Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases


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111. The Trial CourL ... jmproperly .. upheld t.he HAC'S<br />

.. st.ri kinq the condit-ioins lawful1<br />

Hoard.<br />

. order<br />

. . y imposed by .-. the<br />

Iri Iiuldiny for the HAC, t.he Trial <strong>Court</strong>. stated:<br />

"To say t.hat. thaL anal.ysis has Lo be driven hy<br />

whether somet.hiny is uneconomic and by a complex<br />

burden shifting paradigm, it would scclrn t.o elevate a<br />

form over import-ant subst.ance, as wc are 31.1. fami1i;ir<br />

with Lliis concept. No one, no agency is above Chc<br />

law. A 1oc;il ZBA cannot do whatever it wishes and<br />

cannot, so thc HAC ruled here, so unnecessarily<br />

complicate lhe administration of a low and moderate<br />

income development ;IS 1.0 make it unworkahl e." RA<br />

Vol.2, 169.<br />

The '1'1-ial <strong>Court</strong>'s conccrri that a local board of<br />

appeals clrnild impose "imworkable" cmiditi~m~ on a<br />

comprehensivc permi.t project j.s understood. [:hi.ef<br />

Just-ice Marshall articulat.ed t.his cxact concern in her<br />

Plaintiff rcyrets haviny to inform the ACLorney<br />

Gcneral's office of the couriLless number of federal<br />

and 3tat.e cascs holdi iiq thaL rest.ri cti.ons on Lhe<br />

ownership OL 1iabl.t.at.iuii of real proper-ty due to race,<br />

re1 iqion, national oriyiri or a1 jenagc is void as<br />

ayainst public pnlicy. See among many others,<br />

Uuchar.lan ,- v. Warley, 245 U.!;. 60 (1917) (restrict-ions on<br />

the convenience of real property to nonwhites in<br />

vio1at.i on oi thr: Constit.utiori's Fourteenth Amcncirr~ciit j<br />

and Shelley v. ...,. -.. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948) (restrictive<br />

covenants, which have as their purpose Chc cxclusion<br />

of persons of desiyriated race or color from the<br />

ownership OL occi.ipancy of real. property rulcd inval id<br />

as violati.on of equal prot-ection yuararitees j . There<br />

is simply no support for the reckless suggest.ion t.hat<br />

the Housiny Appeals Committee must st.and guard to<br />

ensure that Chc illegal conditions proffered by the<br />

At.torney Gcricral are struck ciowri. Such a cundilrion,<br />

if ever a cit.y or t-own werc to impose same, would be<br />

void ab initin as against public: policy.<br />


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