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262<br />

so it was easy for them to swallow the Arab lie that we came to a<br />

foreign country almost like crusaders, conquered it and took it away<br />

from the native population. It seems to the Europeans that we are not<br />

in our own country but in the Belgian Congo. 644<br />

As we have seen throughout this investigation, however, Netanyahu and his fellow<br />

Israeli Jews are in a place and position indeed comparable to the Belgians in Congo, although<br />

even more people were actually killed there. Around ten million Congolese were killed<br />

between 1891 and 1911 alone, mainly as a compounded result of different kinds of aggressive<br />

European presence in the region, namely, as a result of genocide, colonialism, apartheid<br />

(perpetrated by and on behalf of Belgian settlers) and, mainly, as an indirect consequence of<br />

the European racist slave trade and slave industries, which had already ended by then. The<br />

Israeli Jewish situation is a great deal more like the Whites in South Africa, at least until 1994.<br />

But it is not entirely incommensurable with the Belgian Congo. The basic ingredients, except<br />

for the system of slavery, were all there. 645 Jews in Israel today are therefore no better than the<br />

Whites in South Africa, or anywhere else in Africa, except perhaps for some rather localized<br />

atrocities. They are essentially invaders or descendants of recent invaders, who have decided<br />

to base their perceived right to be there on military might. Their justifications – for giving and<br />

allowing Jews more access than indigenous Palestinians to the land and the wealth – by the<br />

alleged word of God, or by ‘history’, are simply not enough from the standpoint of basic<br />

respect for basic human rights, nor at all from existing international law.<br />

After a rocky period of conquests and re-conquests by the different powers of the day,<br />

the last independent Jewish state in antiquity (in which Jews spoke Aramaic, not Hebrew) was<br />

crushed by the Roman Empire, which gave the province the name, Palestina, after the<br />

Philistines, who had lived there for over a thousand years already. ‘Palestine’ is a name that<br />

remained unchallenged, among Jews as well, for nearly two thousand years. The Jews were<br />

scattered across the world after the Roman conquest. During much of the Middle Ages and the<br />

Modern Era, some Jews were to play roles similar to the ones they had played in Egypt, under<br />

Persian as well as under Greek and Graeco-Roman rule. They would often belong to a secondtier<br />

or third-tier ethnic and social class, helping the oppressors police and exploit the<br />

indigenous majority. Individual Jews would also sometimes be on the bottom of the hierarchy,<br />

and sometimes very close to or at the top. Collectively, they were also often made scapegoats<br />

and sometimes massacred for invented reasons, such as the medieval European plague. Most<br />

of the time, they were discriminated against in various ways, especially by European<br />

Christians and Atheists. 646<br />

Until the nineteenth century, many Jews wanted to return to their ‘Promised Land’ for<br />

religious reasons. With the increasing secularization of Europe during the last few centuries,<br />

however, this wish waned. In the 1890s, the Zionists, European Jews with a political program<br />

of ‘re-taking’ and ‘restoring’ Israel and the Hebrew language and culture, burst upon the<br />

scene. No longer was the religious motivation the main motivation.<br />

In western Europe, Jews had often improved their socio-economic and political status,<br />

but in Eastern Europe they repeatedly became an oppressed ethnic minority. Zionists decided<br />

that in order to further improve their social and political status, Jews must establish a national<br />

homeland, in which they would all be united. Like the Germans and Italians had created or<br />

644 Pumpyansky Interview, July 2002. Netanyahu confuses colonialism and genocide with apartheid, a fallacy to<br />

which many of his harshest critics are also prone. Moreover, two-thirds of the group of people which he refers to<br />

by the first person plural are today at home in other countries than Israel and Palestine.<br />

645 Lindqvist 1998 (1992); Reader 1998 (1997): 517ff; Akram: Norman G. Finkelstein: The Holocaust Industry:<br />

Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, 2002. See footnote 348 on sex slavery in Israel today. It is<br />

not practiced to the same extent, of course, as African slavery was by the Whites.<br />

646 Shahak: Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, 1994; Fredrickson 2002:<br />

18ff. See also the reviews of Shahak’s book by Hunt, E. H. 1994, Pages 69, 79-80, and Halle 1995.

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