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192<br />

4.3. Ethnic Cleansing of Non-Existent People<br />

To some Israelis, the words ‘Palestine’ and ‘Palestinian’ never referred to anything or<br />

anyone, so with the establishment of the state of Israel, no one was disregarded or<br />

dispossessed. The other people who claimed the land, the Palestinians, did not exist in the first<br />

place. Golda Meir, a founder and the fourth Prime Minister of the State of Israel (1968-1974)<br />

contended that:<br />

It was not as though there was a Palestinian people and in Palestine<br />

considering itself as a Palestinian people and we came and threw them<br />

out and took their country away from them. They did not exist. 400<br />

Jewish immigrants established themselves in Israel, taking Palestinian land, using it<br />

for grazing, building on it, making it their own, so that by 1967 (when the rest of Palestine<br />

became Israeli land) the Palestinians became entirely landless. Many Palestinians had been<br />

forced to move to neighboring Arab countries (Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon) after Al Nakba –<br />

the disaster (of Palestinian dispossession) in 1948 – whereby they became refugees. The<br />

majority of Palestinians then became refugees after Israel invaded the West Bank and the<br />

Gaza Strip in 1967.<br />

Confiscation of land began with the establishment of Israel, during which more than<br />

400 Palestinian villages were destroyed, depopulated and replaced by Israeli towns and<br />

settlements. Before this, Zionists had legally bought land in British-held Palestine, and of<br />

course this still happens today, in a legal manner, within the state of Israel. However,<br />

Palestinians are not allowed to buy land in Israel, even if they are Israeli citizens. Since this is<br />

racist discrimination, and racism is a crime against humanity, the legality of some Jewish land<br />

purchases within Israel may therefore come under debate. Moreover, Zionists have repeatedly<br />

tried to buy territory occupied by Israel, although this illegal under international law (the 4 th<br />

Geneva Conventions, to which Israel is a signatory). This is especially taking place in east<br />

Jerusalem, where long lines of middlemen are arranged so that it appears that not Israeli Jews,<br />

but foreigners, are buying the land. 401<br />

Crude land confiscation, land theft, is also still taking place today, after 58 years of<br />

occupation, and thirteen years of the ‘Arab-Israeli peace process’, which was supposed to put<br />

an end to further confiscation of Palestinian land. 402 During the Intifadas, even more<br />

of the total population owned 75 per cent of the arable land in 2004, 14 years after liberation from white rule. See<br />

Esipisu: Namibia Says Starts Expropriating White Farms, 2004.<br />

400 Quoted in The Sunday Times, London, June 15, 1967. The perpetuation of this very consciously created myth<br />

and/or obfuscation can still be seen today. In a highly unusual opinion article for this newspaper – Lewis, A.: At<br />

Home Abroad: The Price of Occupation, The New York Times, June 2, 2001 – the author relates: “When I wrote<br />

critically of the settlements in a recent column, I got letters and messages seeking to justify them in the most<br />

fantastic terms. One dismissed Palestinians as a nonexistent nation - people who had ‘crept into the country from<br />

Egypt, Jordan and Syria.’ . . . Other readers insisted that Jewish settlements in the occupied territories were built,<br />

as one put it, ‘on unwanted, unclaimed property.’ Can such readers really be ignorant of the pain suffered by<br />

Palestinians who have seen their olive groves bulldozed to make room for settlements?”<br />

401 Palestine & The UN: 50 years of Historic Injustice, 1998: 2; Miftah: Palestinian Jerusalemites Targeted<br />

Again, 2005. Similarly, Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony sometimes stole cattle and sometimes bought it in the<br />

Cape Colony. Land was not for sale in pre-White South Africa, but of course it became a fought-for source of<br />

wealth just as in Palestine. See N.N.: Oppression Of Khoikhoi and Xhosa, no date.<br />

402 Kiley: Palestinians Driven Out by Israeli ‘<strong>Apartheid</strong>’, 2000; N.N.: Gulf Media Slam ‘Racist’ Israeli Buffer<br />

Zone Plan, February 23, 2002. The plan, announced by Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon on February 21,<br />

envisaged a military buffer zone between Jews and Palestinians, up to 3 kilometers deep, with concrete barriers,<br />

trenches, mine fields and electronic fences, to be set up on the Palestinian side of each of the numerous physical<br />

ethnic divides. The Israeli excuse for the tightening of blockades and the proposed buffer zone is that they are<br />

responses to suicide attacks on territory held by Jews. Even some Israelis, however, concede that several suicide<br />

attacks took place during blockades. Thus, the Palestinian militants are always likely to find a way into Jewishheld<br />

territory. See Ass’adi: Palestinians Say Israeli Checkpoints Stir Fury, 2002; Heritage: Analysis - Israel

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