When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

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upbuilding of the body of Christ. Gifts help us to save others. Grace might be likened to wheat, and gifts to tools with which to raise more wheat. Gifts do not make us any better, but they make us more useful. The farmer who is equipped with a full line of tools will accomplish much more than the man who has a limited supply of tools. A man might be given a shovel, a hoe, and a rake. With these he might spade a small patch of ground and pulverize it, which prepares it for sowing. Another man might be given a tractor with a gang plow, a harrow, and a drill. He would accomplish much more in a day without working any harder than the man with a shovel. The reason he accomplished more is not that he has worked harder, or possessed a greater goodness than the other man, but the reason lies in the fact that he had better implements with which to work. Again, a man might be given a sickle to harvest wheat, a rake, and a flail with which to thresh it. He works hard all day, yet reaps very little grain. Another man might be given a tractor with a combine and reap a thousand bushels in a day, yet he has not worked harder than the man with the sickle. The reason he reaped more grain was that he was equipped with better implements. Gifts are tools with which to work for the benefit of others, but grace is subjective and for our personal salvation. Grace is dispensed and gifts are distributed. Grace comes as the gift of God's love; gifts come as gifts from the wisdom of God. Grace is for all, but special gifts are only for some. Grace is dispensed without respect of persons, to help each one through life and to enter heaven, but gifts are not conferred equally. Every converted and Spirit-filled person evidently possesses a gift along some line. Certainly God has designed that every member of the body of Christ shall be endued for Christian service along some line. In this connection we read that "the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man," for the profit of all, "to every man severally as he wills." III. Gifts Which Are the Grant of Christ There is a vast difference between the gifts of Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts which are the grant of Christ are listed in Eph. 4:8-11: "Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men... and he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers." Christ became a Man to redeem men. He became a Man in order to take man's place, fight man's battles, overcome man's enemy, and atone for man's sins. We read that when He ascended on high, He gave gifts to men. The gifts which He gave unto men were men, holy men, consecrated men. They were apostles (preachers), evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They were consecrated men who were fully yielded to Christ, having given themselves to Christ, and were accepted by Christ, then by Christ given back to the church. Paul always speaks of himself as "an apostle of Jesus Christ, or as a servant of Christ," and that his commission was from Christ and not from the Spirit. It is not any church board, denominational board, or seminary that is authorized to determine the ministry of the church. Christ, the great Head of the church, alone has retained that right as His special prerogative. No person has a right to any of these positions apart from the appointments by the Son of God, and who are not thoroughly consecrated and fully yielded to the Lord. The church should be thankful for men -- holy men -- consecrated men -- men like Paul, Peter, John, John Wesley, Martin Luther, Finney, Moody, Spurgeon, and all others who have yielded their lives, and time, with their all to the Lord, having been accepted by Christ, Who has taken these men and given them back to the church. Their ministry

is threefold. Paul says it is "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12). These are the grant of the ascended and glorified Son of God. IV. Gifts Which Are the Grant of the Holy Spirit The gifts of the Spirit differ from the gifts of Christ. The gifts of the Spirit, as mentioned before, are implements, enablements, or tools. Christ called the disciples to follow Him, then He also told them to tarry until they had been endued by the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are enumerated in I Cor. 12:8-10. These are: "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues." Here we learn that one gift is given to one and another gift to another. These gifts differ. One person does not possess all of these gifts, for we read "but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal," which means these gifts are not given for personal profit, but for the profit of all, even others. It is the Spirit's office to enable and to endue each one whom He calls to any special work. The gifts of the Spirit are essential to the spiritual progress of the church. V. Balancing Gifts with Grace and Love Gifts may become dangerous for they tend to puff up. Not all people can be trusted with great gifts for the reason that they would become elated, and proud, and thus lose their grace. Such a loss endangers their personal salvation. The first concern of every person should be that he is well saved and thoroughly established. Then, his next concern should be the salvation of others. It is very essential that the Lord give the needed amount of grace and divine love to everyone who is gifted along any line in order to properly balance his gift so that it will not cause an unbalanced state in his Christian experience. It is very proper that grace is given by the Lord according to the measure of the gift that is bestowed on each person (Rom. 12:6; Eph. 4:7). The gifts of the Spirit are attended by special grace. In the parable of the talents, there was given "to every man according to his several ability." Christ makes a special grant of grace to those on whom the Spirit divides gifts. Gifts without grace are dangerous. The world's most highly gifted men without grace are the world's most dangerous men. Examples in which gifts outbalanced grace in men who were highly gifted, but sadly lacking in grace were Balaam, Gideon, Samson, Saul, David, Solomon, and Judas Iscariot. Balaam was highly gifted as a prophet, and he uttered some great prophetic messages and Messianic prophecies; nevertheless, he joined his enemies and died not as the righteous dieth, but fell on the battlefield fighting the very people whom he was forced to bless. Gideon was mightily used by the Lord and brought great deliverance to Israel; however, in taking the idols and gold from the enemies he conquered, he made them into gods of his own and worshipped them. Samson's history presents a mystery. He was highly gifted and could conquer his enemies, but failed to conquer himself. He went to loving the Philistines instead of destroying them, and gave away his secret of power. He lost his hair, his power with God, and also his eyes. His hair grew and so did his repentance. He died with the Philistines; however, he died not as a Philistine. Saul, also, was lacking in grace and became a failure. David could kill a lion, a bear and the giant, but on one occasion he failed to control himself, which brought a great blot on his life. Solomon was highly gifted, but lacked in holiness and grace.

is threefold. Paul says it is "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the<br />

edifying of the body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12). These are the grant of the ascended and glorified Son<br />

of God.<br />

IV. Gifts Which Are the Grant of the Holy Spirit<br />

The gifts of the Spirit differ from the gifts of Christ. The gifts of the Spirit, as mentioned before,<br />

are implements, enablements, or tools. Christ called the disciples to follow Him, then <strong>He</strong> also told<br />

them to tarry until they had been endued by the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are enumerated in I Cor.<br />

12:8-10. These are: "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of<br />

knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by<br />

the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of<br />

spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues." <strong>He</strong>re we learn<br />

that one gift is given to one and another gift to another. These gifts differ. One person does not<br />

possess all of these gifts, for we read "but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to<br />

profit withal," which means these gifts are not given for personal profit, but for the profit of all, even<br />

others. It is the Spirit's office to enable and to endue each one whom <strong>He</strong> calls to any special work.<br />

The gifts of the Spirit are essential to the spiritual progress of the church.<br />

V. Balancing Gifts with Grace and Love<br />

Gifts may become dangerous for they tend to puff up. Not all people can be trusted with great gifts<br />

for the reason that they would become elated, and proud, and thus lose their grace. Such a loss<br />

endangers their personal salvation. The first concern of every person should be that he is well saved<br />

and thoroughly established. Then, his next concern should be the salvation of others. It is very<br />

essential that the Lord give the needed amount of grace and divine love to everyone who is gifted<br />

along any line in order to properly balance his gift so that it will not cause an unbalanced state in his<br />

Christian experience. It is very proper that grace is given by the Lord according to the measure of<br />

the gift that is bestowed on each person (Rom. 12:6; Eph. 4:7). The gifts of the Spirit are attended<br />

by special grace. In the parable of the talents, there was given "to every man according to his several<br />

ability." Christ makes a special grant of grace to those on whom the Spirit divides gifts. Gifts without<br />

grace are dangerous. The world's most highly gifted men without grace are the world's most<br />

dangerous men. Examples in which gifts outbalanced grace in men who were highly gifted, but sadly<br />

lacking in grace were Balaam, Gideon, Samson, Saul, David, Solomon, and Judas <strong>Is</strong>cariot. Balaam<br />

was highly gifted as a prophet, and he uttered some great prophetic messages and Messianic<br />

prophecies; nevertheless, he joined his enemies and died not as the righteous dieth, but fell on the<br />

battlefield fighting the very people whom he was forced to bless. Gideon was mightily used by the<br />

Lord and brought great deliverance to <strong>Is</strong>rael; however, in taking the idols and gold from the enemies<br />

he conquered, he made them into gods of his own and worshipped them. Samson's history presents<br />

a mystery. <strong>He</strong> was highly gifted and could conquer his enemies, but failed to conquer himself. <strong>He</strong><br />

went to loving the Philistines instead of destroying them, and gave away his secret of power. <strong>He</strong> lost<br />

his hair, his power with God, and also his eyes. His hair grew and so did his repentance. <strong>He</strong> died with<br />

the Philistines; however, he died not as a Philistine. Saul, also, was lacking in grace and became a<br />

failure. David could kill a lion, a bear and the giant, but on one occasion he failed to control himself,<br />

which brought a great blot on his life. Solomon was highly gifted, but lacked in holiness and grace.

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