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267<br />

of Arabs that are essentially the same as the racist images of Jews promoted by the Nazi<br />

German film industry. The similarities do in fact seem to outnumber the differences by far.<br />

The most important difference, it should be mentioned, is that there are in fact a few<br />

exceptions to Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim propaganda (still) coming out of Hollywood, but at<br />

the time of writing there are hardly any. In Nazi Germany, however, there were of course no<br />

exceptions to anti-Jewish propaganda in the rigidly state-controlled national and local mass<br />

media. 656 Jews, on the other hand, have due to Hollywood become the film victims of racism<br />

par excellence. I am not saying that the Nazi death camps at Auschwitz and elsewhere did not<br />

contain some of the worst manifestations of racism in history. They did. But the American<br />

filmmakers have since almost made genocide, in the popular mind, synonymous with<br />

Auschwitz, thus also sweeping under the carpet the white-led genocides in the Western<br />

Hemisphere and others, as well as the ideologically very inconvenient fact that wealth and<br />

power of the western Europeans and North Americans today depend on gains made from<br />

those conquests, genocides, and the unparalleled theft and exploitation that came with them.<br />

And the idea of an incompatibility between Judaism and Islam, or between Jews and Arabs, is<br />

further fueled by European repression of European anti-Semitism through history. ‘They’ are<br />

the extremes, whereas ‘we’ – the Europeans, the Christians – are in-between, calm, and peaceloving.<br />

Nothing could be further from the truth. The crusades as well as the Christian Roman<br />

Empire, for instance, reveal this attitude to be an upside-down account of intercultural<br />

relations historically.<br />

Out of hundreds of movies since 1980, Jack Shaheen, the Arab-American film critic<br />

and author of ‘Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’, and ‘The TV Arab’, found<br />

only 12 that contained positive portrayals of Arab people. Dating back to 1914, but especially<br />

since the end of the Cold War, Hollywood has presented Arabs as ‘quintessential evil’. For<br />

instance, the 2000 Paramount release, ‘Rules of Engagement’, shows Arab children and<br />

women firing at and killing heroic US elite soldiers by deviously using firearms hidden under<br />

their clothes during a stone-throwing demonstration outside the US Embassy in Sana’a,<br />

Yemen. To the best of my knowledge, it is the only work of fiction that effectively manages to<br />

accuse women and children – facing armed, foreign, elite soldiers employed by the world’s<br />

sole military superpower – of cowardice! That film and 13 others that show Americans killing<br />

Arabs (including women and children) credit the US Defense Department for providing<br />

equipment, personnel and technical assistance. The prevalent anti-Arab racism in the US,<br />

however, must also partly be blamed on the strong effects of an older, eurocentric tradition of<br />

Orientalism, as Edward Said has shown.<br />

The American literary critic, Greta D. Little, has identified five stereotypes that have<br />

persisted during the last two-and-a-half centuries of western literature on Arabs for adults and<br />

children: 1.) Arabs are dirty and lazy. 2.) Arabs are ignorant, superstitious and silly. 3.) Arabs<br />

are irrational, cruel, and violent. 4.) Arabs mistreat women. 5.) Arabs hate Christians and<br />

engage in the slave trade (nowadays: in hostage-taking). Of course, there are exceptions, but,<br />

again, not many, and not prominent. Moreover, Arabs are portrayed in centuries of western<br />

literature as needing western guidance and western values. One of the worst examples of this<br />

kind of racism is the book, ‘The Arab Mind’, by Raphael Patai, which was published in 1976.<br />

The book was being used as late as 2003 by the US military to brainwash its own soldiers in<br />

preparation for invading Iraq and for the ensuing US military occupation of that country. Its<br />

long chapter on the purported Arab sexual taboo ridden with shame and repression is<br />

supposed to have shaped US military torture techniques during that occupation, as<br />

exemplified in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison murders and extreme humiliation of<br />

indigenous suspects by illegal US occupation personnel. 657<br />

656 Sardar: Orientalism, 1999: 95ff<br />

657 Shalal-Esa: Writer Documents Hollywood’s Vilification of Arabs, 2001. See also Shaheen: “Rules of<br />

Engagement”: A Highwater Mark in Hollywood Hate Mongering with U.S. Military “Cooperation”, 2000: 15f,

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