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274 than those of Israeli security personnel (84 percent vs. 69 percent), the reverse was true with Palestinians (20 percent vs. 72 percent).’ 678 The privately owned American media are even more biased in favor of Israel. In a separate report by FAIR, the use of the terms, ‘retaliation’, ‘retaliate’, ‘retaliatory’, etc. in nightly news broadcasts from September 28, 2000 through March 17, 2002 by the three main broadcasting networks, NBC, CBS and ABC, with regard to Israeli and Palestinian violent acts was analyzed. The findings indicated that 79 per cent of the time the words were used to describe Israeli acts of violence. Palestinian violent acts, however, were only described with these words in 9 per cent of the cases. (12 per cent were ambiguous or used to describe violent acts by both sides in the conflict). The impression was thus fostered that Israel acts in selfdefense, in response to violence initiated by their foes, almost nine times more than the Palestinians do. It should by no means be forgotten in this context that in reality both the first use of firearms, the first five deaths and the first hundreds of gunshot wounds in the Second Intifada were all perpetrated by Israeli soldiers and policemen, nor that around three quarters of the killings in the Intifada thus far were in fact of Palestinians by Israelis. Retaliation? 679 The same kind of behavior, amounting to inexcusable, downright lies spread by the US media, could be observed during Israel’s 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon. In a fit of wilful manipulation, retaliatory Hezbollah attacks on Israel on June 24, 1999, killing two civilians, were simply and falsely predated by the US media to give the impression that they occurred before Israel killed at least nine Lebanese civilians in massive bombing raids earlier on the same day. Those US media outlets included CNN, Time, Newsweek, NPR, and the Chicago Tribune, media that all have access to all the major news agencies, including the American Associated Press, the British Reuters and the Agence France-Presse, which all recorded the chronology of events accurately. 680 But even the news agencies are not immune. Associated Press (AP), the largest news organization in the world, apparently erases video material that records Israeli soldiers committing war crimes. In the words of one critic its coverage of the conflict suffers from the following kinds of systematic pro-Israeli bias and manipulation: ‘newsworthy stories not being covered, reports sent to international newspapers but not to American ones, stories omitting or misreporting significant facts, critical sentences being removed from updated reports.’ A major study established that in 2004, AP reported 131% of Israeli deaths (some deaths were reported repeatedly) and 66% of Palestinian deaths in headlines or first paragraphs. It covered Israeli children’s deaths at a rate 7.5 times greater than that of Palestinian children’s deaths. 681 678 Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, Action Alert: For NPR, Violence Is Calm if It’s Violence against Palestinians, 2002. The title of the article refers to allegations by NPR that Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories are ‘calm’ unless there is violence perpetrated against Jews. According to FAIR, its action alert prompted ‘at least several hundred people’ to protest the biased use of ‘calm’ by contacting NPR and complaining against its flagrant misuse of public funds for pro-Israeli propaganda. Yet in spite of the FAIR campaign no improvement with regard to this bias in the NPR coverage of the conflict could be detected a month later. See FAIR: Activism Update: NPR Continues Distortion on Mideast ‘Calm’, 2002. Thus, the pro-Israeli bias on NPR is not only habitual, it is conscious and arrogant, as well. The same manner of underreporting Palestinian deaths while making Israeli deaths major news items is also obvious in the privately-owned US media. See FAIR: Media Advisory: Journalists Find ‘Calm’ when Only Palestinians Die, 2003. 679 FAIR, Action Alert: In U.S. Media, Palestinians Attack, Israel Retaliates, 2002. ABC was the least biased network with ‘only’ three times as many uses of the words for Israeli acts, whereas NBC was the worst, never once referring to Palestinian violent acts as retaliation, but 41 times to Israeli violent acts as such. See also FAIR, Action Alert: CBS’s Mideast ‘Cycle of Violence’; Analysis Omits Palestinian Deaths, 2006. On the nearly ubiquitous lack of balance and objectivity in the US media, especially in foreign news reporting, and their systemic roots in an elitist system of economic and political dominance, see Herman & Chomsky 1994 (1988); Patterson & Wilkins: Media Ethics: Issues and Cases, 5 2005: 196. 680 Ibish: Retaliating in Advance: U.S. Reports Reverse Chronology of Israeli Airstrikes on Lebanon, 1999 681 Quote from Weir: AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy, 2006; If Americans Knew: Deadly Distortion: Associated Press Coverage of Israeli and Palestinian Deaths, 2006. See this website also for

275 The misrepresentation and the lies by mainstream US media go on, sometimes with heavy diplomatic consequences, as well. Canada officially listed Hezbollah, one of the major parliamentary political parties and militant resistance groups against the Israeli invasion in Lebanon, as a ‘terrorist organization’ on December 11, 2002, referring to alleged statements by the Hezbollah secretary-general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, to the effect that Hezbollah was urging Palestinian suicide attacks on Israeli and Jewish targets in Israel to continue and, moreover, for the attacks to spread around the world. Nasrallah, in fact, said nothing of the kind. The quotes had been invented by the pro-Israeli Paul Martin, a reporter from the farright US newspaper, the Washington Times, and by Walid Phares, a far-right, ‘contributing expert’ for the Israeli-based Ariel Center for Policy Research. (One of that center’s directors is Yitzhak Shamir, the former Likud prime minister of Israel.) 682 After the fraud had been exposed, Canada, amazingly, did not repeal its action, apparently due to fear of its mighty southern neighbor. Australia later became the third nation outside of Israel to ban Hezbollah, although the country’s laws only allow bans on groups that are listed by the UN Security Council. In the words of domestic analysts, the Australian ban of Hezbollah was (also) more because of US pressure than due to terrorism. 683 Such is the effectiveness of the propaganda and the intimidation. We shall return to anti-Palestinian racism in Canada below. The New York Times, widely considered the most important newspaper in the world, refers to killings of Israelis, but ignores killed Palestinians in its headlines. For example, on April 10, 2002, the late edition New York Times front-page screamed: ‘13 Israeli Troops Killed in Ambush; Bus Bomb Kills 10’ in the 36point headline size that the paper reserves for what it considers major events. Six paragraphs into the story, the paper provided this additional information: ‘More than 100 Palestinians have been killed in Jenin, the Palestinian town that has brought the stiffest resistance to the broad Israeli sweep through the West Bank. Many of the Palestinian dead still lie where they fell.’ By its headline choice, the Times suggested that the deaths of 23 Israelis…are more important than the deaths of 100 Palestinians. But even those ratios may understate the greater weight that the editors place on Israeli casualties. Beneath the main headline in the late edition were two subheads: ‘Worst Army Toll’ and ‘A 14th Soldier Is Killed in Separate Attack at a Refugee Camp.’ The Times might have used one of the subheads to acknowledge the deaths of more than a hundred Palestinians, but evidently noting the death of a single additional Israeli soldier was considered more newsworthy. One might suggest, in the New York Times’ defense, that large numbers of Palestinian deaths have been a constant since Israel’s military invasion of the West Bank began on April 1, whereas the deaths on April 9 were the first time since the offensive began that Israelis – civilians or combatants – had seen casualties on that scale. But when were the hundreds of Palestinians killed considered to be major, front-page news by the New York Times? A review of the page A1 headlines used by the Times since the March 29 start of the invasion reveals a striking lack of references to the Palestinians killed in the Israeli operations. 684 other analyses of systematic US media bias in reporting the Palestine/Israel conflict. 682 Nasser: Hizbullah – Media Misquoted Our Leader, 2002; Regan: Hezbollah Remarks Likely ‘Invented’, 2002; Parry: Media Caught in a Lie About a Quote that was Never Made, 2002 683 Goldsmith: Australia Joins U.S., Canada in Ban on Hezbollah, 2003 684 FAIR Action Alert: Palestinian Deaths Aren’t Headline Material at New York Times, 2002. Although the United Nations Security Council and the overwhelming majority of the world community demanded an immediate and independent inquiry into the Palestinian deaths in Jenin, Israel stalled and delayed the inquiry

274<br />

than those of Israeli security personnel (84 percent vs. 69 percent), the reverse was true with<br />

Palestinians (20 percent vs. 72 percent).’ 678<br />

The privately owned American media are even more biased in favor of Israel. In a<br />

separate report by FAIR, the use of the terms, ‘retaliation’, ‘retaliate’, ‘retaliatory’, etc. in<br />

nightly news broadcasts from September 28, 2000 through March 17, 2002 by the three main<br />

broadcasting networks, NBC, CBS and ABC, with regard to Israeli and Palestinian violent<br />

acts was analyzed. The findings indicated that 79 per cent of the time the words were used to<br />

describe Israeli acts of violence. Palestinian violent acts, however, were only described with<br />

these words in 9 per cent of the cases. (12 per cent were ambiguous or used to describe violent<br />

acts by both sides in the conflict). The impression was thus fostered that Israel acts in selfdefense,<br />

in response to violence initiated by their foes, almost nine times more than the<br />

Palestinians do. It should by no means be forgotten in this context that in reality both the first<br />

use of firearms, the first five deaths and the first hundreds of gunshot wounds in the Second<br />

Intifada were all perpetrated by Israeli soldiers and policemen, nor that around three quarters<br />

of the killings in the Intifada thus far were in fact of Palestinians by Israelis. Retaliation? 679<br />

The same kind of behavior, amounting to inexcusable, downright lies spread by the US<br />

media, could be observed during Israel’s 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon. In a fit of<br />

wilful manipulation, retaliatory Hezbollah attacks on Israel on June 24, 1999, killing two<br />

civilians, were simply and falsely predated by the US media to give the impression that they<br />

occurred before Israel killed at least nine Lebanese civilians in massive bombing raids earlier<br />

on the same day. Those US media outlets included CNN, Time, Newsweek, NPR, and the<br />

Chicago Tribune, media that all have access to all the major news agencies, including the<br />

American Associated Press, the British Reuters and the Agence France-Presse, which all<br />

recorded the chronology of events accurately. 680<br />

But even the news agencies are not immune. Associated Press (AP), the largest news<br />

organization in the world, apparently erases video material that records Israeli soldiers<br />

committing war crimes. In the words of one critic its coverage of the conflict suffers from the<br />

following kinds of systematic pro-Israeli bias and manipulation: ‘newsworthy stories not<br />

being covered, reports sent to international newspapers but not to American ones, stories<br />

omitting or misreporting significant facts, critical sentences being removed from updated<br />

reports.’ A major study established that in 2004, AP reported 131% of Israeli deaths (some<br />

deaths were reported repeatedly) and 66% of Palestinian deaths in headlines or first<br />

paragraphs. It covered Israeli children’s deaths at a rate 7.5 times greater than that of<br />

Palestinian children’s deaths. 681<br />

678 Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, Action Alert: For NPR, Violence Is Calm if It’s Violence against<br />

Palestinians, 2002. The title of the article refers to allegations by NPR that Israel and the occupied Palestinian<br />

territories are ‘calm’ unless there is violence perpetrated against Jews. According to FAIR, its action alert<br />

prompted ‘at least several hundred people’ to protest the biased use of ‘calm’ by contacting NPR and<br />

complaining against its flagrant misuse of public funds for pro-Israeli propaganda. Yet in spite of the FAIR<br />

campaign no improvement with regard to this bias in the NPR coverage of the conflict could be detected a month<br />

later. See FAIR: Activism Update: NPR Continues Distortion on Mideast ‘Calm’, 2002. Thus, the pro-Israeli<br />

bias on NPR is not only habitual, it is conscious and arrogant, as well. The same manner of underreporting<br />

Palestinian deaths while making Israeli deaths major news items is also obvious in the privately-owned US<br />

media. See FAIR: Media Advisory: Journalists Find ‘Calm’ when Only Palestinians Die, 2003.<br />

679 FAIR, Action Alert: In U.S. Media, Palestinians Attack, Israel Retaliates, 2002. ABC was the least biased<br />

network with ‘only’ three times as many uses of the words for Israeli acts, whereas NBC was the worst, never<br />

once referring to Palestinian violent acts as retaliation, but 41 times to Israeli violent acts as such. See also FAIR,<br />

Action Alert: CBS’s Mideast ‘Cycle of Violence’; Analysis Omits Palestinian Deaths, 2006. On the nearly<br />

ubiquitous lack of balance and objectivity in the US media, especially in foreign news reporting, and their<br />

systemic roots in an elitist system of economic and political dominance, see Herman & Chomsky 1994 (1988);<br />

Patterson & Wilkins: Media Ethics: Issues and Cases, 5 2005: 196.<br />

680 Ibish: Retaliating in Advance: U.S. Reports Reverse Chronology of Israeli Airstrikes on Lebanon, 1999<br />

681 Quote from Weir: AP Erases Video of Israeli Soldier Shooting Palestinian Boy, 2006; If Americans Knew:<br />

Deadly Distortion: Associated Press Coverage of Israeli and Palestinian Deaths, 2006. See this website also for

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