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McEvedy, Colin: The Penguin Atlas of African History, London: Penguin, 1995 (1980)<br />

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McGreal, Chris: Worlds Apart (Israel and <strong>Apartheid</strong>: Part 1), The Guardian, February 6, 2006,<br />

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McGreal, Chris: Brothers in Arms – Israel’s Secret Pact with Pretoria (Israel and <strong>Apartheid</strong>: Part 2), The<br />

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Medina, Rutchie Tete: Cynthia The Great, New African, May 2004: 66<br />

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Merkley, Paul Charles: American Presidents, Religion, and Israel: The Heirs of Cyrus, Westport: Praeger, 2004<br />

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Miftah: In the Spotlight: Settlement Dismantling: Don’t Let Them Fool You, October 11, 2002,<br />

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Miftah: Palestinian Jerusalemites Targeted Again, March 19, 2005,<br />

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Mikhail, Natalie J.: How to Create a State: Israel’s Settlement and Immigration Policy, Miftah, April 4, 2005,<br />

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Miles, Tom: Belgian Court Says Sharon Can Be Probed after Office, Reuters, February 12, 2003<br />

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