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Times: ‘There is hardly a single known or unknown form of chemical<br />

or biological weapons which is not manufactured at Nes Ziona.’ The<br />

IIBR is not shown on maps, and access to it was denied even to<br />

members of the Knesset’s foreign affairs and defence committees,<br />

who were concerned about health risks to the neighbourhood. 260<br />

139<br />

Not only ABC weapons are banned by international law. One of the most obvious<br />

violations and war crimes perpetrated during the Second Intifada is Israel’s use of so-called<br />

‘flechettes’ in densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip. Flechettes are dart-spraying shells<br />

fired from tanks, grenade launchers or shotguns. International law does not prohibit the use of<br />

flechettes in combat, but it is a violation once they are used against civilians or in civilian<br />

areas. They are ‘illegal’ in densely populated areas because they are not accurate weapons.<br />

Flechette rounds explode in the air and fling thousands of small, deadly, razor-sharp metal<br />

darts as far as 300 meters in all directions. Flechettes look like ordinary nails with tiny,<br />

stabilizing fins on the ends. So even if the Israeli army is not aiming at civilians, they are<br />

likely to become the targets as well if they are anywhere within the 300 meters of where the<br />

flechette shell impacts. The criminal irony is the fact that flechettes are only illegal when used<br />

in densely populated areas and Israel only uses flechettes in the Gaza Strip, one of the world’s<br />

most densely populated areas. Israel has been condemned by human rights groups for the<br />

practice, but its army still uses them, admits that it uses them, but denies that it targets<br />

civilians even though the large majority of Palestinians killed with flechettes have been<br />

civilians, including women, children and mentally ill people. So again, Israel is not only<br />

disregarding international law but also making a mockery out of it by stating that it uses<br />

flechettes in combat only, although the facts prove that the large majority of people injured or<br />

killed by usage of this cowardly weapon are civilians living (and suffering and dying) in<br />

densely populated areas. 261<br />

Lately, Israel has also emerged as a leader in hi-tech unmanned aerial vehicles, socalled<br />

‘drones’, which hunt and kill with camera surveillance and missiles. Only the USA is<br />

known to have – and to use – similar weapons, and some of the technology for the Israeli<br />

drones comes from Northrop Grumman, a US weapons manufacturer. An unknown number of<br />

Palestinians – targeted individuals as well as bystanders – have been killed and maimed with<br />

this weapon, unknown since Israel refuses to discuss ‘tactics’. 262<br />

Israel, it is true, is a small state, but its military budget is comparatively gigantic.<br />

According to some commentators, Israel – a tiny country with some six million people,<br />

smaller in size and population than Hong Kong – is the fourth-largest military power in the<br />

world today. In any case it is among the top eight. This is mainly due to massive military and<br />

economic aid from the USA. Since 1987, Israel annually receives around $3 billion in foreign<br />

aid from the US government, more than any other country does. Year after year, more than<br />

half of that sum, usually around $1.8 billion, after the outbreak of the Second Intifada,<br />

however, around $2.2 billion, is military aid, again more than any other US client state<br />

receives or has received. During the same time period, other kinds of aid decreased in volume.<br />

In 2002 and in US government stipulations for 2003 and 2004, the military portion of the aid<br />

almost doubled in relative terms. In 2003, the non-military portion was down to $600 million.<br />

In 2004 military aid had risen to $2.2 billion and non-military aid shrunk to $360 million. By<br />

this time, the US had a record budget deficit. Federal US aid to Israel makes up 30 per cent of<br />

all US foreign aid. A quarter of the Israeli military budget is in fact paid for directly by the<br />

US. Every fourth bullet or missile fired by an Israeli, every fourth Palestinian killed, is<br />

therefore actually due to courtesy of the US government and US taxpayers. (Of course the<br />

260 Sammonds 2002<br />

261 Al-Mughrabi: Use of Dart Shells Against Palestinians Condemned, 2003; Hauser: Israeli Army Says Bedouin<br />

Deaths a Mistake, 2001; Hauser: Israel Said to Use “Silent Killer” Ammunition, 2001<br />

262 Williams: Palestinians Fear Israeli “Hunter-Killer” Drones, 2004

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