Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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has it from its own direct witness. It may be said, "How can these things<br />

be?" And it may be answered, "By the power, light, and mercy of God."<br />

But that such things are, the Scriptures uniformly attest; and the<br />

experience of the whole genuine church of Christ, and of every truly<br />

converted soul, sufficiently proves. "As the wind bloweth where it<br />

listeth," and we "cannot tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth, so is<br />

every one that is born of the Spirit:" the thing is certain, and fully known<br />

by its effects; but how this testimony is given and confirmed is<br />

inexplicable. Every good man feels it, and knows he is of God by the<br />

Spirit God has given him.<br />

We may witness in the experience of multitudes of simple people, who<br />

have been by the preaching of the gospel converted from the error of their<br />

ways, such a strength of testimony in favour of the work of God in the<br />

heart, and his effectual teaching in the mind, as is calculated to still, or<br />

reduce to silence, every thing but bigotry and prejudice, neither of which<br />

has either eyes or ears. This teaching and these changing or converting<br />

influences come from God. They are not acquired by human learning: and<br />

those who put this in the place of the divine teaching never grow wise to<br />

salvation. To enter into the kingdom of heaven a man must become as a<br />

little child.<br />

There is nothing more usual among even the best educated and<br />

enlightened of the members of the Methodist society, than a distinct<br />

knowledge of the time, place, and circumstances, when and where, and<br />

in which way, they were deeply convinced of sin, and afterward had a<br />

clear sense of God's mercy to their souls, in forgiving their sins, and<br />

giving them the witness in themselves that they were born of God.<br />

The Methodists, in proof of the doctrine of the witness of the Spirit,<br />

refer to no man, not to Mr. John Wesley himself: they appeal to<br />

none—they appeal to the Bible, where this doctrine stands as<br />

inexpugnable as the pillars of heaven. Nor do they need solitary instances<br />

as facts, to prove that on this point they have not mistaken the Bible,<br />

while they, by the mercy of God, have thousands of testimonies every

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