When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

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divine; and that will make our plans, sermons, songs, and testimonies, fervent and inspiring. The Spirit is symbolized by fire, and it is He who creates a spiritual warmth, which is energizing and invigorating. V. An Unction Gives a Gumption In the employment of this term in the common conversation it means spunk, ambition, aggression, and quick action. However, the real meaning of the word is that of discernment, shrewdness, wisdom, common sense, and an initiativeness. When we are anointed with the Spirit, He can place within us "a holy spunk," and a "holy go." He also gives to us the sense of discernment and shrewdness whereby we may by His wisdom outwit sin and Satan. Then an unction will give to us an initiativeness which is needed so much by every Christian if he ever becomes useful for the Lord. Many people need an unction from the Holy One to lead them out of the ruts in which they live. Many, for fear of making a blunder, and thinking they cannot succeed, never become active and aggressive in prayer, testimony, personal work, or an active life for the Lord. These need to receive an unction from the Lord, which will also give them a holy gumption, setting them free so that it will be easy to push out, to undertake things for the Lord, to attempt to do great things for the Lord. VI. An Unction Gives Spiritual Tenderness The Holy Spirit is very tender, patient, and loving. When He comes to dwell, and we yield ourselves completely to Him, He gives us His virtues and qualities. He desires to live in and through us, and to manifest His qualities in our conduct and labors. We never read of the anger of the Holy Spirit; however, because of His great love and tenderness, He is very easily grieved. Every person needs the graces of love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, and tenderness. These are the product of the Spirit. Without this tenderness, men are cold, harsh, set, and cynical. This limits them in their usefulness. The tenderness wrought by the Spirit is a most essential element in the ministry of dealing with other people. VII. An Unction Gives a Heavenly Fragrance The holy anointing oil which was compounded by Moses to anoint Aaron was very highly perfumed. The Lord gave Moses the formula for compounding the holy anointing oil. It was very fragrant to the sense of smell. This gave the high priest, the priests, and everyone anointed with this oil a fragrance which was very easily discerned by everyone in their presence. Since God places within many flowers which bloom one day and perish the next, a sweetness, a beauty, and a fragrance which are most pleasing to the senses of sight and smell, surely He desires to place within every Christian who will live forever, those fragrant life. This is the work the Holy Spirit desires to accomplish in the believer. As in the Old Testament types, the blood always preceded the oil except in the case of the high priest so in Christian experience the blood must be applied first, that is, the experience of the new birth, which is regeneration, always precedes the experience of sanctification, or the baptism with the Spirit. In the case of the high priest, he was anointed with oil before he received the application

of the blood, which very beautifully illustrates the anointing of Christ with the Holy Spirit by the Father before He shed His blood on the cross. *************************************

of the blood, which very beautifully illustrates the anointing of Christ with the Holy Spirit by the<br />

Father before <strong>He</strong> shed His blood on the cross.<br />


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