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the perpetrators and much of the rest of the world perversely blaming the Palestinian victims<br />

in the process. If Israel had not imposed itself on Palestinian land, society, and culture,<br />

Palestine (and at least parts of some of the surrounding countries) could have started<br />

developing a human rights culture earlier and extended all human rights to women in<br />

accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human<br />

Rights. On the other hand, Palestinian femicide may also have taken place in an independent<br />

Palestine. In hindsight, it is, of course, impossible to say.<br />

The losses due to the demographic war in human terms are of course immeasurable,<br />

and directly comparable to the ‘conventional’ devastation wrought by apartheid, in South<br />

Africa as elsewhere. Although I am a convinced anti-elitist, and I am sure he is too, the words<br />

of Hugh Lewin rang as true in my memory for me in Palestine as they did when he explained<br />

how apartheid destroyed a generation of black moral leaders in South Africa. Lewin is an<br />

apartheid survivor who was tortured by the state authorities. When I visited him at the<br />

Institute of Advanced Journalism in Johannesburg in June 1998, Lewin showed my students<br />

and me examples of how the most intelligent and moral young people in black communities<br />

around the country were targeted and often eliminated by South Africa’s state powers during<br />

the apartheid era. The people who make up most of the casualties in conflicts involving<br />

demographic warfare, it seems, are particularly targeted not only if they are young but also if<br />

they have a strong sense of justice, if they are morally intelligent. One of the main horrors of a<br />

demographic war is that a second prong, kept running by the apartheid elites as well, but also<br />

by the remaining indigenous patriarchal elites, attacks the most intelligent and morally<br />

developed young people from another angle, an entirely gendered angle: Just like the<br />

Palestinian boys and young men who go out to demonstrate against the unjust laws and the<br />

unjust occupation (which are all illegal under international law) and get shot, young<br />

Palestinian women, who believe in the just cause of making their own decisions about their<br />

own lives, may also pay with their own lives.<br />

As with white and black South Africa, we are dealing in Palestine-Israel with two very<br />

traumatized societies, not only traumatized by the violence of the last four and a half years, or<br />

the violence of the last 57 years. I have found the origins of the demographic war extremely<br />

hard to trace and pinpoint, in each of my three prima facie examples of apartheid societies.<br />

Just like most conventional armed conflicts nowadays, demographic wars were never born<br />

with any kind of formal declaration of war.<br />

Furthermore, most Palestinians and most Jews live in their respective Diasporas.<br />

During the last five or six generations, many if not most of them were born as refugees or<br />

have themselves been made refugees, sometimes more than once in the same generation.<br />

Maybe this shared experience can provide some of the common ground required for a<br />

peaceful resolution. Yet, whereas the Palestinians were exiled by the Israeli Jews, the Jews<br />

were not exiled by the Palestinians, but by Europeans. That is a crucial asymmetry to always<br />

bear in mind while appreciating this common ground.<br />

Both Palestinians and Jewish Israelis now need serious long-term commitments from<br />

the international community, not just short-term or interim measures from the USA and its<br />

NATO allies, its G7 partners, and its permanent UN Security Council colleagues, and<br />

certainly not Zionist commitments – the main financial, political, and ideological factor<br />

stoking the flames of this war. Ethnicism is a crime against humanity, and only humanity can<br />

put an end to it. How can this be achieved? It is not difficult. What Israel has to do on a legal<br />

level is to start by removing the portion of its Basic Law that proclaims Israel a Jewish state,<br />

and then continue by repealing the many laws and practices that utilize this law as a linchpin<br />

for ethnicism, including the increasingly conspicuous absence of civil marriage. We will<br />

return to this theme in Part III. In the next section we will look at the Israel Council for<br />

so high.) Israel’s demographic war on Palestine could thus also be said to extend beyond the borders of historic<br />


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