tax notes international - Tuck School of Business - Dartmouth College

tax notes international - Tuck School of Business - Dartmouth College

tax notes international - Tuck School of Business - Dartmouth College


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U.K.<br />

France<br />

Until 1995<br />

Distribution<br />

capacity<br />

intend to create a new notion <strong>of</strong> permanent establishment<br />

(the multiple PE <strong>of</strong> a group), but that it simply<br />

identified a common structure for the pursuit <strong>of</strong> a<br />

group strategy. 33<br />

Intentional or not, the repercussions <strong>of</strong> this case and<br />

the concern that other courts could follow the Supreme<br />

Court <strong>of</strong> Italy’s reasoning and adopt such principles in<br />

deviation from what is stated in the OECD model convention<br />

and its commentary led the OECD to amend<br />

the commentary on article 5 for clarification purposes.<br />

34<br />

Apart from the criticism that it may have been subjected<br />

to, the importance <strong>of</strong> this decision to this article<br />

is that the factual analysis <strong>of</strong> the activities performed<br />

by a company, as provided for by the audit carried out<br />

by the Italian <strong>tax</strong> authorities, might well lead to the<br />

constitution, by that company, <strong>of</strong> a PE <strong>of</strong> its affiliated<br />

companies.<br />

C. Zimmer<br />

As mentioned above, the main purpose <strong>of</strong> <strong>tax</strong> planning<br />

in an <strong>international</strong> setting is to achieve a lower<br />

worldwide effective <strong>tax</strong> rate. Therefore, the location <strong>of</strong><br />

the key business functions <strong>of</strong> a company (for example,<br />

manufacturing, distribution, sales, and research and<br />

development) should be, as much as possible, in a low<strong>tax</strong><br />

jurisdiction. Significant functions and risk, and<br />

therefore the associated pr<strong>of</strong>it, should be allocated in a<br />

low-<strong>tax</strong> jurisdiction to provide for a lower worldwide<br />

effective <strong>tax</strong> rate. Establishing core business functions<br />

in low-<strong>tax</strong> jurisdictions or shifting such functions or the<br />

risk associated with such functions to low-<strong>tax</strong> jurisdictions<br />

is likely to result in the migration <strong>of</strong> income to<br />

such locations. As a consequence, a reduction in the<br />

worldwide effective <strong>tax</strong> rate is achieved, provided the<br />

Figure 3. Zimmer<br />

Zimmer<br />

Ltd.<br />

Zimmer<br />

SAS<br />

shift in income and risk is supported by operational<br />

substance and arm’s-length transfer pricing principles. 35<br />

In this context, a typical example <strong>of</strong> functions and<br />

risk shifting that occurred in the past few years is the<br />

conversion <strong>of</strong> fully fledged distributors into commissionaires.<br />

36 This phenomenon is well illustrated in Zimmer,<br />

a recent decision <strong>of</strong> the Court <strong>of</strong> Appeals <strong>of</strong> Paris<br />

involving a U.K. company, Zimmer Ltd., and the<br />

French <strong>tax</strong> authorities. 37 Zimmer commercialized its<br />

orthopedic products in France until 1995 through a<br />

French distributor, Zimmer SAS. However, from March<br />

27, 1995, Zimmer SAS commercialized Zimmer Ltd.’s<br />

products in a commissionaire capacity under a commissionaire<br />

agreement. The French <strong>tax</strong> administration<br />

assessed corporate income <strong>tax</strong> (plus 10 percent surcharge)<br />

for the years 1995 and 1996 on the grounds<br />

that it had a PE. Zimmer Ltd. objected to the assessment<br />

and brought the case before the court. 38<br />

33 Id. at 83.<br />


Zimmer Ltd.<br />

Main Functions/Risks<br />

• Manufacturing function<br />

Zimmer SAS<br />

Main Functions/Risks<br />

Distribution function<br />

Marketing function<br />

Market risk<br />

Inventory risk<br />

Credit risk<br />

34<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> the changes, first released as a public discussion<br />

draft (available at http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/34/9/<br />

31483903.pdf), were later adopted in the 2005 commentary to<br />

the OECD model <strong>tax</strong> convention to avoid the repetition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

interpretation <strong>of</strong> the Supreme Court <strong>of</strong> Italy.<br />

35<br />

Raffaele Russo et al., Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> International Tax Planning<br />

(Amsterdam: IBFD Publications BV, 2007), p. 75.<br />

36<br />

As pointed out by Giuseppe Persico, ‘‘the commissionaire<br />

structure is particularly attractive and widely used since it provides<br />

the opportunity to centralize the entrepreneurial risks in the<br />

hands <strong>of</strong> the principal’’ (emphasis added); Persico, supra note 18,<br />

at 76.<br />

37<br />

Court <strong>of</strong> Appeals <strong>of</strong> Paris, Feb. 2, 2007, decision<br />

05PA02361.<br />

38<br />

Id.<br />


(C) Tax Analysts 2009. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.

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