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Israel has constructed over 200 illegal settlements on the territories it occupied in<br />

1967. It started slowly. In 1977 there were less than 4,000 illegal Jewish settlers. In 1980<br />

Israel illegally annexed east Jerusalem to the country, which led to the construction of<br />

suffocating semi-circle of settlements around this city. By 1985 Israel had illegally settled<br />

45,000 Jews in the Occupied Territories (a war crime under the Geneva Conventions). By<br />

then, their presence there was already seen as one of the main obstacles to peace in the entire<br />

region. 133 Israel now illegally houses over 240,000 Jews in the settlements on the West Bank<br />

and the Gaza Strip and around 200,000 more in Arab east Jerusalem. Another 17,000 have<br />

settled in the Golan Heights, captured from Syria in the 1967 war, and illegally annexed by<br />

Israel in 1981. The Palestinians have since seen themselves pressed to make one concession,<br />

effectively recognizing Israel’s statehood, i.e. its de facto right to sovereignty over the land it<br />

was ‘given’ by the UN against unanimous Arab resistance and over the additional land that<br />

Israel occupied in 1948 and 1949. The mainstream Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)<br />

made this concession in 1988 and was rewarded by the USA and the rest of the west by no<br />

longer being considered and dealt with as only a terrorist group. Only the right to return to<br />

personal Palestinian land property or financial compensation for having had that property<br />

stolen from them were still being demanded by Palestinians. 134 Israel, however, has never<br />

recognized the right to exist of a Palestinian state. Moreover, Israel refuses to accept moral<br />

responsibility for the fate of the refugees and claims their expulsion was a direct consequence<br />

of an Arab war of aggression against Israel. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution<br />

194, adopted on December 11, 1948, nevertheless grants the Palestinian refugees the right of<br />

return and the right to compensation. Israel never complied with the wish of the international<br />

community. Since then, Israel has in fact continuously defied the United Nations and other<br />

international and global organizations, often in tandem with its main ally. Edward Said<br />

remarks: ‘no state (aside from the US itself) has defied the international community on so<br />

many issues for so long.’ 135 From 1967 to 2003 alone, Israel had 130 UN resolutions issued<br />

against it, none of which was implemented by the Jewish state. 136<br />

In 1987, the first Intifada against Israeli occupation was initiated by youths armed with<br />

mostly nothing more than stones and sticks as well as most of Palestinian civil society which<br />

waged entirely non-violent resistance. It subsided in 1993, with the signing of an interim<br />

peace accord in Oslo between the Israeli government and the PLO. By then, over 1,200<br />

Palestinians and 179 Israelis had been killed in this first popular uprising. 137<br />

The Oslo Accords, however, were not upheld by Israel. As frustration grew among<br />

Palestinians, the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat, were invited<br />

to Camp David by US President Bill Clinton in the summer of 2000. The new proposed peace<br />

plan, championed by Clinton and Barak, essentially remained a Bantustan plan. The<br />

Palestinian ‘autonomous areas’ would be reduced from around 200 to four or five. But each of<br />

these would be isolated from the other, and ‘sovereignty’ was about equal to Bantustan<br />

‘sovereignty’ in South Africa, something that neither the USA nor any other country in the<br />

world, for that matter, had accepted during the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s. Free travel and free trade<br />

within the proposed Palestinian state would have been as impossible as it was within and<br />

between the South African Bantustans. Moreover, Israeli ‘by-pass’ roads, to be used by Jews<br />

133<br />

Avishai: The Tragedy of Zionism: Revolution and Democracy in the Land of Israel, 1985: 10<br />

134<br />

N.N.: Factbox: Jewish Settlements in Gaza and the West Bank, October 25, 2004; Redden: Talks Turn to<br />

Palestinian Refugees After 52 Years, 2000; N.N.: Israel Says Jewish Settlers Number Almost 200,000, July 27,<br />

2000; Miftah: Perspective: What Red Lines, What Compromise? No date; Said: Palestinians Under Siege, 2000;<br />

Tufakji: Settlements: A Geographic and Demographic Barrier to Peace, 2000: 52-58; N.N.: Factbox: Tension<br />

Rises between Israel and Syria, October 7, 2003. Both the 4 th Geneva Convention and UN Resolution 242 render<br />

the Jewish settlements illegal. See also N.N.: EU Presidency Condemns Illegal Israeli Settlements, April 5, 2001.<br />

135<br />

Said December 17, 2000<br />

136<br />

Ess: UN Resolution 1515 To Back Roadmap, 2003<br />

137<br />

Heritage: Cradle of Intifada Nervously Awaits Mideast Peace, August 24, 2000.<br />


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