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269<br />

shocking and unacceptable as these insults are (not to mention the racist act of murder itself),<br />

they are still not quite as dehumanizing as the references to Palestinians by Israelis as ‘snakes,<br />

cockroaches and grasshoppers’, quoted above. 661 The reason for this is that the evolutionary<br />

distance of humans to other mammals is not as great as that to reptiles or insects. In order to<br />

emphasize this point, in September 2002, none other than the Israeli Health Minister, Nissim<br />

Dahan, referred to Palestinians as ‘foxes who evolved gradually to become snakes and<br />

scorpions’. The leader of Dahan’s orthodox Jewish Shas party, a junior partner in the ruling<br />

coalition under Sharon’s Likud party, had previously called Arabs ‘damned evil-doers’, and<br />

Palestinians ‘snakes’. 662 It should not be forgotten in this comparison that the quoted<br />

Palestinian suicide bomber was an oppressed and humiliated, young, desperate, and<br />

unemployed man, whereas the Israelis quoted are mature men with enormous powers, state<br />

security protection and other privileges, considerable wealth, and last but not least,<br />

responsibilities in their roles as public servants, including great responsibilities for millions of<br />

disenfranchised Palestinians living and dying under their rule.<br />

The de-humanization of Palestinians went even further in the same year with the<br />

implied yet obvious insults voiced by Moshe Ya’alon, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Chief of<br />

Staff, i.e. the highest ranking military commander in Israel, who described the ‘Palestinian<br />

threat’ as ‘like a cancer’. He went on to explain that ‘there are all sorts of solutions to<br />

cancerous manifestations. For the time being, I am applying chemotherapy.’ 663 At least<br />

healthy foxes, snakes, scorpions, cockroaches and grasshoppers all consist of organic cells,<br />

which work together for the harmony and well-being of the whole organism, but cancerous<br />

cells are deadly anomalies, which, if left alone, will invariably kill their host. (Notice that<br />

Israelis are here implicitly identified as hosts, Palestinians – the indigenous people – as<br />

ungrateful guests who have long outstayed their welcome.) To call cancerous cells ‘forms of<br />

life’ is somewhat perverse, and that is apparently what the top Israeli soldier wishes to express<br />

publicly with regard to Palestinians. He also seems to imply that his temporary solution is to<br />

kill controlled numbers of Palestinians indiscriminately but gently, and that with the means at<br />

his disposal he could apply an even more radical treatment, namely, that of a total excision.<br />

This is nothing new. Said refers to several attempts by Israeli Jews and their American<br />

allies, including many academics and high-ranking politicians, to depict Palestinians or Arabs<br />

as a fatal disease, as something that must be fought. 664<br />

The difference in de-humanization between Palestinians and Jews appears to be<br />

correlated with the relative effectiveness of propaganda on each side of the conflict, and with<br />

the relative confidence with which it is being perpetrated. Given their financial resources and<br />

their allies, it is not surprising that the Israelis are winning the propaganda war in the short<br />

term. But in the long haul, if the war and the hate are perpetuated like this, Israeli Jews are<br />

likely to face a rude awakening, and it may prove fatal for the Israeli Jews to underestimate<br />

Palestinian ingenuity as well as Palestinian humanity, just as it did for Whites with regard to<br />

Blacks in South Africa.<br />

Palestinians are the only main victims out of my three main examples of apartheid<br />

societies who are not African. But I do not believe that this sets them apart in any systematic<br />

or theoretical way from the main victims of apartheid in Egypt or South Africa. The<br />

Palestinians are closer to the Egyptians in space and closer to the South African Blacks in<br />

time. They speak an Afroasiatic language like the ancient Egyptians did (and unlike the South<br />

661<br />

See footnote 370, above. In a similar fashion, Galen, the famous physician and philosopher who studied in<br />

Alexandria, and whose authority in medicine in the western world would remain ‘virtually undisputed’ until the<br />

16 th century, compared non-Greek languages to the sounds of pigs, frogs, ravens and jackdaws. Werner 1992: 18;<br />

N.N.: Article ‘Galen (130-200)’, no date. See Werner 1992: 9, for further ancient Greek sources describing the<br />

languages of barbarians as animal sounds.<br />

662<br />

N.N.: Row Erupts over Israeli Minister “Snake” Remark, September 26, 2002<br />

663<br />

Fisk: How To Shut Up Your Critics With A Single Word, 2002<br />

664<br />

Said 1979 (1978): 306ff.

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