
Apartheid Apartheid

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268 De-secularization among the Jews themselves is also pursued vigorously by the Israeli elites, especially in the case of east Jerusalem. Tanya Reinhart, the dissident Israeli professor at Tel Aviv University, analyses the situation in an unusual way (for an Israeli) a few months into the Second Intifada: In today’s setting, it is hard to recall that just a few years ago, only some fringe lunatics demanded Israeli control of ‘Temple Mount’ [Al Haram al Sharif]. Every time they tried to enter the place and pray, Israeli police would be there to block their entrance or drag them out. Even the word ‘Temple Mount’ was perceived as belonging to the bizarre vocabulary of religious fanatics. Today it is the Israeli government that launches the holy war. Israel’s foreign affairs minister - the ex-liberal Shlomo Ben-Ami - declares day and night that ‘no nation can give up its sacred sites’ and the world nods and accepts. . . . Israel’s claim on ‘Temple Mount’ is completely new - brought up only since the recent Camp David negotiations [held in the summer of 2000]. . . . Barak and Sharon [respectively the head of government and of the parliamentary opposition at the time]…see only one solution to the ‘Palestinian problem’ – subjugation and control! It is not at all impossible that in their sick general’s minds they believe that if one applies sufficient force for sufficient time it may be possible to drive more and more Palestinians out of Jerusalem and the central West Bank so this area becomes more Arab-free. And this approach isn’t confined to just the occupied Palestinians. For several weeks now, Israeli Palestinians have been subject to vicious attacks, and more and more voices in the media (orchestrated, as always, from above) complain about how they have too many rights and are not ‘loyal’ to Israel. . . Israel has become the land of apartheid. 658 Racist Israelis have also at times even gone as far as their previous tormentors, the Nazis, as well as the Afrikaners, in trying to prove the genetic inferiority of Arabs and ‘other Blacks’ (!) compared to Jews. The racist apartheid mindset is vividly illustrated by a young rabbi, quoted by Chomsky, who speaks of the ‘filth’ of mixed marriages between Jews and Arabs and the ‘hybrid children’ that result. (Hybrid is a biological term for crossed species, and most certainly not for ‘crosses’ between two genetically close, in fact genetically indistinguishable, human populations who also speak closely related languages.) 659 The dehumanization of the enemy is of course observable on both sides in the conflict. For instance, a Palestinian suicide bomber who blew up himself and five Israelis at a shopping mall in the Israeli city of Netanya on May 18, 2001, had previously left behind a videotape, in which he said: ‘I will make my body a bomb that will blast the bodies of Zionists, the sons of monkeys and pigs, to avenge every drop of blood spilt on the soil of Jerusalem.’ 660 As and Shaheen: Unkindest Cuts, 2003: 76-81, which is where the author compares anti-Arab depictions in contemporary US motion pictures with anti-Jewish depictions in German Nazi films. On the closely interconnected power of the military, the government and the (privately owned) mass media, including the motion picture industry, in the USA, see Herman & Chomsky 1988. On Orientalism in this context, see Said 1979 (1978): 284ff and Shaheen 2003: 77. On literature see also Little: Representing Arabs: Reliance on the Past, 1998: 261-272. On Patai, see Whitaker: The Arab Mind, 2004. In general, see also Löwstedt: Stereotypical Images of Arabs in the Western Mainstream Media, 2004. 658 Reinhart: Israel – Land of Apartheid, 2000. The only obvious criticism that could be launched against this analysis is that Israel in fact has been a land of apartheid (in a wide sense) continuously since 1948. In another context, however, Reinhart does acknowledge that Israel and the Palestinians have been in a state of war since 1948. See N.N. November 8, 2002. 659 2 Chomsky 1999: 151ff. See footnote 320 for the equivalent Greek labeling of the children of mixed Greek and non-Greek parentage as ‘hybrid’. 660 N.N.: Palestinian Bomber Talks on Video of Vengeance, May 19, 2001

269 shocking and unacceptable as these insults are (not to mention the racist act of murder itself), they are still not quite as dehumanizing as the references to Palestinians by Israelis as ‘snakes, cockroaches and grasshoppers’, quoted above. 661 The reason for this is that the evolutionary distance of humans to other mammals is not as great as that to reptiles or insects. In order to emphasize this point, in September 2002, none other than the Israeli Health Minister, Nissim Dahan, referred to Palestinians as ‘foxes who evolved gradually to become snakes and scorpions’. The leader of Dahan’s orthodox Jewish Shas party, a junior partner in the ruling coalition under Sharon’s Likud party, had previously called Arabs ‘damned evil-doers’, and Palestinians ‘snakes’. 662 It should not be forgotten in this comparison that the quoted Palestinian suicide bomber was an oppressed and humiliated, young, desperate, and unemployed man, whereas the Israelis quoted are mature men with enormous powers, state security protection and other privileges, considerable wealth, and last but not least, responsibilities in their roles as public servants, including great responsibilities for millions of disenfranchised Palestinians living and dying under their rule. The de-humanization of Palestinians went even further in the same year with the implied yet obvious insults voiced by Moshe Ya’alon, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Chief of Staff, i.e. the highest ranking military commander in Israel, who described the ‘Palestinian threat’ as ‘like a cancer’. He went on to explain that ‘there are all sorts of solutions to cancerous manifestations. For the time being, I am applying chemotherapy.’ 663 At least healthy foxes, snakes, scorpions, cockroaches and grasshoppers all consist of organic cells, which work together for the harmony and well-being of the whole organism, but cancerous cells are deadly anomalies, which, if left alone, will invariably kill their host. (Notice that Israelis are here implicitly identified as hosts, Palestinians – the indigenous people – as ungrateful guests who have long outstayed their welcome.) To call cancerous cells ‘forms of life’ is somewhat perverse, and that is apparently what the top Israeli soldier wishes to express publicly with regard to Palestinians. He also seems to imply that his temporary solution is to kill controlled numbers of Palestinians indiscriminately but gently, and that with the means at his disposal he could apply an even more radical treatment, namely, that of a total excision. This is nothing new. Said refers to several attempts by Israeli Jews and their American allies, including many academics and high-ranking politicians, to depict Palestinians or Arabs as a fatal disease, as something that must be fought. 664 The difference in de-humanization between Palestinians and Jews appears to be correlated with the relative effectiveness of propaganda on each side of the conflict, and with the relative confidence with which it is being perpetrated. Given their financial resources and their allies, it is not surprising that the Israelis are winning the propaganda war in the short term. But in the long haul, if the war and the hate are perpetuated like this, Israeli Jews are likely to face a rude awakening, and it may prove fatal for the Israeli Jews to underestimate Palestinian ingenuity as well as Palestinian humanity, just as it did for Whites with regard to Blacks in South Africa. Palestinians are the only main victims out of my three main examples of apartheid societies who are not African. But I do not believe that this sets them apart in any systematic or theoretical way from the main victims of apartheid in Egypt or South Africa. The Palestinians are closer to the Egyptians in space and closer to the South African Blacks in time. They speak an Afroasiatic language like the ancient Egyptians did (and unlike the South 661 See footnote 370, above. In a similar fashion, Galen, the famous physician and philosopher who studied in Alexandria, and whose authority in medicine in the western world would remain ‘virtually undisputed’ until the 16 th century, compared non-Greek languages to the sounds of pigs, frogs, ravens and jackdaws. Werner 1992: 18; N.N.: Article ‘Galen (130-200)’, no date. See Werner 1992: 9, for further ancient Greek sources describing the languages of barbarians as animal sounds. 662 N.N.: Row Erupts over Israeli Minister “Snake” Remark, September 26, 2002 663 Fisk: How To Shut Up Your Critics With A Single Word, 2002 664 Said 1979 (1978): 306ff.

268<br />

De-secularization among the Jews themselves is also pursued vigorously by the Israeli<br />

elites, especially in the case of east Jerusalem. Tanya Reinhart, the dissident Israeli professor<br />

at Tel Aviv University, analyses the situation in an unusual way (for an Israeli) a few months<br />

into the Second Intifada:<br />

In today’s setting, it is hard to recall that just a few years ago, only<br />

some fringe lunatics demanded Israeli control of ‘Temple Mount’ [Al<br />

Haram al Sharif]. Every time they tried to enter the place and pray,<br />

Israeli police would be there to block their entrance or drag them out.<br />

Even the word ‘Temple Mount’ was perceived as belonging to the<br />

bizarre vocabulary of religious fanatics. Today it is the Israeli<br />

government that launches the holy war. Israel’s foreign affairs minister<br />

- the ex-liberal Shlomo Ben-Ami - declares day and night that ‘no<br />

nation can give up its sacred sites’ and the world nods and accepts. . . .<br />

Israel’s claim on ‘Temple Mount’ is completely new - brought up only<br />

since the recent Camp David negotiations [held in the summer of<br />

2000]. . . . Barak and Sharon [respectively the head of government and<br />

of the parliamentary opposition at the time]…see only one solution to<br />

the ‘Palestinian problem’ – subjugation and control! It is not at all<br />

impossible that in their sick general’s minds they believe that if one<br />

applies sufficient force for sufficient time it may be possible to drive<br />

more and more Palestinians out of Jerusalem and the central West<br />

Bank so this area becomes more Arab-free. And this approach isn’t<br />

confined to just the occupied Palestinians. For several weeks now,<br />

Israeli Palestinians have been subject to vicious attacks, and more and<br />

more voices in the media (orchestrated, as always, from above)<br />

complain about how they have too many rights and are not ‘loyal’ to<br />

Israel. . . Israel has become the land of apartheid. 658<br />

Racist Israelis have also at times even gone as far as their previous tormentors, the<br />

Nazis, as well as the Afrikaners, in trying to prove the genetic inferiority of Arabs and ‘other<br />

Blacks’ (!) compared to Jews. The racist apartheid mindset is vividly illustrated by a young<br />

rabbi, quoted by Chomsky, who speaks of the ‘filth’ of mixed marriages between Jews and<br />

Arabs and the ‘hybrid children’ that result. (Hybrid is a biological term for crossed species,<br />

and most certainly not for ‘crosses’ between two genetically close, in fact genetically<br />

indistinguishable, human populations who also speak closely related languages.) 659<br />

The dehumanization of the enemy is of course observable on both sides in the conflict.<br />

For instance, a Palestinian suicide bomber who blew up himself and five Israelis at a shopping<br />

mall in the Israeli city of Netanya on May 18, 2001, had previously left behind a videotape, in<br />

which he said: ‘I will make my body a bomb that will blast the bodies of Zionists, the sons of<br />

monkeys and pigs, to avenge every drop of blood spilt on the soil of Jerusalem.’ 660 As<br />

and Shaheen: Unkindest Cuts, 2003: 76-81, which is where the author compares anti-Arab depictions in<br />

contemporary US motion pictures with anti-Jewish depictions in German Nazi films. On the closely<br />

interconnected power of the military, the government and the (privately owned) mass media, including the<br />

motion picture industry, in the USA, see Herman & Chomsky 1988. On Orientalism in this context, see Said<br />

1979 (1978): 284ff and Shaheen 2003: 77. On literature see also Little: Representing Arabs: Reliance on the<br />

Past, 1998: 261-272. On Patai, see Whitaker: The Arab Mind, 2004. In general, see also Löwstedt: Stereotypical<br />

Images of Arabs in the Western Mainstream Media, 2004.<br />

658<br />

Reinhart: Israel – Land of <strong>Apartheid</strong>, 2000. The only obvious criticism that could be launched against this<br />

analysis is that Israel in fact has been a land of apartheid (in a wide sense) continuously since 1948. In another<br />

context, however, Reinhart does acknowledge that Israel and the Palestinians have been in a state of war since<br />

1948. See N.N. November 8, 2002.<br />

659 2<br />

Chomsky 1999: 151ff. See footnote 320 for the equivalent Greek labeling of the children of mixed Greek and<br />

non-Greek parentage as ‘hybrid’.<br />

660<br />

N.N.: Palestinian Bomber Talks on Video of Vengeance, May 19, 2001

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