Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases


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circtirnstznce impose conditions i n a corriprchcrisive<br />

permit that impinge 0 11 the re gu 1 at. o r y<br />

res pun s i lr, i 1 i ti e s o F L he s uk, s id i z ing agency I<br />

Accordinyly ZBAs should not imposc driy condi ti.ons<br />

that spccify how cust cerLificaLion, projecC<br />

monitoriny, 07: Lhc sale or rcntal of affordable<br />

units is t.o ha pcrformed, or by whom ?.hose tasks<br />

w i l l be periormed diirirly t.he period the<br />

suhsidizj ng aycncy ret-ains requl afory oversiyhl.<br />

If 1 ncal oificj.al s have specific co~i~crns about.<br />

stat.e oversight of 40E dcvelopments, wc are fully<br />

prepared to ad.dress thcrri directly. "<br />

KA Vol.1, 463, quotinq 131iCD Memorandi.im dated<br />

Aprj.1 T/, 2006 at 2, RA Vol -1, 55. Contrary to thy.<br />

assertions of both DHCD and the HAC, not-hing in G.L.<br />

c. 40B supports the claims coriLained in above lctter<br />

asserting t.he supremacy oi the srihsidiziny agency over<br />

Lhe municipality issuing the comprchcnsive permit. As<br />

discussed above, Chcre is simply no statutory<br />

aiit.horiLy .. - for t.he proposition Lhat a zoniriy board of<br />

appeals may not impose condiLions with r~spcct to cost<br />

certj.fi.catiori, project rnoni toring, or other matters<br />

pert-aininy Lo the salc or rental 01 affoxdahle 40B<br />

units. Moreover, Lhere is -. 110 . . statutory<br />

. . .. authority for-<br />

the proposition that. wherc t.he position uf Lhe 7,oniny<br />

hoard oi appeals arid the subsidizing aqericy with<br />

respccL Lo such issues conflict, Lhat t.he posiLiori of<br />

tiic suhsidizjnq agency "t.ruriip" Lhose of the hoard. It,<br />

is of rio ~<br />

1eqa.l jmport Chat the Hoard's rcgul.atory

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