Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org

Christian Theology - Media Sabda Org


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him the Father is ever well pleased, we should most confidently expect<br />

the blessings he has purchased. We may consider, also, this his<br />

appearance before the throne, in his sacrificial character, constitutes the<br />

great principle of mediation or intercession. He has taken our nature into<br />

heaven; in that he appears before the throne; this, without a voice, speaks<br />

loudly for the sinful race of Adam, for whom it was assumed, and on<br />

whose account it was sacrificed. On these grounds every penitent and<br />

every believing soul may ask and receive, and their joy be complete. By<br />

the sacrifice of Christ, we approach God; through the mediation of Christ,<br />

God comes down to man.<br />

So important is the sacrificial offering of Christ in the sight of God,<br />

that he is still represented as being in the very act of pouring out his blood<br />

for the offences of man. This gives great advantages to faith; when any<br />

soul comes to the throne of grace, he finds a sacrifice there provided for<br />

him to offer to God. Thus all succeeding generations find they have the<br />

continual sacrifice ready, and the newly shed blood to offer.<br />

We are not only indebted to our Lord Jesus Christ for the free and full<br />

pardon which we have received, but our continuance in a justified state<br />

depends upon his gracious influence in our hearts, and his intercession<br />

before the throne of God.<br />

As we cannot contemplate the humiliation and death of Christ without<br />

considering it a sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and atonement for sin, and<br />

for the sin of the whole world; so we cannot contemplate his unlimited<br />

power and glory, in his state of exaltation, without being convinced that<br />

he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God through him.<br />

What can withstand the merit of his blood? What can resist the energy of<br />

his omnipotence? Can the power of sin?—its infection?—its malignity?<br />

No! he can as easily say to an impure heart, "Be thou clean," and it shall<br />

be clean; as he could to the leper, "Be thou clean," and immediately his<br />

leprosy was cleansed. Reader, have faith in him; for all things are<br />

possible to him that believeth.

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