truths which he has revealed to mankind; who studies neither art nor science, but as far as it is necessary for the service of God, and uses it at all times to promote his glory; who forms no projects nor designs but in reference to God, and to the interests of mankind; who banishes, as much as possible, from his understanding and memory, every useless, foolish, and dangerous

thought; together with every idea which has any tendency to defile his soul, or turn it for a moment from the centre of eternal repose; who uses all his abilities, both natural and acquired, to grow in the grace of God, and to perform his will in the most acceptable manner: in a word, he who sees God in all things, thinks of him at all times, having his mind continually fixed upon God; acknowledges him in all his ways; who begins, continues, and ends all his thoughts, words, and works to the glory of his name; continually planning, scheming, and devising how he may serve God and his generation more effectually; his head, his intellect, going before; his heart, his affections, and desires, coming after. He loves God with all his strength who exerts all the powers and faculties of his body and soul in the service of God; who, for the glory of his Maker, spares neither labour nor cost; who sacrifices his body, his health, his time, his ease, for the honour of his divine Master; who employs in his service all his goods, his talents, his power, his credit, authority, and influence; doing what he does with a single eye, a loving heart, and with all his might; in whose conduct is ever seen the work of faith, patience of hope, and labour of love. O glorious state of him who has given God his whole heart, and in which God ever lives and rules! Glorious state of blessedness upon earth, triumph of the grace of God over sin and Satan! state of holiness and happiness far beyond this description, which comprises an ineffable union and communion between the ever blessed Trinity and the soul of man! O God! let thy work appear unto thy servants, and the work of our hands establish upon us! The work of our hands establish thou it! Amen. Amen. This love is the spring of all our actions; it is the motive of our obedience; the principle through which we love God; "we love him because he first loved us;" and we love him with a love worthy of himself, because it springs from him: it is his own; and every flame that rises from this pure and vigorous fire must he pleasing in his sight: it consumes what is unholy; refines every passion and appetite; sublimes the whole, and assimilates all to itself. And we know that this is the love

thought; together with every idea which has any tendency to defile his<br />

soul, or turn it for a moment from the centre of eternal repose; who uses<br />

all his abilities, both natural and acquired, to grow in the grace of God,<br />

and to perform his will in the most acceptable manner: in a word, he who<br />

sees God in all things, thinks of him at all times, having his mind<br />

continually fixed upon God; acknowledges him in all his ways; who<br />

begins, continues, and ends all his thoughts, words, and works to the<br />

glory of his name; continually planning, scheming, and devising how he<br />

may serve God and his generation more effectually; his head, his intellect,<br />

going before; his heart, his affections, and desires, coming after.<br />

He loves God with all his strength who exerts all the powers and<br />

faculties of his body and soul in the service of God; who, for the glory of<br />

his Maker, spares neither labour nor cost; who sacrifices his body, his<br />

health, his time, his ease, for the honour of his divine Master; who<br />

employs in his service all his goods, his talents, his power, his credit,<br />

authority, and influence; doing what he does with a single eye, a loving<br />

heart, and with all his might; in whose conduct is ever seen the work of<br />

faith, patience of hope, and labour of love.<br />

O glorious state of him who has given God his whole heart, and in<br />

which God ever lives and rules! Glorious state of blessedness upon earth,<br />

triumph of the grace of God over sin and Satan! state of holiness and<br />

happiness far beyond this description, which comprises an ineffable union<br />

and communion between the ever blessed Trinity and the soul of man! O<br />

God! let thy work appear unto thy servants, and the work of our hands<br />

establish upon us! The work of our hands establish thou it! Amen. Amen.<br />

This love is the spring of all our actions; it is the motive of our<br />

obedience; the principle through which we love God; "we love him<br />

because he first loved us;" and we love him with a love worthy of<br />

himself, because it springs from him: it is his own; and every flame that<br />

rises from this pure and vigorous fire must he pleasing in his sight: it<br />

consumes what is unholy; refines every passion and appetite; sublimes<br />

the whole, and assimilates all to itself. And we know that this is the love

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