When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

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came around the corner which struck her and sent her rolling on the street. The driver stopped suddenly and recognized the child, picked her up and drove to her home. The little one was frightened more than she was hurt. As s he was carried in, the driver greatly apologized and expressed his regrets, saying he could not help it for she ran in front of his car. Her father examined her and asked where she had been hurt. She looked up into his face, held up her little fist, and said, "Papa, I still have my pennies." She had clutched her pennies so tightly, that being knocked down by a car did not cause her to lose them. Every Christian should lay hold on eternal life and never let go until he safely lands on heaven's shore. We should do like Paul the Apostle, who committed the safekeeping of his soul into the hands of the Lord, and laid hold on the things which the Lord entrusted to him, even the Christian experience, and the call which the Lord gave him. This apostle went through many sorrows and persecutions. Before his execution he said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." When he was beheaded, he took the short route to glory, and there in the presence of the Lord, he could say: "I have been persecuted, imprisoned, imperiled, deserted, naked, hungry, cold, beaten many times, and now they have beheaded me, but Lord, here is that which Thou hast given me. I have kept it." Nothing could knock it out of him. The Spirit will enable us to keep that which God has given us. VII. The Holy Spirit Imparts to Believers a Concern for the Spreading of the Gospel and the Salvation of Souls "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit is not given to us for material profit and a selfish purpose. He has been sent into the world for the purpose of gathering out the church, a people for Christ's name. He is doing this through Spirit-filled believers who preach and evangelize in His power. When this purpose is accomplished, He will gather out the church and present her to Christ. The Holy Spirit is indispensable in evangelizing and winning souls. It is hard to conceive that anyone filled with the Spirit does not possess a concern for the spreading of the gospel, or the salvation of the lost. Those who do not have any concern, and do nothing to save the lost, greatly grieve the Spirit and lose the joy out of their own hearts. The Holy Spirit works in the world through the Christians who are filled with Him. If Christian people could see this truth clearly, that is, how utterly the world is dependent on them for the gospel message, and the Holy Spirit's convicting power, convicting sinners of sin through them, they would yield themselves fully to Him to be clean and yielded channels through whom He could work. The world has suffered and not been wrought on enough by the Holy Spirit because the church has been unfaithful, unwilling, and unyielded to the Holy Spirit and His employment. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is a definite experience of which one may and ought to know. Dr. R. A. Torrey, wrote concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit: "A man may be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. In regeneration there is an impartation of life, and the one who receives it is saved; in the baptism with the Holy Spirit there is an impartation of power and the one who receives it is fitted for service."

WHEN HE IS COME by Joshua Stauffer Chapter 17 THE HOLY SPIRIT IN OUR PRAYER LIFE It is of great importance that we be filled with the Holy Spirit in relation to our prayer life. Earnest, fervent, and effectual praying is one of the greatest and hardest tasks in Christian work. It is a greater task to pray efficiently and persistently than it is to work, or to give. Many will labor, sweat, and become tired at a task, but who will pray and sweat on his knees? It takes a heart that is filled with the Spirit to pray efficiently, and effectively, even as it does for a preacher to preach effectively. A preacher is not qualified to preach as he should until he is filled with the Spirit, neither can any Christian be his best in prayer till he is filled with the Spirit. I. The Holy Spirit Impels Believers To Pray "And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Rom. 8:27). Christ, our Saviour, is also our Great High Priest, Who ever liveth to make intercession for us, yet at the same time, the Holy Spirit, in a very practical and profitable manner is our Intercessor. Christ intercedes for us in heaven before the Father on the throne of grace while the Holy Spirit intercedes within the believer on earth. The Holy Spirit frequently moves the believer to pray, drawing him into the secret closet where "prayer is wont to be made." His operations on the believer, urging him to make his request known to God is called "a spirit of prayer." When He does, great issues are involved. It is then that the believer should co-operate with the Holy Spirit and yield himself fully to His control, then the desired result of the Spirit and the saint will be accomplished. II. The Holy Spirit Instructs Believers in Prayer "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered" (Rom. 8:26). The Christian is beset with infirmities. One of them is a prayer infirmity. The Holy Spirit has been given to endue believers and make them efficient in their ministry. Paul wrote, "We know not what we should pray for." This is very true. We think we know, but through our nearsightedness and weakness, we are not able to determine what is best. We would ask for those things which are pleasant, which would seem good, but which might not be best for us. However, the Spirit knows what is best for us, what God wants to give us; therefore, He comes to our aid. He begets holy desires within us for the very things God wants to give or do, or what others need. He helps us to pray, prays in us, and through us. He inspires the desires, and the faith to grasp the promises, and causes faith to leap up to God, which gets such a grip on God as to move Him to say "yes" to the petition, because the Holy Ghost is in the believer, in the desire, in the petition, and in the faith.


by<br />

Joshua Stauffer<br />

Chapter 17<br />


It is of great importance that we be filled with the Holy Spirit in relation to our prayer life.<br />

Earnest, fervent, and effectual praying is one of the greatest and hardest tasks in Christian work. It<br />

is a greater task to pray efficiently and persistently than it is to work, or to give. Many will labor,<br />

sweat, and become tired at a task, but who will pray and sweat on his knees? It takes a heart that is<br />

filled with the Spirit to pray efficiently, and effectively, even as it does for a preacher to preach<br />

effectively. A preacher is not qualified to preach as he should until he is filled with the Spirit, neither<br />

can any Christian be his best in prayer till he is filled with the Spirit.<br />

I. The Holy Spirit Impels Believers To Pray<br />

"And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh<br />

intercession for the saints according to the will of God" (Rom. 8:27).<br />

Christ, our Saviour, is also our Great High Priest, Who ever liveth to make intercession for us,<br />

yet at the same time, the Holy Spirit, in a very practical and profitable manner is our Intercessor.<br />

Christ intercedes for us in heaven before the Father on the throne of grace while the Holy Spirit<br />

intercedes within the believer on earth. The Holy Spirit frequently moves the believer to pray,<br />

drawing him into the secret closet where "prayer is wont to be made." His operations on the believer,<br />

urging him to make his request known to God is called "a spirit of prayer." <strong>When</strong> <strong>He</strong> does, great<br />

issues are involved. It is then that the believer should co-operate with the Holy Spirit and yield<br />

himself fully to His control, then the desired result of the Spirit and the saint will be accomplished.<br />

II. The Holy Spirit Instructs Believers in Prayer<br />

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we<br />

ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered" (Rom.<br />

8:26).<br />

The Christian is beset with infirmities. One of them is a prayer infirmity. The Holy Spirit has been<br />

given to endue believers and make them efficient in their ministry. Paul wrote, "We know not what<br />

we should pray for." This is very true. We think we know, but through our nearsightedness and<br />

weakness, we are not able to determine what is best. We would ask for those things which are<br />

pleasant, which would seem good, but which might not be best for us. However, the Spirit knows<br />

what is best for us, what God wants to give us; therefore, <strong>He</strong> comes to our aid. <strong>He</strong> begets holy desires<br />

within us for the very things God wants to give or do, or what others need. <strong>He</strong> helps us to pray, prays<br />

in us, and through us. <strong>He</strong> inspires the desires, and the faith to grasp the promises, and causes faith<br />

to leap up to God, which gets such a grip on God as to move Him to say "yes" to the petition,<br />

because the Holy Ghost is in the believer, in the desire, in the petition, and in the faith.

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