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colonies within and around the city have become constant elements of<br />

Israel’s demographic engineering through ethnic cleansing. 334<br />

169<br />

These words by the Palestinian legislator, Hanan Ashrawi, sum up the situation as<br />

‘unique’. There is no question that this has been done before, as can also be seen in the title of<br />

the entire text, presented at the World Conference against Racism in August- September 2001,<br />

from which the quote above was lifted – ‘World Should Intervene to End the Israeli<br />

<strong>Apartheid</strong>’ – but in today’s world, Ashrawi is correct: Israel definitely stands alone in its<br />

blatant practice of apartheid.<br />

Repopulation in Israel also takes forms similar to both South Africa under white rule<br />

and to even more sinister oppression in the Third Reich, namely in the form of the ‘population<br />

management’ to which Ashrawi refers. This is a further dimension to the demographic war<br />

referred to in the previous section. Next to ethnicist depopulation, immigration and<br />

fertilization measures, there is a wide range of additional efforts by the Israeli elites to make<br />

Israel and Palestine more Jewish and less Arab.<br />

The Israel Council for Demography (ICD), which comprises top Israeli gynecologists,<br />

public figures, lawyers, scientists and physicians, met in the summer of 2002 to ‘encourage<br />

the Jewish women of Israel – and only them – to increase their child bearing, a project which,<br />

if we judge from the activity of the previous council, will also attempt to stop abortions’<br />

according to Gideon Levy. ‘[M]ethods to increase the Jewish fertility rate and prevent<br />

abortions’, and ‘techniques to encourage abortions and reduce the birthrate among Arab<br />

women’, were both to be ‘at the center of the committee’s discussions’. 335<br />

Another commentator, Will Youmans, remarks that ‘[t]his obsession is binary and<br />

inverse: they want more Jews and less Palestinians.’ A state policy which aims to outlaw<br />

abortion for Jewish women and encourage abortion for Arab women needs to emphasize the<br />

differences between these two kinds of women, preferably by considering them as belonging<br />

to different races or even different species (see Chapter II.9.3, below). Moreover, the ICD<br />

encourages all-Jewish pregnancies by offering tax breaks, ‘housing benefits and other<br />

government grants’, as well as further discouraging mixed marriages, (as if they were not<br />

already enough discouraged, i.e. made practically impossible, except for some people who<br />

marry abroad). The ICD is first and foremost one of the numerous examples in which Israel<br />

remains an ethnicist state. But it is also a sexist state: almost all of the ICD participants, like<br />

the dominant political, military, religious, and economic elites in Israel, are male. 336<br />

A remarkable parallel among many between apartheid South Africa and Israel is the<br />

following: Just as South Africa had twice as many family planning clinics as health clinics for<br />

Blacks in 1991, the state of Israel, within which the oppressive ethnic group is a large<br />

majority, had more fertility clinics per capita than any other country in the world ten years<br />

later. Israel also has the world’s highest per capita rate of in-vitro fertilization procedures.<br />

Fertility treatments are fully subsidized by Israeli national health insurance. It is crucial to<br />

realize here that these phenomena are not the result of unusually high rates of infertility in<br />

Israel. Israelis are in fact no less fertile than other people. 337<br />

For non-Jews, especially Arabs, Israeli immigration policies prior to the outbreak of<br />

the Second Intifada became ‘increasingly restrictive. Many immigrants are unable to marry,<br />

334 Ashrawi August 28, 2001<br />

335 Levy: Wombs in the Service of State, 2002, quoted in Barghouti, O. 2002.<br />

336 Youmans: Understanding the Existential Threat: Israel’s Demographic Obsession, 2002. See also Foa<br />

December 2, 2002. Similar to the ICD in goals is EFRAT (www.efrat.org.il/en/), an organization calling for an<br />

end to abortions for Jewish women, and Jewish women alone, in Israel. It is an organization endorsed and<br />

supported by the Israeli president, Moshe Katzav, as well as by the former prime minister, Benyamin Netanyahu.<br />

See Parry: Haaretz.com Runs Ad Discouraging Jewish Abortions as “Only Solution” to Arab Population Growth,<br />

2005.<br />

337 Kahn 2000; Vromen no date

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