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258<br />

Israeli military censors, by Israeli soldiers targeting and shooting journalists – especially<br />

journalists of Palestinian ethnicity – and by Israeli and its allied and/or hired US public<br />

relations professionals. 636 However, the qualitative bias of pro-Israeli spin in world media is<br />

remarkable, perhaps even unprecedented, and it amounts to something that is well beyond the<br />

sympathy afforded South African Whites by the world. This is dependent on investment and<br />

effort as well as a deep historical dimension to the ideology, in some respects even deeper<br />

than both the Graeco-Roman one in Egypt and the white one in South Africa.<br />

9.3. The Bible, Hasbara and the Media<br />

For centuries, both Arabs and Jews have developed historical roots in the country now<br />

known as Israel. Both groups have a strong emotional attachment to the country. This has<br />

created two nationalisms, an Arab nationalism, which claims Palestine as its homeland, and a<br />

Jewish nationalism, which through ‘Zionism’ established a homeland in the ‘Holy Land’ and<br />

contributed considerably to the development of the modern state of Israel.<br />

Since Abraham, according to the Bible around 2000 BCE, or since around 1000 BCE<br />

as most scientific scholars believe 637 , Jews had thought of Palestine, and sometimes also its<br />

more than immediate surroundings, as their ‘Promised Land’. Two Old Testament passages<br />

are the main sources of the justification by alleged revelation:<br />

[T]he Lord made a covenant with Abraham, saying, Unto thy seed<br />

have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the<br />

river of Euphrates... (Genesis 15:18)<br />

[T]he Lord spake unto Joshua…the land which I do give…to the<br />

children of Israel…From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto<br />

the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto<br />

the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.<br />

(Book of Joshua 1:1-4)<br />

Due to this very useful and allegedly divine sanction, any means used to appropriate<br />

the land were apparently allowed for the Jews, and for them alone, in order for them to get rid<br />

of the indigenous peoples:<br />

And Joshua said to the children of Israel…the living God is among<br />

you, and…he will without fail drive out from before you the<br />

Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and<br />

the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites. (Ibid: 3:9-10)<br />

Joshua and his ‘men of valour’ first conquered Jericho, with some supernatural help<br />

(back when Jews were knocking down security fences with the sounds of trumpets), and then<br />

‘they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old…with the<br />

636 Bathish et al. 2004. Finkelstein, in C. Brown 2006, argues that the shrill accusations of ‘anti-semitism’ against<br />

critics of Israel have increased sharply since the early 1980s, since facts are no longer so easily buried. See also<br />

Chapter II.9.3, below.<br />

637 Whitelam 1996; and, for instance, the egyptologists Rolf Krauss, Edgar Pusch and Old Testament scholars<br />

Bernd Jörg Diebner and Niels Peter Lemche, originally quoted in N.N.: Archaeology: Was Moses Really<br />

Pharaoh? 1997. Palestinians today sometimes refer to themselves as ‘Cana’anites’, underscoring the far from<br />

unrealistic possibility that some may have Palestinian ancestors from before the very first conquest of the land or<br />

the very first case of immigration or colonialization by Jews or by their ancestors (i.e. by some of those people<br />

whose descendants were to become Jews). Whitelam treats ancient Israel as a rather minor part of Palestinian<br />

history, for sound reasons, in my opinion. The entire country, which has been referred to as ‘Palestine’ far longer<br />

than as ‘Israel’, has always been multi-ethnic and there have always been several religions co-existing there. The<br />

PLO continues this legacy with its call for a secular and democratic state. The modern Jewish state, however,<br />

does not. Its closest spiritual precedent is the story of the mayhem of the Book of Joshua. Its closest material<br />

precedent is probably the Crusades, see Chapter I.1.4, above.

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