Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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nonconformity to God; and according to this evidence will God judge<br />

him. Here, then, is no respect of persons. God's judgment will be<br />

according to a man's work, and a man's work or conduct will be according<br />

to the moral state of his mind. No favouritism can prevail in the day of<br />

judgment; nothing will pass there but holiness of heart and life. A<br />

righteousness imputed, and not possessed and practised, will not avail<br />

where God judgeth according to every man's work. It would be well if<br />

those sinners and spurious believers, who fancy themselves safe and<br />

complete in the righteousness of Christ, while impure and unholy in<br />

themselves, would think of this testimony of the apostle. [7]<br />

As eternal life is given IN the Son of God, it follows it cannot be<br />

enjoyed WITHOUT him. No man can have it without having Christ;<br />

therefore "he that hath the Son hath life," and "he that hath not the Son<br />

hath not life." It is in vain to expect eternal glory if we have not Christ in<br />

our heart. The indwelling Christ gives both a title to it and a meetness for<br />

it. This is God's record. Let no man deceive himself here. An indwelling<br />

Christ and glory; no indwelling Christ, no glory. God's record must stand.<br />

Who are Christ's flock? All real penitents; all true believers; all who<br />

obediently follow his example, abstaining from every appearance of evil,<br />

and in a holy life and conversation show forth the virtue of Him who<br />

called them from darkness into his marvellous light. "My sheep hear my<br />

voice and follow me." But who are not his flock? Neither the backslider<br />

in heart, nor the vile Antinomian, who thinks the more he sins the more<br />

the grace of God shall be magnified in saving him; nor those who fondly<br />

suppose they are covered with the righteousness of Christ while living in<br />

sin; nor the crowd of the indifferent and the careless; nor the immense<br />

herd of Laodicean loiterers; nor the fiery bigots who would exclude all<br />

from heaven but themselves, and the party who believe as they do. These<br />

the Scripture resembles to swine, dogs, goats, wandering stars, foxes,<br />

lions, wells without water, &c., &c. Let not any of these come forward to<br />

eat of this pasture, or take of the children's bread. Jesus Christ is the good<br />

Shepherd; the Shepherd who, to save his flock, laid down his own life.

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