
Apartheid Apartheid

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328 French, Howard H.: How America Helped Savimbi and Apartheid South Africa, New African, June 2002: 7 (first published in The New York Times, April 1, 2002) Freud, Sigmund: Moses and Monotheism, London: Vintage, 1955 (1939) freundinnen und freunde der klassenlosen gesellschaft (eds.): Rauchzeichen aus den Banlieues: Reflexionen zur Revolte in den französischen Vorstädten, Vienna, 2 2006 Gehrke, Hans-Joachim: Geschichte des Hellenismus, München: Oldenbourg, 1990 Gershberg, Michele: Israelis and Palestinians Wake Up to Water Crisis, Reuters, June 23, 2000 Gershberg, Michele: In Peace or War, Few Israelis Learn Arabic, Reuters, June 29, 2001 Gershberg, Michele: Permanent Vigilance Takes Toll on Israelis, Reuters, November 22, 2001 Gershberg, Michele: Israel Plans to Strip “Terrorists” of Citizenship, Reuters, August 6, 2002 Gershberg, Michele: Palestinian Leader Defiant as Israel Indicts Him, Reuters, August 14, 2002 Gershberg, Michele: Israel Steps Up Crackdown on Foreign Activists, Reuters, May 9, 2003 Giacaman, Rita and Abdullah, Anita: Schooling At Gunpoint: Palestinian Children’s Learning, ZNet, December 7, 2002, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=22&ItemID=2715, July 10, 2006 Giacomo, Carol: Powerful U.S. Jewish Lobby Flexes Political Muscle, Reuters, May 13, 2002 Giacomo, Carol: Arabs Say World Ignores Israel’s Nuclear Program, Reuters, September 29, 2003 Giddens, Anthony: Runaway World: How Globalisation is Reshaping Our Lives, New York: Routledge, 2000 (1999) Giddens, Anthony & Hutton, Will: Fighting Back, in Hutton & Giddens (eds.) 2000: 213-223 Gilbert, Nina: MK Mahoul: Ramallah like ‘Concentration Camp’, Jerusalem Post, March 13, 2001 Ginsberg, Jodie: Apartheid Suit Lawyer Targets U.S., German Firms, Reuters, June 23, 2002 Goff, Peter (ed.): World Press Freedom Review 1998, 1999, Vienna: International Press Institute, 1999, 2000, ( r e s p e c t i v e l y ) , A r t i c l e ‘ I s r a e l ’ , http://www.freemedia.at/cms/ipi/freedom_detail.html?country=/KW0001/KW0004/KW0094/&year=1999, July 10, 2006 Goldenberg, Suzanne: Palestinians Feel the Heat as Police Enforce Beach Apartheid: With Peace Looming, Israel is Keen to Establish Areas for Jews Only, The Guardian, June 3, 2000, http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,327617,00.html, July 10, 2006 Goldhill, Simon: Who Needs Greek? Contests in the Cultural History of Hellenism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 Goldin, Megan: Palestinian Children’s Dreams Haunted by Bloodshed, Reuters, July 25, 2000 Goldin, Megan: Sex Slavery Alive and Well in the Holy Land, Reuters, September 10, 2001 Goldin, Megan: Mass Killer Feted by Jewish Extremists in West Bank, Reuters, February 25, 2002 Goldin, Megan: Fatah’s Barghouthi Defiant in Israeli Court, Reuters, September 5, 2002 Goldin, Megan: Israeli Citizenship Law Splits Arab Families, July 31, 2003 Goldin, Megan: Israeli Supreme Court Asked to Shut Down Secret Jail, Reuters, October 30, 2003 Goldin, Megan: Israel Attacks U.N. over West Bank Barrier Vote, Reuters, December 9, 2003 Goldsmith, Belinda: Australia Joins U.S., Canada in Ban on Hezbollah, Reuters, June 17, 2003 Goller, Howard: Israel’s Biological Institute Plans Expansion, Reuters, September 23, 1998 Goller, Howard: U.S. Asks Israel about Suspected Rights Abuses, Reuters, October 21, 1998 Goller, Howard: Red Cross Says Jewish Settlements War Crime, Reuters, May 17, 2001 Gordon, Gretchen: Evo Morales Becomes Bolivia’s Next President, Now His Real Challenge Begins, ZNet, December 19, 2005, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=52&ItemID=9353, July 10, 2006

329 Gordon, Neve: Apartheid in Israel’s Schools, The Humanist, March-April 2002, Vol. 62, Issue 2 Gordon, Neve: Academic Witch-Hunt in Israel, ZNet, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=107&ItemID=6960, July 10, 2006 Goudriaan, Koen: Ethnicity in Ptolemaic Egypt, Amsterdam: Gieben, Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology; Vol. 5, 1988 Goukowsky, Paul: The Pomp of the Ptolemies, in Jacob & de Polignac (eds.): 135-147 Gould, Stephen Jay: The Mismeasure of Man, New York: Norton, 1981 Grais-Targow, Rita: Femicide in Guatemala, BardPolitik, Vol. 5, Fall 2004, http://www.bard.edu/bgia/journal/vol5/29-31.pdf, April 20, 2006 Gregory, Derek: Geographical Imaginations, Oxford: Blackwell, 1994 Green, Peter: Classical Bearings: Interpreting Ancient History and Culture, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998 (1989) Green, Peter: Alexander to Actium: The Historical Evolution of the Hellenistic Age, Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1990 Green, Peter: “These Fragments Have I Shored Against My Ruins”: Apollonios Rhodios and the Social Revalidation of Myth for a New Age, in Cartledge, Garnsey & Gruen, (eds.) 1997 Greenberg, Joel: Israeli Court Rules on ‘Who is a Jew’: It Backs Non-Orthodox Conversions, International Herald Tribune, February 21, 2002 Guha, Ramachandra: Radical American Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation, Environmental Ethics, Vol. 11, Spring 1989: 71-83, , repr. in Kessler 4 2001: 290-299 Gur-Arieh Danny: Mideast Nuclear War, Reuters, October 4, 1998 Haas, Christopher: Alexandria in Late Antiquity: Topography and Social Conflict, Baltimore/London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997 Haas, Danielle: Israel’s Illegal Foreign Workers Feel the Heat, Reuters, January 14, 2002 HaCohen, Ran: Looking Behind Ha’aretz’s Liberal Image, Antiwar.com, September 30, 2002, http://www.antiwar.com/hacohen/h093002.html, July 10, 2006 Hadawi, Sami: Bitter Harvest – A Modern History of Palestine. Olive Branch Press, New York, 1990 Hagopian, Elaine C.: Soweto on the Jordan, Al-Ahram Weekly, Issue No. 384, July 2-8, 1998 Haider, Peter: Griechen im Vorderen Orient und in Ägypten bis ca. 590 v.Chr., in Ulf, C. (Ed.): Wege zur Genese griechischer Identität: die Bedeutung der früharchaischen Zeit, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1996: 59-115 Hall, John A.: Powers and Liberties. The Causes and Consequences of the Rise of the West. London: Penguin, 1992 (1985) Halle, Morris: Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak (book review), Z Mag, July/August 1995 Halper, Jeff: Eight Decades of the ‘Iron Wall’ Concept, Palestine-Israel Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2001: 97-102 (review of Shlaim 2000) Hamelink, Cees: Confronting Cultural Rights, Media Development, No. 4, 2001, World Association for C h r i s t i a n C o m m u n i c a t i o n , http://www.wacc.org.uk/wacc/publications/media_development/archive/2001_4/confronting_cultural_rights, July 10, 2006

328<br />

French, Howard H.: How America Helped Savimbi and <strong>Apartheid</strong> South Africa, New African, June 2002: 7<br />

(first published in The New York Times, April 1, 2002)<br />

Freud, Sigmund: Moses and Monotheism, London: Vintage, 1955 (1939)<br />

freundinnen und freunde der klassenlosen gesellschaft (eds.): Rauchzeichen aus den Banlieues: Reflexionen<br />

zur Revolte in den französischen Vorstädten, Vienna, 2 2006<br />

Gehrke, Hans-Joachim: Geschichte des Hellenismus, München: Oldenbourg, 1990<br />

Gershberg, Michele: Israelis and Palestinians Wake Up to Water Crisis, Reuters, June 23, 2000<br />

Gershberg, Michele: In Peace or War, Few Israelis Learn Arabic, Reuters, June 29, 2001<br />

Gershberg, Michele: Permanent Vigilance Takes Toll on Israelis, Reuters, November 22, 2001<br />

Gershberg, Michele: Israel Plans to Strip “Terrorists” of Citizenship, Reuters, August 6, 2002<br />

Gershberg, Michele: Palestinian Leader Defiant as Israel Indicts Him, Reuters, August 14, 2002<br />

Gershberg, Michele: Israel Steps Up Crackdown on Foreign Activists, Reuters, May 9, 2003<br />

Giacaman, Rita and Abdullah, Anita: Schooling At Gunpoint: Palestinian Children’s Learning, ZNet,<br />

December 7, 2002, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=22&ItemID=2715, July 10, 2006<br />

Giacomo, Carol: Powerful U.S. Jewish Lobby Flexes Political Muscle, Reuters, May 13, 2002<br />

Giacomo, Carol: Arabs Say World Ignores Israel’s Nuclear Program, Reuters, September 29, 2003<br />

Giddens, Anthony: Runaway World: How Globalisation is Reshaping Our Lives, New York: Routledge, 2000<br />

(1999)<br />

Giddens, Anthony & Hutton, Will: Fighting Back, in Hutton & Giddens (eds.) 2000: 213-223<br />

Gilbert, Nina: MK Mahoul: Ramallah like ‘Concentration Camp’, Jerusalem Post, March 13, 2001<br />

Ginsberg, Jodie: <strong>Apartheid</strong> Suit Lawyer Targets U.S., German Firms, Reuters, June 23, 2002<br />

Goff, Peter (ed.): World Press Freedom Review 1998, 1999, Vienna: International Press Institute, 1999, 2000,<br />

( r e s p e c t i v e l y ) , A r t i c l e ‘ I s r a e l ’ ,<br />

http://www.freemedia.at/cms/ipi/freedom_detail.html?country=/KW0001/KW0004/KW0094/&year=1999, July<br />

10, 2006<br />

Goldenberg, Suzanne: Palestinians Feel the Heat as Police Enforce Beach <strong>Apartheid</strong>: With Peace Looming,<br />

Israel is Keen to Establish Areas for Jews Only, The Guardian, June 3, 2000,<br />

http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,327617,00.html, July 10, 2006<br />

Goldhill, Simon: Who Needs Greek? Contests in the Cultural History of Hellenism, Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press, 2002<br />

Goldin, Megan: Palestinian Children’s Dreams Haunted by Bloodshed, Reuters, July 25, 2000<br />

Goldin, Megan: Sex Slavery Alive and Well in the Holy Land, Reuters, September 10, 2001<br />

Goldin, Megan: Mass Killer Feted by Jewish Extremists in West Bank, Reuters, February 25, 2002<br />

Goldin, Megan: Fatah’s Barghouthi Defiant in Israeli Court, Reuters, September 5, 2002<br />

Goldin, Megan: Israeli Citizenship Law Splits Arab Families, July 31, 2003<br />

Goldin, Megan: Israeli Supreme Court Asked to Shut Down Secret Jail, Reuters, October 30, 2003<br />

Goldin, Megan: Israel Attacks U.N. over West Bank Barrier Vote, Reuters, December 9, 2003<br />

Goldsmith, Belinda: Australia Joins U.S., Canada in Ban on Hezbollah, Reuters, June 17, 2003<br />

Goller, Howard: Israel’s Biological Institute Plans Expansion, Reuters, September 23, 1998<br />

Goller, Howard: U.S. Asks Israel about Suspected Rights Abuses, Reuters, October 21, 1998<br />

Goller, Howard: Red Cross Says Jewish Settlements War Crime, Reuters, May 17, 2001<br />

Gordon, Gretchen: Evo Morales Becomes Bolivia’s Next President, Now His Real Challenge Begins, ZNet,<br />

December 19, 2005, http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=52&ItemID=9353, July 10, 2006

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