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have settled and ruled supreme in South Africa for longer and in greater absolute and relative<br />

numbers than anywhere else on the continent, except in Egypt during late ancient times.<br />

Furthermore, South Africa under white rule was at times a colony – of the<br />

Netherlands, the Dutch East India Trading Company and the British Empire – and Egypt was<br />

degraded to a corresponding provincial status under Roman rule. Typical apartheid societies<br />

as I understand them, however, are generally independent and sovereign countries, which the<br />

de facto invading ethnic minorities consider to be their homes. This applies to Greek-ruled<br />

Egypt as well as to independent South Africa or independent parts of it under white rule, and<br />

to modern Israel since its creation in 1948. Colonies, on the contrary, are of course never<br />

independent and the sense of home (if any) in the colony for the conqueror is tempered by the<br />

important fact that the colonializers are always formally welcome back home to the<br />

motherland after having served it in the colony.<br />

Since modern Israel – alone among my three prime examples of apartheid – was never<br />

a colony of a Jewish-European motherland nor a Jewish colony in any other way, it is not<br />

surprisingly the least colonialist and in more than one way, arguably, the most genocidal of<br />

the three. In any case, its combination of killings and expulsions, its so-called ‘ethnic<br />

cleansing’ of the indigenous inhabitants, has created a huge majority of Jews in the state of<br />

Israel, although there are (still) only about half as many Israeli Jews as there are Palestinians,<br />

most of the latter now being refugees. 15 On the other hand, South African Whites, as well as<br />

Greeks and Romans in Egypt, were always minorities. Like the Israelis, however, the South<br />

African Whites and the Greeks in Egypt cooked the books to make themselves appear to be<br />

majorities, also mainly through the extremely selective and ethnicist use of the institution of<br />

citizenship, which was denied many or almost all of the indigenous.<br />

Yet it is notoriously difficult to compare instances of genocide, or of other crimes<br />

against humanity. Israel has achieved a kind of genocide in relative terms, although, so far, it<br />

expelled many more people than it killed. The Palestinian refugees and their descendants<br />

number over 4.5 million, the people killed by Israel include over 264,000 Palestinians and<br />

more than 120,000 citizens of neighboring countries. In addition, at least hundreds of<br />

thousands, probably millions, of Palestinians and other Arabs have been permanently disabled<br />

or wounded. (See Chapter II.1.3, below.) Millions have fled, been forcibly expelled, lost their<br />

property and are in many other ways condemned to poverty, a significantly shorter life<br />

expectancy and a much lower quality of life.<br />

In absolute numbers, however, the Whites in South Africa appear to be the most<br />

murderous, probably exceeding three million victims over its 350 years of apartheid in the<br />

wide sense, one and a half million of whom were directly or indirectly killed alone during the<br />

last 34 years of white supremacist rule. However, there are now nearly four times as many<br />

black South Africans as there are Palestinians. Therefore, absolute numbers are not good<br />

indicators for what constitutes genocide. To ask who has suffered more in general, then, is<br />

also ungrateful to the victims and indeed pointless. Graeco-Roman Egypt, on the other hand,<br />

was unique in achieving the demise of a great civilization, wiping out the language, religion,<br />

scripts and other cultural aspects of ancient Egypt. After this had been achieved, it took almost<br />

1500 years before the Egyptian script was deciphered, read and understood again – ironically,<br />

mainly by Europeans. We have no idea, however, how many Egyptians were killed by the<br />

European invaders and their descendants, allies and collaborators. South African Whites<br />

indirectly and directly achieved the same kind of ‘cultural cleansing’ as the one in Egypt upon<br />

several indigenous Khoisan groups, coupled with physical genocide and inadvertently spread<br />

diseases, though not upon the larger Bantu-speaking groups. The cultures of the latter,<br />

however, were changed beyond recognition. For hundreds of thousands of Palestinian<br />

refugees, the term ‘cultural cleansing’ also applies. The razing of their homes and whole<br />

15<br />

Herman.: Israel’s Approved Ethnic Cleansing, Part 1, Making “Facts on the Ground”, 2001, see also Chapters<br />

II.1.3 and 2.3, below.<br />


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