
Apartheid Apartheid

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142 demographic war thus overlaps with what I here refer to as the ‘conventional armed conflict’ between Israel and Arabs, a conflict in which male Palestinians are the main victims. 268 3.) Israel has the highest relative in-vitro fertilization rate in the world, the largest number of fertilization clinics per capita in the world, and it is the only state in the world that fully subsidizes fertilization treatment. 269 4.) Palestinians exhibit the probably highest population growth rate of any nation in the world; in Gaza it is reportedly 3.77 per cent every year. During her lifetime the average Palestinian Gaza woman gives birth to 5.91 children. Gaza is already one of the most densely populated areas in the world. In the West Bank, the rate of growth is also very high – 3.13 per cent per year. The average Palestinian West Bank woman gives birth to 4.4 children. The growth of the ‘Israeli Arab’ population, i.e. Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, is 3.4 per cent on average per year – also one of the highest in the world. Israel’s growth rate as a whole, excluding Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories, but including the 420,000 illegal Israeli settlers in the same territories, is only 1.29 per cent, the lowest in the entire Middle East. 270 (Entirely unrepresented in these statistics are of course the high premature death rates of Palestinians and their low average life expectancy compared to Israelis.) A fifth peculiarity, and fourth distinguishing mark of Israel’s, that could have been added to the list is the following: No other country allows wives or life partners to have sperm removed from a deceased man without prior written consent. 271 This circumstance, along with 268 See Davis, U.: Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within, 2003: 62f, 91-108; Landy: 90 Inca Israeli-Jews: Recruiting for the Demographic War, 2003. See also Chapter II.2.3, below, on Israel’s immigration policies. Yossi Alpher, the Israeli intellectual and former adviser to Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister, has pointed out that most Israelis now prefer ‘demographic solutions’ to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – including forced expulsions of Palestinians and the creation of isolated Palestinian ‘Bantustans’ – to ‘geographic solutions’, i.e. to continued Israeli territorial expansion. This marks a departure from earlier predominant modes of strategic thinking in Israel, in which the two kinds of ‘solutions’ were more often seen as mutually reinforcing each other. It also means that the demographic aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is gaining in importance and urgency, even in comparison with the conventional armed conflict. See Alpher: Demography Tops Territory in New Strategic Calculus, 2005. On ethnic cleansing, see also Levy: Erasing the Past in Israel, 2005. On the power of Zionist lobby groups, especially the American Israel Public Action Committee (AIPAC), see Alam: Israel’s Proxy War? 2003 269 Kahn: Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel, 2000. (Incidentally, the preferred sperm donors in Israel are Aryan-looking or Ashkenazy, blue-eyed men.) In a thoughtful review of this book, the reviewer, Galina Vromen, describes four factors commonly held responsible for Israel leading the world statistics in these matters: ‘...the belief held by rabbis that children born to unmarried women are considered legitimate and full Jews; the common perception among both religious and secular Jews in Israel that it is worse to be childless than to be a single mother; the social and financial support the country gives to singleparent families; and – least discussed but certainly not the least important – the fear that the Jews will be vastly outnumbered by Arabs as reflected in demographic trends.’ One could easily draw the conclusions that the last factor is in fact the most important one, and, moreover, that the reviewer would agree with this judgment. Vromen, Galina: Pro-Natal, Par Excellence, no date. 270 Central Intelligence Agency (USA): The World Factbook, 2005; Central Bureau of Statistics, Center for Statistical Information, State of Israel, Prime Minister’s Office: The Arab Population in Israel, 2002. Both of these sources should be read with caution as they may mix ulterior motives into their numbers. For a stark example of Palestinian population numbers manipulated by the Israeli/Jewish far right, apparently unsuccessfully devised to dissuade Sharon from carrying out his impending Gaza ‘disengagement’, see N.N.: Arab Population in the West Bank & Gaza, January 10, 2005. See also Barkat: For First Time, Jews Are No Longer a Majority between the Jordan and the Sea, 2005. It is important to point out, however, that the latter ‘leftist’ Israeli approach falsifies history already in its headline, with remarkably selective amnesia, which obfuscates the fact that less than one-third of Palestine’s population was Jewish when the state of Israel was founded on a part of the territory that is Israel today, not to mention most of the rest of Palestinian history, during which Jews were not a majority between the Jordan and the Sea. On the latter issue, see Whitelam: The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of Palestinian History, 1996. On Israel having the lowest birth rate in the Middle East, see Abi-Aad & Grenon 1997: 151, which also states that Israel only allows sterilization for health reasons. 271 N.N.: Israel to Let Wives Harvest Dead Husbands’ Sperm, November 13, 2003

143 the state of Israel’s in-vitro fertilization policy, means a new stage in demographic warfare technology has been reached. New biological ‘weapons’ are being produced and used. In contrast, as late as 1986, the ‘demographic war’ between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs was still accurately described by Abu-Lughod as follows: The weapon par excellence adopted by the Jewish community to enhance its claim to Palestine was migration; the weapon of the Palestinian Arab population to maintain its legitimate claim to the country has been natural increase. 272 Today, the Palestinian weapon remains the same, and it is a formidable one, the perhaps highest ‘natural’ birth rate in the world. But the Israeli one has now changed: migration remains the main weapon, yet new ones have been developed and devised, at a high financial cost, and with dire long-term indirect human costs. Bio-war has gone hi-tech. On the face of it, new state interventions such as the globally unique corpse sperm removal policy – or the globally unique, entirely state-subsidized fertilization treatment, the most utilized one in the world – are not ethnicist provisions per se, but the vast majority of Jewish citizens of Israel make these peculiarities (or world records) that Israel holds function as institutionalized ethnicism. Palestinians with Israeli citizenship only make up around 20 per cent of the total population, and they do not use the fertilization and insemination treatments provided by the state to the extent that Jews do, neither in absolute nor in relative terms. They hardly use it at all since they have children at a much younger age, and have a much higher birth rate than the Israeli Jews anyway. Israeli Jews are (still) mainly fighting the demographic war with an unparalleled ethnicist immigration policy 273 , which takes much of the heat off younger Jewish women, enabling them to get pregnant later than other women elsewhere in the world. There is no counterpart at all to the Israeli immigration policy among Palestinians. The state of Israel controls all Palestinian borders with plenty of military and paramilitary personnel, firearms, steel, concrete, razor wire, and sophisticated electronics and software, including a maze of oppressive legislation, to ensure that immigration to Palestine (outside the illegal Jewish settlements) is practically non-existent, despite international law, e.g. the right of return of Palestinian refugees, i.e. of the majority of Palestinians, who are not allowed to go home by Israel. Palestinians in general are simply not allowed to be as ethnicist as the Israelis are, (and neither is anyone else, except perhaps the Americans). And therefore, the main losers in this war are Palestinian women. Palestine’s high birth rate, however, also has many other determinants that lie outside the causal factors behind the demographic war. Gaza does not only have one of the highest birth rates in the world, it also has one of the highest unnatural premature death rates. The birth rate therefore represents a kind of ‘pre-emptive’ replacement of children. We will look at further factors influencing the Palestinian birth rate in Section II.2. The lack of Palestinian immigration and the Israeli prohibition of Palestinian repatriation, the forbidden return of Palestinian refugees, are producing all kinds of pressures and expectations on Palestinian women to handle most if not all of the demographic warfare against Israel, against overwhelming odds, including Jewish and other non-Arab immigration, Israeli anti-refugee policy, and hyper-modern fertilization and insemination aid. And still, Palestinians are prevailing, but at a terrible cost. Palestinian men also suffer tremendously in the demographic war, as well as being the main losers by body-count in the war of conventional armed conflict. They have to provide for rapidly growing families in a shattered economy that exhibits an extremely high 272 Abu-Lughod 1986 273 Mikhail: How to Create a State: Israel’s Settlement and Immigration Policy, 2005

143<br />

the state of Israel’s in-vitro fertilization policy, means a new stage in demographic warfare<br />

technology has been reached. New biological ‘weapons’ are being produced and used.<br />

In contrast, as late as 1986, the ‘demographic war’ between Israeli Jews and<br />

Palestinian Arabs was still accurately described by Abu-Lughod as follows:<br />

The weapon par excellence adopted by the Jewish community to enhance its<br />

claim to Palestine was migration; the weapon of the Palestinian Arab<br />

population to maintain its legitimate claim to the country has been natural<br />

increase. 272<br />

Today, the Palestinian weapon remains the same, and it is a formidable one, the<br />

perhaps highest ‘natural’ birth rate in the world. But the Israeli one has now changed:<br />

migration remains the main weapon, yet new ones have been developed and devised, at a high<br />

financial cost, and with dire long-term indirect human costs. Bio-war has gone hi-tech.<br />

On the face of it, new state interventions such as the globally unique corpse sperm<br />

removal policy – or the globally unique, entirely state-subsidized fertilization treatment, the<br />

most utilized one in the world – are not ethnicist provisions per se, but the vast majority of<br />

Jewish citizens of Israel make these peculiarities (or world records) that Israel holds function<br />

as institutionalized ethnicism. Palestinians with Israeli citizenship only make up around 20 per<br />

cent of the total population, and they do not use the fertilization and insemination treatments<br />

provided by the state to the extent that Jews do, neither in absolute nor in relative terms. They<br />

hardly use it at all since they have children at a much younger age, and have a much higher<br />

birth rate than the Israeli Jews anyway.<br />

Israeli Jews are (still) mainly fighting the demographic war with an unparalleled<br />

ethnicist immigration policy 273 , which takes much of the heat off younger Jewish women,<br />

enabling them to get pregnant later than other women elsewhere in the world. There is no<br />

counterpart at all to the Israeli immigration policy among Palestinians. The state of Israel<br />

controls all Palestinian borders with plenty of military and paramilitary personnel, firearms,<br />

steel, concrete, razor wire, and sophisticated electronics and software, including a maze of<br />

oppressive legislation, to ensure that immigration to Palestine (outside the illegal Jewish<br />

settlements) is practically non-existent, despite international law, e.g. the right of return of<br />

Palestinian refugees, i.e. of the majority of Palestinians, who are not allowed to go home by<br />

Israel. Palestinians in general are simply not allowed to be as ethnicist as the Israelis are, (and<br />

neither is anyone else, except perhaps the Americans).<br />

And therefore, the main losers in this war are Palestinian women. Palestine’s high<br />

birth rate, however, also has many other determinants that lie outside the causal factors behind<br />

the demographic war. Gaza does not only have one of the highest birth rates in the world, it<br />

also has one of the highest unnatural premature death rates. The birth rate therefore represents<br />

a kind of ‘pre-emptive’ replacement of children. We will look at further factors influencing<br />

the Palestinian birth rate in Section II.2.<br />

The lack of Palestinian immigration and the Israeli prohibition of Palestinian<br />

repatriation, the forbidden return of Palestinian refugees, are producing all kinds of pressures<br />

and expectations on Palestinian women to handle most if not all of the demographic warfare<br />

against Israel, against overwhelming odds, including Jewish and other non-Arab immigration,<br />

Israeli anti-refugee policy, and hyper-modern fertilization and insemination aid. And still,<br />

Palestinians are prevailing, but at a terrible cost.<br />

Palestinian men also suffer tremendously in the demographic war, as well as being the<br />

main losers by body-count in the war of conventional armed conflict. They have to provide<br />

for rapidly growing families in a shattered economy that exhibits an extremely high<br />

272 Abu-Lughod 1986<br />

273 Mikhail: How to Create a State: Israel’s Settlement and Immigration Policy, 2005

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