
Apartheid Apartheid

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50 successfully fought off, but at such a high price that the victors of the war would eventually lose in the wider, more globalized conflict. Vietnam finally had to succumb to capitalism and other western values and institutions – largely due to global US economic power – and KwaZulu eventually had to accept British rule, just as the Arab and Muslim cultures have been giving in to western domination during the last two centuries especially, but almost continuously since the 14 th century. The Lebanese historian, Amin Maalouf, argues that late Medieval Europe was immeasurably enriched by Arab and Muslim culture, science, and technology during and following the crusades, whereas the Arab and Muslim worlds closed themselves in as a result of the traumatic experience, becoming increasingly introspective and self-occupied. 57 Comparisons with Colonialist Societies: British Destruction in Ireland Northern Ireland, a British-imposed construction of six counties, re-creating and redelineating the province of Ulster in 1920 so as to ensure the existence of a privileged, pro- British, Protestant majority, has also been compared with South African political and economic apartheid and can also be likened with the Israeli creation of a privileged Jewish majority within the borders of the state of Israel. Previously, all of Ireland had suffered from centuries of imposed English or British apartheid in a way more similar to South Africa and Graeco-Roman Egypt, i.e. with a relatively small invader minority caste. England first invaded Ireland in 1169, i.e. at the height of crusader power. Although the Irish were no infidels in the eyes of the Catholic Church in Rome, they would soon be seen as such by the English. In the 14 th century, in the small toehold that the English had established on the island since the first invasion, the English government at the same time exacerbated oppression and prevented English settlers from integrating with the locals by outlawing the Irish language and also by making intermarriage and trade between British and Irish people illegal. The authorities even prohibited the settlers from wearing Irish dress and hairstyles and banned Irish poetry, music, and games. At the end of the 16 th century, the English started bringing in settlers in large numbers, in order to partly replace the ‘rude, beastly, ignorant, cruel and unruly infidels’, as the English would contemptuously refer to the Irish. In the following century, Oliver Cromwell overran the island with his troops, killing one quarter of the country’s indigenous Catholics. Innocent women and children were massacred along with resistance fighters, whole communities forcibly moved to reservations. At the end of the 17 th century, already, the indigenous Catholic majority of Northern Ireland owned less than five per cent of the land. In the rest of Ireland it owned 14 percent. The Irish were relentlessly being pushed back to the less fertile land, as well. The reviled ‘Penal Laws’, introduced in 1692, barred Catholics, i.e. the indigenous people, from teaching, owning or buying land, voting, working in public service, in government, in parliament or in the military, and from practicing the legal profession. The laws also severely restricted Catholic land ownership and education for Catholics. Most of these ethnicist laws were not repealed until 1829. But even after that, the conflict continued, for instance due to many members of the vast Catholic majority remaining tenants to Protestant landlords, similar to what South Africans are experiencing at present (‘economic apartheid’ and ‘land apartheid’), and of course due to continued British colonial rule. The potato famine of 1845 cut the Irish population by two million through emigration and starvation (one million each) and fuelled further resentment against the many English absentee landlords who levied high taxes or leases on ‘their’ indigenous farm workers. Similar to the ancient Egyptian language under Graeco-Roman rule and the Khoisan languages in 57 Maalouf 3 2003 (1983): 279ff. The trauma of the temporarily overlapping and equally brutal Mongol invasions, which were partly coordinated with the crusaders’ warfare on Arabs and Islam, accentuated the closing-in of the Arab and Islamic worlds. On KwaZulu, see Chapters II.1.1-2, below.

white-ruled South Africa, linguistic genocide was almost achieved by the British oppressors, with a little help through further anglification from the USA in latter times, but today the indigenous language is enjoying a remarkable comeback. Several uprisings by the indigenous were put down with brutal force throughout the period of British rule. But independence was finally won in 1921 for most of the island, not least due to pressure on Britain from the USA, where an Irish lobby had come to exert influence on foreign policy. 58 Similar to Israel/Palestine, there are still enormous unsolved issues which continue to haunt Ireland. And the interethnic violence continues, mainly because of overdue British sovereignty over the North, although it seems to have been contained significantly in recent years. In the third part of this investigation, we will take a look at some of the lessons that can be learned from peacemaking in Northern Ireland. As for the differences, it is crucial to point out that Ireland under ethnicist English and British rule was never independent of London. It was therefore always much more of a colony or an oppressed province than a fully-fledged apartheid society. Northern Ireland, moreover, still has a Protestant majority, although the Catholic portion is growing constantly and now makes up around 43.8 per cent of the entire population, against 53.1 per cent Protestants. 59 As mentioned above, Northern Ireland does correspond to the internationally recognized state of Israel as well as the de facto Israel in this regard. The Palestinians with Israeli citizenship in Israel, who resemble the Catholics in Northern Ireland, are also oppressed and they make up 19 per cent of the population, and their numbers are also growing. In Historic Palestine, non- Jews will soon be a majority again. Yet, since the Palestinian state does not (yet) exist, since the Irish are Christian, white and European, as opposed to the Palestinians, and since the Palestinian minority with Israeli citizenship is in relative terms less than half that of the Northern Irish Catholic one, the Irish are now in a much stronger position than the Palestinians to make demands on their previous and present tormentors. The Palestinians, however, have United Nations mandates for self-determination, restitution, and right of return, which the Northern Irish Catholics, including descendants, lack. Most importantly, the Northern Irish Catholics and their descendants still suffer ethnicist discrimination and colonialist as well as apartheid violence, but not even nearly to the same extent that the Palestinians do. The Drug Dealers and Squatters of Hong Kong During the first half of the 19 th century, the British Empire discovered a new means of short-term profit-making: buying opium grown in British India, shipping it to eastern China, and selling it there. There may also have been long-term calculations involving an induced breakdown of society and government in China in the plans of the British elites. The Chinese government resisted the British state drug dealers which resulted in two wars between China and Britain, the so-called Opium Wars. Britain won these wars and aside from continuing its profitable sale to Chinese people of opiates – the most addictive drugs known to mankind – it gained strategically invaluable territory at the mouth of the Pearl River. British and American drug dealers, traders, and merchants moved in on the conquered land, and the colony would 58 See Smedley: The Origins of Racism in England and Spain, 2003 (1993): 66f, quote: 67; N.N.: History of the Conflict: A Sinn Féin Education Publication, 2006; N.N.: Factbox: Roots of the Northern Irish Conflict, July 9, 2002; Ericson: Reconciliation and the Search for a Shared Moral Landscape: An Exploration Based upon a Study of Northern Ireland and South Africa, 2001; Fredrickson 1981: 13ff. 59 Richardson: Catholics Close Gap in N.Ireland Census, 2002. On the strong links and similarities between the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and Palestinian militancy, see Roddy: Irish Jews – Sitting Shiva on a Dying Way? 2003. Apparently, Palestine under British colonial rule, supported in its undemocratic aspects by Zionists, was frequently compared by the occupiers to Northern Ireland or ‘Ulster’, as some Protestants prefer to call it. See Reynolds: Conspiracy on Palestine, 1941: 52, which refers to a Sir Ronald Storrs who calls Palestine ‘a Jewish Ulster’, with the Jews in the role of the Protestants and the Palestinians in the role of the Catholics. See also Reynolds: The Pawns in Palestine, 1941: 42; and N.N.: Editor’s Introduction: 5, all in N.N. (ed.): British Imperialism & The Palestine Crisis, 1989. 51

white-ruled South Africa, linguistic genocide was almost achieved by the British oppressors,<br />

with a little help through further anglification from the USA in latter times, but today the<br />

indigenous language is enjoying a remarkable comeback. Several uprisings by the indigenous<br />

were put down with brutal force throughout the period of British rule. But independence was<br />

finally won in 1921 for most of the island, not least due to pressure on Britain from the USA,<br />

where an Irish lobby had come to exert influence on foreign policy. 58<br />

Similar to Israel/Palestine, there are still enormous unsolved issues which continue to<br />

haunt Ireland. And the interethnic violence continues, mainly because of overdue British<br />

sovereignty over the North, although it seems to have been contained significantly in recent<br />

years. In the third part of this investigation, we will take a look at some of the lessons that can<br />

be learned from peacemaking in Northern Ireland.<br />

As for the differences, it is crucial to point out that Ireland under ethnicist English and<br />

British rule was never independent of London. It was therefore always much more of a colony<br />

or an oppressed province than a fully-fledged apartheid society. Northern Ireland, moreover,<br />

still has a Protestant majority, although the Catholic portion is growing constantly and now<br />

makes up around 43.8 per cent of the entire population, against 53.1 per cent Protestants. 59 As<br />

mentioned above, Northern Ireland does correspond to the internationally recognized state of<br />

Israel as well as the de facto Israel in this regard. The Palestinians with Israeli citizenship in<br />

Israel, who resemble the Catholics in Northern Ireland, are also oppressed and they make up<br />

19 per cent of the population, and their numbers are also growing. In Historic Palestine, non-<br />

Jews will soon be a majority again. Yet, since the Palestinian state does not (yet) exist, since<br />

the Irish are Christian, white and European, as opposed to the Palestinians, and since the<br />

Palestinian minority with Israeli citizenship is in relative terms less than half that of the<br />

Northern Irish Catholic one, the Irish are now in a much stronger position than the<br />

Palestinians to make demands on their previous and present tormentors. The Palestinians,<br />

however, have United Nations mandates for self-determination, restitution, and right of return,<br />

which the Northern Irish Catholics, including descendants, lack. Most importantly, the<br />

Northern Irish Catholics and their descendants still suffer ethnicist discrimination and<br />

colonialist as well as apartheid violence, but not even nearly to the same extent that the<br />

Palestinians do.<br />

The Drug Dealers and Squatters of Hong Kong<br />

During the first half of the 19 th century, the British Empire discovered a new means of<br />

short-term profit-making: buying opium grown in British India, shipping it to eastern China,<br />

and selling it there. There may also have been long-term calculations involving an induced<br />

breakdown of society and government in China in the plans of the British elites. The Chinese<br />

government resisted the British state drug dealers which resulted in two wars between China<br />

and Britain, the so-called Opium Wars. Britain won these wars and aside from continuing its<br />

profitable sale to Chinese people of opiates – the most addictive drugs known to mankind – it<br />

gained strategically invaluable territory at the mouth of the Pearl River. British and American<br />

drug dealers, traders, and merchants moved in on the conquered land, and the colony would<br />

58 See Smedley: The Origins of Racism in England and Spain, 2003 (1993): 66f, quote: 67; N.N.: History of the<br />

Conflict: A Sinn Féin Education Publication, 2006; N.N.: Factbox: Roots of the Northern Irish Conflict, July 9,<br />

2002; Ericson: Reconciliation and the Search for a Shared Moral Landscape: An Exploration Based upon a Study<br />

of Northern Ireland and South Africa, 2001; Fredrickson 1981: 13ff.<br />

59 Richardson: Catholics Close Gap in N.Ireland Census, 2002. On the strong links and similarities between the<br />

Irish Republican Army (IRA) and Palestinian militancy, see Roddy: Irish Jews – Sitting Shiva on a Dying Way?<br />

2003. Apparently, Palestine under British colonial rule, supported in its undemocratic aspects by Zionists, was<br />

frequently compared by the occupiers to Northern Ireland or ‘Ulster’, as some Protestants prefer to call it. See<br />

Reynolds: Conspiracy on Palestine, 1941: 52, which refers to a Sir Ronald Storrs who calls Palestine ‘a Jewish<br />

Ulster’, with the Jews in the role of the Protestants and the Palestinians in the role of the Catholics. See also<br />

Reynolds: The Pawns in Palestine, 1941: 42; and N.N.: Editor’s Introduction: 5, all in N.N. (ed.): British<br />

Imperialism & The Palestine Crisis, 1989.<br />


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