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98<br />

Jordan, in power in most of the Persian Gulf and North African states, including the wealthy<br />

oil and gas producers, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. If<br />

the USA were serious about its lip service to the promotion of democracy in Arab and Muslim<br />

countries, it would not be keeping undemocratic Arabs and Muslims in power, even militarily,<br />

in those very countries. More democracy in the Arab and Muslim worlds would no doubt lead<br />

to more anti-Israeli stances in the region. Since the 1970s, however, all of these Arab states<br />

have avoided criticizing Israeli human rights violations too harshly or intervening to protect<br />

Palestinians against Israeli aggression, although most of the countries’ people would seem to<br />

back such moves. Egypt’s president, Anwar Sadat, was assassinated in 1981 on account of his<br />

Israel-friendly policy. Muslim fundamentalists have since then waged a contained civil war,<br />

with pauses, against the Cairo regime, not only due to Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel, but<br />

partly so. Jordan appeared to be slipping into the same kind of situation in late 2002, although<br />

that situation was eventually defused through annihilation of the militants.<br />

It seems that only military, financial, and political aid for these undemocratic and<br />

corrupt regimes, from both the USA and other western powers, are able to keep these<br />

countries from intervening in the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. Egypt is the second largest<br />

recipient of US military aid, second only to Israel. Jordan is third. In the year 2003, the USA<br />

supplied Israel with $2.1 billion in military aid, Egypt with $1.3 billion, Jordan with $198<br />

million. (Fourth on Washington’s list of most needy friends was the Colombian government<br />

with $98 million. Interestingly, these four states are all notorious violators of human rights.)<br />

That seems to have been just one of the enticements. Thus, some Arab elites, too, are to blame<br />

for the overdue survival of apartheid in Israel (though certainly not for its creation and initial<br />

implementation). 164<br />

Of course it is also up to us, all of the human inhabitants of this planet, to resist and<br />

discourage the crimes against humanity that constitute apartheid in Israel. It can be done<br />

simply through demonstrations and other ways of showing displeasure and anger at those<br />

most responsible for the crimes. It could also involve boycotts, sanctions, and lobbying. It<br />

must also involve informing decision-makers of facts that are being hidden. Those<br />

governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations not mentioned so far<br />

in this chapter can surely do more, as well. In fact it is their duty to do so, especially if they<br />

are among the 191 signatories of the Geneva Convention. And this is not only to support<br />

Palestinians, or blind support to Palestinians. The latter are also provoked to commit crimes<br />

against humanity, targeting Israeli civilians in lethal attacks, just as the Blacks in South Africa<br />

did against Whites. In other words: it is not only in the interest of Palestinians that an<br />

immediate end be put to Israeli apartheid. It is also in the interest of Israelis. Then, it is in the<br />

interest of humanity. Last, but not least, it is in the interest of the natural environment and of<br />

biodiversity.<br />

Nobody can today be regarded as more responsible for Israeli apartheid than the Israeli<br />

Jews, especially their elected political elites, and the military and economic elites. I will<br />

attempt to provide ample evidence for this judgment in the following chapters. The<br />

Palestinians, on the other hand, cannot be blamed collectively for it. Their resistance is not a<br />

cause of the separation and segregation. It is a direct consequence of them. Any pseudoargument<br />

to the contrary blames the victims and is therefore, in my opinion, morally and<br />

historically corrupt. Of course, Palestinians should be prosecuted for any crimes, for any<br />

164 Al-Khalidi: Jordan City Under Siege Seethes with Tension, 2002; Al-Khalidi: Jordanian Troops Battle Do-or-<br />

Die Islamists, 2002; Blair: Sadat’s Gesture, 25 Years On, Evokes Bitterness, 2002; Drees: Journey Sadat Began<br />

in Israel Is Far from Complete, 2002; N.N.: US Promises Israel $2.16 Bln. Military Aid in 2004, November 21,<br />

2002. See Mokhiber & Weissman: We Had a Democracy Once, But You Crushed It, 2003 on the hollow ring of<br />

current US lip service to democracy for Palestinian and other Muslims, with emphasis on the precedent US-led<br />

coup in Iran in 1953, which toppled the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, and<br />

installed the Shah, a monarch, and a continuous rule of terror over the land, a direct parallel to the<br />

antidemocratic, US-led coups in Congo and Chile.

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