Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases
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e E. The HAC erred in r, Conditions 26(par.t.ial), 28, . .- '.?q -" . . . ... - 23, 'Identiiied hy MassHnusiriy", Conditions 23, 26, ?R, aind 29 pertdin t.o thc ownership nature of the projecC, the riurrtber of affordable units and means nf calcuiat.inq income eliyibil j t y, and the manner of ensurinq I m i L affnrdability in perpet-uity through 211 affordiablc housiny restr.ictio1.i. RA Vol.1, 1.9-20. The cievel.opcr complained t-hat these conditj.ons conflict. wit.h MassHousing's Form 8-13.4, xid as.?ertcd that because such conditions "not accepLable to Massllousing, " they must be removed nr modified to conform to Form 0-114. HA Vo1.3, 8'/. The developer further asserted L h t thesc conditions are beyond t.he Roard's authority t.o impose. KA Vo1.3., 88. The HAC struck each of the conditions, or the portiuii of the EondiLion to Lhe developer objected. At; yrounds, the HAC stated that. the issues involved were "proqramaLic mattcr[s]" thaC "should be left to .Lhe discret-ion of MdssHousing." KA Vol.1, 464. ,rhis was lerjal error. First, a5 di.scusscd above, nothing in G.!,. c. 408 prohibits thc Board from imposing cnndikions perLaining to "proqrairunatic" l9 Fa VOl.1, 67

0 e e e e e 0 a Inat L c r s ; res e rve .Y '' p r ogr armna t. i c " mrl L 't e r s to t h e s;ubsi dizinq aqency; or provides that. where t.he psition of the Board and thc subsjdi.%ing aqericy wiLti respect to such isr;ues cunilii-t, that the pusilion of tile subsidizing aqency "Lrumps" that of Lhc board. 'I'hus, Llic HAC hsd 110 legal hasis Lor striking Conditions 23, 26, 28 and 79. \\ Second, arid cant-rary to the HAC'S riilinq thaL t-herc is 1itt.l.e kjasis Lor the technical changes the Hoard would impose," scc RA Vol .l., 464, cach of t.hese condi L ion s reflecLs t.he City' 5 assessment. of 2iLordabJ.e housing needs, and each is supported by a valid l.ocal concern. See '160 CMR 31 . 06(7). Further, therc is no evi dencc that. t.he condiCion reriders t.he projcct "uneconomic. " , The . HAC: thus lacks . , . . authority __ to 2lLc.r or de1.ete thcse - .. .-- c:ondi t.i.ons. 1 t. is irrelevant that the Fannie Mae/MassHousing Affordable Housinq ResCrict.ion "already has dIi Witire , . . which prohihits rental of units wit.hout the pri.or written consent of the Monitoring Agent." RA Voi.1, 464. The IIAC has no or rcyulatory a~utliority to decide which provision - the Board's UT >\ ' MassHousing's - 1s tlir; more reasonable approach" 0.r Lo strikc Liic Board's condition, number 23. RA Vol.1, 37

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a<br />

Inat L c r s ; res e rve .Y '' p r ogr armna t. i c " mrl L 't e r s to t h e<br />

s;ubsi dizinq aqency; or provides that. where t.he<br />

psition of the Board and thc subsjdi.%ing aqericy wiLti<br />

respect to such isr;ues cunilii-t, that the pusilion of<br />

tile subsidizing aqency "Lrumps" that of Lhc board.<br />

'I'hus, Llic HAC hsd 110 legal hasis Lor striking<br />

Conditions 23, 26, 28 and 79.<br />

\\<br />

Second, arid cant-rary to the HAC'S riilinq thaL<br />

t-herc is 1itt.l.e kjasis Lor the technical changes the<br />

Hoard would impose," scc RA Vol .l., 464, cach of t.hese<br />

condi L ion s reflecLs t.he City' 5 assessment. of<br />

2iLordabJ.e housing needs, and each is supported by a<br />

valid l.ocal concern. See '160 CMR 31 . 06(7). Further,<br />

therc is no evi dencc that. t.he condiCion reriders t.he<br />

projcct "uneconomic. " , The . HAC: thus lacks . , . . authority __ to<br />

2lLc.r or de1.ete thcse<br />

-<br />

.. .-- c:ondi t.i.ons.<br />

1 t. is irrelevant that the Fannie Mae/<strong>Mass</strong>Housing<br />

Affordable Housinq ResCrict.ion "already has dIi Witire<br />

, . . which prohihits rental of units wit.hout<br />

the pri.or written consent of the Monitoring Agent." RA<br />

Voi.1, 464. The IIAC has no or rcyulatory<br />

a~utliority to decide which provision - the Board's UT<br />

>\ '<br />

<strong>Mass</strong>Housing's - 1s tlir; more reasonable approach" 0.r<br />

Lo strikc Liic Board's condition, number 23. RA Vol.1,<br />


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