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261<br />

be denied access to or be expelled from the city? A truly liberated Jerusalem should therefore<br />

be accessible to all, regardless of religion or ethnicity, and without exception. 643 Similarly,<br />

White families who have inhabited South Africa for three centuries or more could not<br />

possibly be expected to feel that any other place is home. The Jews have an older recorded<br />

relationship with Palestine than the Whites to South Africa, but it is cultural, not ethnic or<br />

biological, and it cannot be respected as an exclusive claim by any reading of international<br />

law or secular ethics informed by the concept of equal human rights. Furthermore, it is not an<br />

unbroken relationship. In political and judicial regards, it is both ancient and very recent, but<br />

with large gaps and discontinuities. Muslims, Christians, and others, need to be respected<br />

equally for their special relationship to the land, to the ancient institutions, and to the symbols<br />

of their faiths.<br />

The descendants of the first white settlers in the Cape may, on the other hand, have<br />

more ancestors born in South Africa than modern Israeli Jews who descend from ancient ones<br />

have in Israel, modern and ancient, in relative as well as absolute numbers. Furthermore,<br />

archaeoanthropologically speaking, all human beings have African heritage. In this sense, all<br />

Whites who came to South Africa came home, whereas all Jews who came to Israel certainly<br />

did not come home in any biological sense whatsoever.<br />

Most importantly, however, the Zionists responsible for systematic gross human rights<br />

violations in Palestine since 1948 cannot be exonerated on any form of historical or religious<br />

grounds, since the Jews’ alleged exclusive right to the land is practically nullified by the<br />

historical distance. The final loss of sovereignty by Jews over (some of) the land that other<br />

Jews now occupy to the Romans over 2,000 years ago simply cannot be rectified, since the<br />

Roman Empire no longer exists. For Jews to claim the land ‘back’ on historical grounds<br />

would be akin to Mayans – assuming they had an independent homeland – today claiming<br />

land back that they had lost to the Toltecs, long before any Spaniards, French or Austrians, the<br />

next great waves of invaders, even knew about what is today Mexico, Honduras and<br />

Guatemala. In the USA it would mean that 99 per cent of the population would have to leave,<br />

and with better justification, since it was only invaded a quarter of the years ago compared<br />

with the Jews, and since the same white ethnicity has held power and wealth in the USA ever<br />

since; in Britain, about as many would have to hand over all their land to the Celts and the<br />

Welsh. The historical claim to Israel by Jews and for Jews alone, therefore, is a preposterous<br />

and extremely arrogant claim, not matched by any other people’s claims to land.<br />

Attempts at Zionist justification usually pursues the same logic but in a different, more<br />

secular way. It starts with the alleged need for a Jewish state, and then asks: where should we<br />

put it? Since the Jewish claim on the rest of the world is even more tenuous, that leaves only<br />

Palestine.<br />

The Greeks’ relationship with Egypt prior to their de facto invasion was of yet another<br />

kind: at times intense cultural interaction, trade and Greek mercenary services. Whether the<br />

depth of that relationship can be compared at all with the depth of Jewish ties to historical<br />

Palestine is hard, if not impossible, to determine. Obviously, the Greeks had had a more<br />

intense relationship with Egypt during the centuries preceding invasion. But the Jews had had<br />

a more intense relationship in the few decades preceding invasion of Palestine, most<br />

conspicuously Zionist plans and activities (including terrorist activities against both<br />

Palestinians and British colonialists) to bring about that invasion.<br />

The Israeli ex-prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has described this secular view of<br />

the nature of the relationship between Jews and the lands of Israel and Palestine as a kind of<br />

eurocentric illusion, and, ultimately, an ‘Arab lie’:<br />

Almost all European nations have had the experience of colonialism,<br />

643 Cunin: This Year in Jerusalem, no date; Starhawk: Next Year in Mas’Ha, 2003. Jerusalem has of course also<br />

been interpreted as a spiritual place. See Löwstedt: Jerusalem in My Heart, 2005.

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