
Apartheid Apartheid

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310 in China at approximately that time. 763 On the whole, ethnicism seems to have been overcome by the Muslims in Egypt, for the time being. They would later also use and exploit Sudanese slaves on cotton plantations and for the industrialization of the country. But Islam is one of the non-ethnicist religions par excellence. Due to the complex interaction of all these factors, there was for the first time in a thousand years no longer apartheid in Egypt, at least for several centuries to come. There was no longer a perpetual state of war, other than the struggles of the sexes and the economic classes, within Egyptian society. What could South Africa and Israel learn from this? If apartheid is abolished in political spheres only, the masses will get scant comfort from the fact that there is a new, small indigenous political elite and a new, small indigenous plutocracy alongside the old one, as long as the old one did not just take its money and run. Liberation from apartheid must be an economic, social, and cultural as well as a political phenomenon. Furthermore, liberation from apartheid must also include an end to femicide. In this important regard, even Egypt is still not liberated. Although femicide in Egypt is not unrelated to patriarchalism before the Greek conquest, and although it took on a life of its own which nobody, so far and as far as I know, has considered related to Graeco-Roman rule, I hope to have shown that it is a legacy of that rule and that it urgently needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history along with all other aspects of apartheid. Both sides in apartheid conflicts frequently voice a claim to a monopoly on suffering, even Israeli Jews (mainly due to European racists) and Afrikaners (mainly due to British atrocities in the Anglo-Boer War). But nobody can sustain such a claim, even black South Africans and Palestinians are so far lucky, as whole ethnicities, compared to most Native American ethnicities. Perhaps the fate of apartheid in Egypt can also teach us something more positive and general about the future: that there is hope, somehow. Things do change, and people do, too. And still more can probably be learned, as well. Cultural diversity, for one thing, is a basic value, comparable to nothing less than that of human rights as a whole. Variety is the spice of life, but it is also much more than that. When UNESCO adopted its Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2001, the organization’s Director-General, Koïchiro Matsuura, poignantly expressed hope that it would ‘one day acquire as much force as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’. 764 No wonder that only the USA and Israel voted against UNESCO’s adoption of the legally stronger Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural 763 6 Reader 1998 (1997): 217ff; Oliver & Fage: A Short History of Africa, 1995: 59ff; McIntosh: Early Urban Clusters in China and Africa, 1991: 199-212 764 N.N.: Press Release, General Conference Adopts Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, November 2, 2001. The full text of the declaration is also available on that page. If a democratic world state ever materializes, then cultural diversity and biodiversity should, in my opinion, have equal status to human rights as top priorities in its laws and in its constitution. See, further, Löwstedt 1995: 20ff; Giddens & Hutton: Fighting Back, 2000: 213-223; Held: Cosmopolitanism: Ideas, Realities and Deficits, 2002: 305-324. Only a democratic world state can in my opinion overcome the undemocratic and pro-NATO – i.e. the practically ethnicist and classist – deficits of the United Nations. These deficits are partly to blame for the establishment of a racist state in Israel, and for many other misfortunes and injustices. Yet the UN should also be lauded for the Universal Declarations of Human Rights and on Cultural Diversity, among many other things. The UN can therefore, from my perspective, not be dismissed entirely. The realization of its ideal successor, a democratic world state – it is to be expected – would continue to be sabotaged and vigorously prevented by the most wealthy and powerful nations and organizations in the world today. The reasons are obvious, especially perhaps the basic political economic one: the majority of world parliamentarians as well as the first democratically elected world president are more than likely to be non-Whites, and more in favor of wealth redistribution than wealth concentration, as opposed to the leaders of today’s world, who are of course mainly unelected, or only elected by privileged minorities, from the global perspective. In this important regard, there is global apartheid. Due to the global reach of their influence and power, the owner of News Corporation (Rupert Murdoch) and the president of the USA should otherwise be electable by a global constituency.

311 Expressions in 2005, while 148 countries voted for it! 765 As we saw in Chapter II.9.3, of all the countries in the world Israel and the USA are especially interested in monopolizing information and culture on the worldwide stage, because, in Palestine at least, they stand for discriminatory invader minority rule and cultural hegemony that is unmatched in today’s world. The destruction of cultural diversity is a hallmark of apartheid. It may always be and has indeed been achieved by apartheid, as well as by other kinds of ethnicism. For this reason alone, ethnicism as a whole should join the narrower concepts of genocide, racism, colonialism, and apartheid as a ‘crime against humanity’. (We have also looked at many other reasons in the course of this investigation.) Apartheid would then no longer be seen as a fringe phenomenon among crimes against humanity and its long overdue dismantling in the one place where it still exists unabashed and in full force – in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories – could be accelerated. Let colonialism and majoritarian ethnicism instead belong to the ‘fringe crimes against humanity’ (see Section II.Introduction), of course as long as they do not become genocidal in character. According to the theory proposed here, however, a predominantly colonialist society would have to become apartheid before it could ever become genocidal. Even if only for a short while, that is exactly what happened to the indigenous people in the Americas, in Australia, in the European colonies in southern Africa, and elsewhere. Moreover, the Bantustan conditions imposed on the Palestinians by Israel and the USA through the Oslo Accords and since then, are apartheid crimes. They are thus part and parcel of a crime against humanity and as such they should be eliminated, the sooner the better. Mistakes of the past can be avoided, especially if the past is known well and well known. The Palestinian ‘state’ so far proposed by the Israeli apartheid elites and the USA is an elusive carrot, which may seem like an attractive prize compared to the stick of continued military occupation. Yet, it should not be recognized as a state by the international community, for exactly the same reasons that not one state other than South Africa recognized its Bantustans as independent states during the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s, although Israel, apartheid South Africa’s closest ally, as the only state in the entire world apart from South Africa itself, very nearly recognized the ‘Homeland’ of Bophuthatswana, a fragmented ‘entity’ of poor land with a high population density, i.e. similar to what is now referred to as the ‘Palestinian selfruled areas’ in the West Bank. 766 History has shown that elites will use whatever means are available in order to divide and rule, and Palestinians should continue to beware of the apartheid tricks with which the Israeli elites will continue to come up. A modern Canaan, i.e. an inclusive, secular, democratic state for Arabs, Jews and others, indeed seems to be a worthy goal, but it is not the only solution, nor even necessarily the best one. The solution is deceptively simple: to eliminate apartheid, and thus to save lives, money and environment and to spread more widely both human rights and wealth. Except with a very short-term perspective, it is not hard or expensive to destroy apartheid; it is in fact much more expensive and difficult to uphold it. The Israeli and US business elites are learning this (over and over again) as well as the South African elites did. They do, however, manage to raise the money (over and over again), both through exploitation of the indigenous and others, through taxes and private donations, from their electorates – with generous assistance and collaboration, as we have seen, from many if not most of the largest privately and publicly owned mass media in the world, among many others. It may be the case that no upper social class has ever voluntarily given up economic privileges. The South African Whites merely gave up political and social privileges in the 1990s. Since then, the overwhelming majority of them (in particular the elites) also cling to 765 Unescopress: General Conference Adopts Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, October 20, 2005. Additionally, four countries abstained from voting. 766 See footnote 415, above.

311<br />

Expressions in 2005, while 148 countries voted for it! 765 As we saw in Chapter II.9.3, of all<br />

the countries in the world Israel and the USA are especially interested in monopolizing<br />

information and culture on the worldwide stage, because, in Palestine at least, they stand for<br />

discriminatory invader minority rule and cultural hegemony that is unmatched in today’s<br />

world.<br />

The destruction of cultural diversity is a hallmark of apartheid. It may always be and<br />

has indeed been achieved by apartheid, as well as by other kinds of ethnicism. For this reason<br />

alone, ethnicism as a whole should join the narrower concepts of genocide, racism,<br />

colonialism, and apartheid as a ‘crime against humanity’. (We have also looked at many other<br />

reasons in the course of this investigation.) <strong>Apartheid</strong> would then no longer be seen as a fringe<br />

phenomenon among crimes against humanity and its long overdue dismantling in the one<br />

place where it still exists unabashed and in full force – in Israel and the occupied Palestinian<br />

Territories – could be accelerated. Let colonialism and majoritarian ethnicism instead belong<br />

to the ‘fringe crimes against humanity’ (see Section II.Introduction), of course as long as they<br />

do not become genocidal in character. According to the theory proposed here, however, a<br />

predominantly colonialist society would have to become apartheid before it could ever<br />

become genocidal. Even if only for a short while, that is exactly what happened to the<br />

indigenous people in the Americas, in Australia, in the European colonies in southern Africa,<br />

and elsewhere.<br />

Moreover, the Bantustan conditions imposed on the Palestinians by Israel and the<br />

USA through the Oslo Accords and since then, are apartheid crimes. They are thus part and<br />

parcel of a crime against humanity and as such they should be eliminated, the sooner the<br />

better. Mistakes of the past can be avoided, especially if the past is known well and well<br />

known. The Palestinian ‘state’ so far proposed by the Israeli apartheid elites and the USA is<br />

an elusive carrot, which may seem like an attractive prize compared to the stick of continued<br />

military occupation. Yet, it should not be recognized as a state by the international<br />

community, for exactly the same reasons that not one state other than South Africa recognized<br />

its Bantustans as independent states during the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s, although Israel, apartheid<br />

South Africa’s closest ally, as the only state in the entire world apart from South Africa itself,<br />

very nearly recognized the ‘Homeland’ of Bophuthatswana, a fragmented ‘entity’ of poor land<br />

with a high population density, i.e. similar to what is now referred to as the ‘Palestinian selfruled<br />

areas’ in the West Bank. 766 History has shown that elites will use whatever means are<br />

available in order to divide and rule, and Palestinians should continue to beware of the<br />

apartheid tricks with which the Israeli elites will continue to come up.<br />

A modern Canaan, i.e. an inclusive, secular, democratic state for Arabs, Jews and<br />

others, indeed seems to be a worthy goal, but it is not the only solution, nor even necessarily<br />

the best one. The solution is deceptively simple: to eliminate apartheid, and thus to save lives,<br />

money and environment and to spread more widely both human rights and wealth. Except<br />

with a very short-term perspective, it is not hard or expensive to destroy apartheid; it is in fact<br />

much more expensive and difficult to uphold it. The Israeli and US business elites are learning<br />

this (over and over again) as well as the South African elites did. They do, however, manage<br />

to raise the money (over and over again), both through exploitation of the indigenous and<br />

others, through taxes and private donations, from their electorates – with generous assistance<br />

and collaboration, as we have seen, from many if not most of the largest privately and<br />

publicly owned mass media in the world, among many others.<br />

It may be the case that no upper social class has ever voluntarily given up economic<br />

privileges. The South African Whites merely gave up political and social privileges in the<br />

1990s. Since then, the overwhelming majority of them (in particular the elites) also cling to<br />

765 Unescopress: General Conference Adopts Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of<br />

Cultural Expressions, October 20, 2005. Additionally, four countries abstained from voting.<br />

766 See footnote 415, above.

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