When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org

When He Is Come - Media Sabda Org


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by<br />

Joshua Stauffer<br />

Chapter 26<br />


The operations of Deity forever and ever roll forward and upward. Deity is without increase or<br />

diminution. However, the operations and revelations of God in relation to man are ever progressive.<br />

In the Bible, time is not only measured by hours, days, weeks, months, and years, but also by ages.<br />

An age is an indefinite period of time in which God deals with the human race along certain lines<br />

for certain purposes, then when those purposes are fulfilled, <strong>He</strong> will bring it to a close and usher in<br />

another age. In each age, God gives a certain revelation of Himself and His purposes to men. In<br />

studying the history of the human race and the prophecies given in the Bible, we learn that every<br />

succeeding age since the fall of Adam, an added revelation of God has been given with an advanced<br />

development of His purposes. These purposes are the development of a new creation, a race of sons<br />

of God, a new heaven, and a new earth wherein righteousness shall dwell forever. There is an<br />

ascending scale, a divine crescendo in the development of the purposes of God. As we trace the work<br />

of the Holy Spirit through the ages, we learn that it also is on an ascending scale. In each succeeding<br />

age the progress of His operations are revealed to be superior to the preceding age.<br />

I. The Spirit's Ministry Before the Flood<br />

Little is recorded concerning the agency, exertion of power, and influence of the Holy Spirit in<br />

the period from the fall of Adam to the flood. All that we read concerning His works in this age is<br />

included in these words: "And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man" (Gen. 6:3).<br />

From these words we learn that the Lord was faithful to men before the flood, and that the Holy<br />

Spirit did strive with them. The antediluvians had sufficient light which was a warning to them and<br />

should have led them to repentance. God did not leave them without light, warning, and conviction.<br />

The Spirit honors the preaching and testimonies of the saints, and through them brings conviction<br />

to sinners. The people before the flood evidently were privileged to go to the gate of the garden of<br />

Eden where they could sacrifice to the Lord. After the expulsion from Eden, it was the duty of Adam<br />

to communicate to his descendants the promise of a coming Redeemer and that through sacrificing<br />

they could be redeemed. His testimony was a living witness to all his descendants through the entire<br />

period of his life. <strong>He</strong> lived nine hundred thirty years then died. Then God called a prophet and<br />

preacher, Enoch, who was faithful in warning the people of coming judgment. God revealed to<br />

Enoch when Methuselah was born that the life of that child would be the length of life for all men<br />

and that when he died, judgment would come. The English for Methuselah is "when he is dead it<br />

shall be sent." The longsuffering of God was revealed in that <strong>He</strong> allowed Methuselah to live nine<br />

hundred sixty-nine years. His presence among the people even without any message was a warning<br />

to all. Then God called Noah to become a preacher of righteousness, and to build the ark for the<br />

saving of his own household. All of these things were light to that generation. The Spirit made use<br />

of these ministries so that all were without excuse.

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