Morning Report

Morning Report

Morning Report


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Morbidity & Mortality<br />

Conference<br />

Kate Grossman<br />

Todd Barrett<br />


Chief Complaint<br />

• 21 yo F w/h/o SLE (s/p Autologous Stem Cell<br />

Transplant in 2009) and ESRD on PD admitted to<br />

General Medicine with chest pain, lower back pain,<br />

abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

History of Present<br />

Illness<br />

• Chest pain – sharp, no radiation, left sided, x1 day,<br />

non-exertional, non-pleuritic, no SOB, no fevers, no<br />

cough<br />

• Lower back pain x3 weeks, worsening, no sxs<br />

concerning for cord compression<br />

• N/V – chronic problem x1 year (since SCT), usually<br />

has emesis 3-4 x/week, worse in last week, last few<br />

days states is intolerant to PO fluids and solids<br />

• Never previously worked up.

Past medical History<br />

• SLE<br />

• Lupus Nephritis ESRD<br />

• Lupus Cerebritis h/o Seizures<br />

• s/p Autologous SCT 8/09 no flares since<br />

• ESRD<br />

• Peritoneal Dialysis<br />

• h/o Hemodialysis – L UE AV fistula<br />

• HTN<br />

• Right IJ Thrombus – 6/2010

Past Surgical History<br />

• Appendectomy<br />

• AV Fistula<br />

• Multiple Central Lines<br />

• Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter<br />

placement<br />

Social/Family<br />

History<br />

• No smoking<br />

• No alcohol<br />

• No illicits<br />

• Incarcerated in past for “a<br />

misunderstanding”<br />

• Aunt w/SLE

Medications<br />

• Prednisone 5mg po daily<br />

• Plaquenil 200mg po bid<br />

• Coumadin 5mg po daily<br />

• Lisinopril 5mg po daily<br />

• Amlodipine 10mg po daily<br />

• Metoprolol 50mg po tid<br />

• Lasix 80mg po daily<br />

• Acyclovir 400mg po bid<br />

• CellCept<br />

Allergies<br />

• Hydromorphone<br />

• ? h/o HIT – was HIT<br />

positive on past admission,<br />

but SRA negative and repeat<br />

HIT negative – still being<br />

documented as having had<br />


Physical Exam<br />

• 36.7, 99, 15, 175/119, 97% RA<br />

• HEENT – PERRLA, no oral ulcers, no thrush, no LAD,<br />

oropharynx clear, +moon facies<br />

• CV – RRR, no M/R/G, no S3/S4, 2+ periph pulses<br />

• Resp – dec. BS at left base<br />

• GI – diffuse abd tenderness, no rebound, no guarding, PD<br />

dressing C/D/I, +abd collateral vessels noted<br />

• MSK – no LE edema, bony and soft tissue tenderness to palpation<br />

(lower back>upper), no point tenderness<br />

• Skin – no rashes, straiae over upper arms

4.5<br />

N: 38%<br />

L: 45%<br />

M: 12%<br />

11.1<br />

220<br />

CK 76 63 55<br />



Gens Admission<br />

• Thoughts on further work up? Further management?

Hospital Course<br />

• 10/18/10 8pm – Seen in ED<br />

• 10/19/10 am – admitted to general medicine Taken to<br />

floor at 2:20pm<br />

• 10/19/10 3:20pm – Peritoneal Dialysis started<br />

• Peritoneal Fluid sent for Culture, Cell count, Gram Stain<br />

• Culture negative<br />

• 20 WBC<br />

• 10/19/10 6:42pm – patient ruled out w/3 sets negative<br />

enzymes, no EKG changes, symptoms resolved.<br />

• Decided to keep patient in-house until morning so she can be<br />

seen by Rheumatology<br />

• Patient eating dinner

Hospital Course (cont)<br />

• 10/19/10 7:05pm – pt unresponsive<br />

and pulseless - Dr. Cart called

Dr. Cart Called<br />

• Upon presentation the patient was<br />

unresponsive, pulseless, partially connected<br />

to the floor cardiac monitor<br />

• Per report the patient was alert and<br />

responsive 5 minutes before being found<br />

unconscious<br />

• Patient was connected to the peritoneal<br />

dialysis machine and nursing staff did not<br />

know how to disconnect it.

Dr. Cart Called<br />

• Initial rhythm was identified as Vfib<br />

• CPR started<br />

• Pads from Dr. Cart Pack were connected<br />

and shock was delivered.<br />

• Leads kept being removed from the patient<br />

and rhythm was monitored on floor pack

Dr. Cart<br />

• Patient was intubated and end tidal CO2 was >25<br />

in following 2 minutes. Leads were connected.<br />

• Pt identified as having lupus and on dialysis.<br />

• Epi x 2, Magnesium, Calcium, and Bicarb were<br />

given over the course of 4 minutes.<br />

• EKG from admit showed prolonged QT<br />

• Surgery inserted right femoral central line

Dr. Cart<br />

• Patient had spontaneous return to circulation<br />

• There were spontaneous movements noted and<br />

sedation was ordered for the patient<br />

• Code labs started to arrive…

Ventricular Fibrillation<br />

Differential<br />

Viskin, S and Belhassen, B, American Heart Journal, Sept. 1990, 260-271<br />

• Myocardial Ischemia<br />

• Electrolyte abnormalities including hyperkalemia and<br />

hypomag<br />

• Prolonged QT<br />

• Structural valvular disease<br />

• Reentrant loops including Wolf Parkinson White syndrome<br />

• Brugada Syndrome<br />

• Myocarditis<br />

• Overdose of cardiac toxic medications<br />

• Trauma

Disposition<br />

• Patient was hospitalized with multiple chronic<br />

medical conditions and the MICU senior was<br />

present at the code, so the decision was made to<br />

admit the patient to the medical ICU with the<br />

presumed cause of the arrest to be long QT with<br />

electolyte abnormalites.

Role of Cardiac Cath in In<br />

Hospital Vfib Arrest<br />

• American College of Cardiology guidelines for<br />

non-STEMI do not address post-arrest survivors.<br />

• ACLS does not include any recommendations for<br />

post Vfib or Vtach arrest to receive urgent cardiac<br />

catheterization<br />

• Some recent evidence indicates cardiac<br />

catheterization in underutilized and may improve<br />

survival.<br />

• No randomized controlled trials are present for<br />

in hospital arrest

Cardiac catheterizations are under utilized after in-hospital<br />

cardiac arrest.<br />

R. M. Merchant et al.<br />

Journal of Resuscitation (2008) 79, 398-403<br />

• 1035 inpatient cardiac arrests were analyzed<br />

• 427 had return of spontaneous circulation<br />

• 110 initial rhythm was Vfib<br />

• 80 did not receive early cardiac catheterization<br />

• 30 received early catheterization<br />

• Early catheterization was defined as a cath within 24<br />

hours of arrest<br />

• Average age was approximately 65

Cath Group<br />

• 13/30 = 43% had STEMI or new LBBB on EKG<br />

• All of these patients had clinically significant CAD and<br />

92% had successful PCI<br />

• 17/30 = 57% went to cath lab without STEMI or LBBB<br />

• Of these patients 6 (35%) had obstructive CAD requiring<br />


Outcomes<br />

Outcomes and Limitations<br />

• Patients receiving cardiac catheterization were more likely to survive that those who<br />

did not receive catheterization<br />

• No cath survival = 54%<br />

• Cath survival = 80%<br />

Limitations<br />

• This was a retrospective chart review with no discussion about clinical reasoning for<br />

decisions<br />

• Small patient numbers and the average age was 67 (who went to cath)<br />

• It is unknown if the people receiving PCI needed urgent intervention or if similar<br />

outcomes would have resulted with a diagnostic cath at a future date

Niemann, JT. et al. Is all ventricular fibrillation the same? A<br />

comparison of ischemically induced with electrically induced<br />

ventricular fibrillation in a porcine cardiac arrest and<br />

resuscitation model. Critical Care Medicine. 2007 May; 35(5); 1356-61<br />

• The purpose: Determine if ischemic induction of ventricular fibrillation in<br />

swine followed by standard ACLS would result in short term outcomes<br />

similar to out of hospital arrest outcomes<br />

• 40 domestic swine of both genders<br />

• No difference in number of shocks required to to initially terminate rhythm<br />

• electric 1.9 and ischemic 2.4<br />

• Total shocks for spontaneous circulation<br />

• electric 2.4 and ischemic 9.4 p

MICU Transfer<br />

• Transferred to MICU intubated.

MICU Differential Dx<br />

• Arrhythmia - Prolonged QT, Hypokalemia, Reglan, Zofran,<br />

Plaquenil<br />

• PE - ? Hypercoaguable w/recent R IJ Thrombus, ?HIT, but<br />

was therapeutic on Coumadin<br />

• Ischemia – main risk factor – h/o SLE<br />

• Intracerebral bleed – decerebrate posturing after code<br />

• Seizure d/o – h/o seizures, ?sz activity in ER nursing note<br />

• Sepsis – dialysis pt, on prednisone and plaquenil – from UTI<br />

vs bacteremia vs peritonitis

First 12 hrs in MICU<br />

• Hypotensive initially – 90s/60s improved with 1L<br />

IVF bolus, lightening of sedation, and stress dose<br />

steroids.<br />

• h/o Pleural Effusion – w/hypotension considered<br />

Pericardial Effusion Bedside Resident Echo (from<br />

Echo study) – no pericardial effusion w/good gross<br />

function<br />

• Concern for Ischemia – very rapid ROSC, post-code<br />

enzymes sent, EKG showed sinus tach<br />

CK 94 139 178<br />

MB-RI --- 3.5 2.2<br />

Troponin T 0.5 1.37 0.9

First 12 hrs in MICU<br />

(cont)<br />

• S/p V-Fib Arrest – discussed cooling pt – but moving<br />

all extremities and responsive once settled in D3.<br />

• Hyperreflexic w/muscle fasciculations (left UE and<br />

LE> right) with decerebrate posturing Ativan given<br />

x2, STAT bedside Head CT (no bleed, no edema),<br />

Neuro evaluated, Keppra started<br />

• Concern for peritonitis initially w/hypotension <br />

Broad spectrum antibiotics initiated w/plan for IJ line<br />

for CVP monitoring and SvO2

Therapeutic Hypothermia<br />

Nolan, JP et al. Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac<br />

Arrest International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation,<br />

Circulation Supplement 2003<br />

• ILCOR recommendations<br />

• Unconscious adult patients with spontaneous circulation after out of<br />

hospital arrest should be cooled to 32-34 degrees C for 12-24 hours when<br />

the initial rhythm is Vfib. Level I evidence<br />

• Such cooling may also be beneficial for other rhythms or in-hospital<br />

arrest. Level 4 evidence<br />


Hypothermia Exclusion<br />

Criteria<br />

• Severe cardiogenic shock<br />

• Life-threatening arrhythmias<br />

• Pregnant patients<br />

• primary coagulopathy<br />

• Thombolytics are NOT exclusion criteria. They were all<br />

included in the European trials

Central<br />

Line<br />


Blood Gas<br />

• 7.45/34/196/24/97.5%

Blood gases<br />

Line R Radial<br />

Art Line<br />

R IJ (?) TLC Venous Stick<br />

pH 7.48 7.45 7.4<br />

pCO2 30 34 38<br />

pO2 305 196 53<br />

HCO3 22 24 24<br />

SO2 98% 97.5% 87%

Cardiac Cath<br />

• Left main - large caliber vessel which gives off the LAD and<br />

LCx arteries without significant disease.<br />

• Left anterior descending artery - large caliber vessel which<br />

gives off diagonal and septal perforator branches <br />

without significant disease.<br />

• Left circumflex - dominant vessel whichgives off several<br />

obtuse marginal branches and a posterior descending artery<br />

without significant disease.<br />

• Right coronary artery - small nondominant vessel which<br />

gives off very small acute marginal branches without<br />

significant disease.

LVEDP 13 mmHg.

Indications foR ICD

InDications for ICD<br />

Therapy<br />

• Class I Recommendation - Cardiac arrest due to<br />

ventricular fibrillation (VF) or VT not due to a transient<br />

or reversible cause. (Level of Evidence: A)<br />

• Class IIb Recommendation – Familial or inherited<br />

conditions with a high risk for life-threatening ventricular<br />

tachyarrhythmias such as long-QT syndrome or<br />

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (Level of Evidence: B)<br />

• Class III Recommendation - Ventricular tachyarrhythmias<br />

due to a transient or reversible disorder (eg, AMI, electrolyte<br />

imbalance, drugs, or trauma) when correction of the<br />

disorder is considered feasible and likely to substantially<br />

reduce the risk of recurrent arrhythmia. (Level of Evidence:<br />

B)<br />

Circulation: ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 Guideline Update for Implantation<br />

of Cardiac Pacemakers and Antiarrhythmia Devices.<br />

ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of<br />

Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities: Executive Summary

Support for icd<br />

• Survivors of ventricular<br />

tachyarrhythmias due to a transient or<br />

reversible disorder have a high recurrence<br />

rate of lethal cardiac events.<br />

Resuscitation. Vol 54. Issue 3. 237-243.

Our patient<br />

• Discharged home with f/u w/EP.<br />

• Since V-Fib arrest thought 2/2 Hypokalemia<br />

(reversible) – set up for outpatient EP study and ICD<br />


References<br />

• Merchant, Abella, et al. Cardiac Catheterization is underutilized after in-hospital<br />

cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2008. Vol 79: 398-403<br />

• Nadkarni, Larkin et al. First Documented Rhythm and Clinical Outcome from inhospital<br />

cardiac arrest among children and adults. JAMA. 2006. 295:50-57.<br />

• Brembilla-Perrot, Miljoen, et al. Causes and Prognosis of Cardiac Arrest in a<br />

population admitted to a general hospital; a diagnostic and therapeutic problem.<br />

Resuscitation 2003. Vol 58: 319-327.<br />

• AVID Investigators, Wyse, Friedman et al. Life-Threatening ventricular arrhythmias due<br />

to transient or correctable causes: high risk for death in follow-up. Journal of American<br />

College of Cardiology. 2001. Vol 38: 1718-1724.<br />

• ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 Guideline Update for Implantation of Cardiac Pacemakers<br />

and Antiarrhythmia Devices: Summary Article. Circulation. 2002. Vol 106: 2145.<br />

• ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm<br />

Abnormalities: Executive Summary. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2008.<br />

Vol 51: 2085-2105.

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