Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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When reconciled to God, and thus brought nigh by the blood of Christ,<br />

we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the fruit of the death,<br />

resurrection, and ascension of our Lord. And this Spirit, which is<br />

emphatically called the Holy Spirit, because he is not only infinitely holy<br />

in his own nature, but his grand office is to make the children of men<br />

holy, is given to true believers, not only to "testify with their spirits that<br />

they are the children of God," but also to purify their hearts; and thus he<br />

transfuses through their souls his own holiness and purity; so that the<br />

image of God in which they were created, and which by transgression<br />

they had lost, is now restored; and they are, by this holiness, prepared for<br />

the enjoyment of eternal blessedness, in perfect union with Him who is<br />

the Father and God of glory, and the Fountain of holiness.<br />

God promised his Holy Spirit to sanctify and cleanse the heart, so as<br />

utterly to destroy all pride, anger, self-will, peevishness, hatred, malice,<br />

and every thing contrary to his own holiness.<br />

The very Spirit which is given them, on their believing in Christ Jesus,<br />

is the Spirit of holiness; and they can retain this spirit no longer than they<br />

live in the spirit of obedience.<br />

It is the office of the Holy Spirit to witness to the conscience of man<br />

the covenant and its conditions, to apply the blood of sprinkling, and to<br />

take the things that are Christ's and show them to men; and it is his<br />

province to witness to the heart of the believing penitent, that by this shed<br />

blood his "conscience is purged from dead works to serve the living<br />

God." He is also the sanctifying Spirit; the Spirit of judgment, and the<br />

Spirit of burning; and, as such, he condemns to utter destruction the<br />

whole of the carnal mind, and purifies the very thoughts of the heart by<br />

his inspiration, enabling the true believer perfectly to love God and<br />

worthily to magnify his holy name. And this same Spirit dwelling in the<br />

soul of a believer seals him an heir of eternal glory.<br />

The Holy Spirit is called an advocate, because he transacts the cause<br />

of God and Christ with us, explains to us the nature and importance of the

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