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138<br />

supplying Israel ‘with arms and related material which enabled it to commit acts of aggression<br />

against other countries’. But to this day the UN took no steps to dismantle or even inspect<br />

Israel’s nuclear program, nor to sanction Israel or the USA in any way because of the<br />

attack. 257<br />

Controversy also surrounds Israel’s claim of not having any biological and chemical<br />

weapons programs. Along with a few other countries, including Libya, Sudan, and Syria,<br />

Israel has not signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which bans the<br />

production, stockpiling and use of biological weapons. In 1998, Israel’s High Court<br />

suspended government plans to expand a top-secret scientific facility, because of widespread<br />

civilian suspicions that it produces biological weapons. Residents (Jews) near the facility<br />

feared that it might mean safety hazards. The plant, hidden behind a high wall in an industrial<br />

area close to Tel Aviv, was said to have up to three hundred workers, 120 of whom were<br />

scientists. 258<br />

After the 1992 El Al cargo plane crash in a residential area in Amsterdam, in which at<br />

least 47 people were killed, a Dutch parliamentary commission was set up to investigate the<br />

causes of several deaths and injuries (including rescue workers’), the causes of which have yet<br />

to be determined. (El Al is the state-owned Israeli airline.) The commission did not find out<br />

much. However, after a revealing article had been published in the Dutch daily, Handelsblad,<br />

in 1998, Israel admitted that the plane had been carrying hydrofluoric acid, isopropanol and<br />

dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) — three of the four essential components of sarin gas.<br />

That is the same nerve poison that was to be used by the Japanese Aum Shinrikyo Supreme<br />

Truth cult in its infamous attack on the Tokyo subway, leaving twelve people dead and nearly<br />

6,000 ill in 1995. These three chemical components made up 190 liters of the crashed plane’s<br />

cargo and were reportedly part of a total of 10 tons of suspect chemicals. An independent<br />

Dutch nuclear research group discovered that the plane, among other things, also used<br />

depleted uranium as ballast. Israel then claimed, however, both that the material was not toxic<br />

and that it was to have been used ‘to test filters that protect against chemical weapons’. 259 The<br />

situation for Israel’s secret chemical weapons programs appears very similar to apartheid<br />

South Africa’s ‘Project Coast’ and its ‘Medical Battalion’. No wonder. But in Israel’s case we<br />

know a little more under the duration of apartheid, though much too little compared to the<br />

revelations that the TRC eventually prompted in South Africa. Even the Israeli civil society<br />

knows very little, by all measures.<br />

The DMMP was supplied by Solkatronic Chemicals Inc. of<br />

Morrisville, Pennsylvania, and was destined for the Israeli Institute<br />

for Biological Research (IIBR) at Nes Ziona, near Tel Aviv. As MEI<br />

[Middle East International magazine] noted in 1998, the IIBR is ‘the<br />

Israeli military and intelligence community’s front organization for<br />

the development, testing and production of chemical and biological<br />

weapons’. A ‘senior Israeli intelligence source’ told the Sunday<br />

257 N.N.: The Middle East in the Shadow of War: A Special Report of the Foundation for Middle East Peace,<br />

Spring 2002; Prather: Can’t Rule Anything Out? 2001; N.N.: Osiraq / Tammuz 1, no date. In fact, the attack on<br />

Osiraq has a precedent among flagrant breaches of international law, namely in the 1967 war of aggression by<br />

Israel on its neighbors, as well as an equally notable and notorious successor in the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.<br />

In fact, these three acts of aggression are the only ones considered together in Macartney: Preventive War Opens<br />

Way to New Rules on Conflict, 2003. They are three of a kind, although there are surely other, earlier examples<br />

of this kind of attempted justification of gross acts of aggression, which remain unpunished by the international<br />

community although they break some of the most basic rules of international law and of civilized behavior.<br />

258 Goller: Israel’s Biological Institute Plans Expansion, 1998. See also N.N.: World Must Pressure Israel over<br />

Nukes-Arab League, October 1, 2003, according to which: ‘Experts believe the Jewish state has between 100 and<br />

200 nuclear weapons, a stockpile of chemical weapons and an active biological arms program.’<br />

259 Sammonds 2002; McBride: Dutch El Al Crash Report Said to be Critical of PM, April 21, 1999. The reason<br />

the death toll could not be confirmed is that the plane crashed in an area inhabited largely by foreigners, some of<br />

whom were illegal immigrants.

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