Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases


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'The HAC frames t.his care as present.ing the<br />

question of whet.he:r "oversiyht" nf regulatory aspccts<br />

of the comprehensive permiL proccss "may he 1.aken on<br />

by a local board ui appeals ox whethcr it. is murc<br />

app.ropri.ately left in the hands of state housing<br />

agencies . " RA Vol.1, 458. Such reyulatory aspecls<br />

identiiied by the HAC include affordabi1it.y<br />

restrict: nns, det.erminations of el< qi.bility; project<br />

marketiny; cal culaLion of profit lirnj-tati on; and<br />

sel.flctioi1 of projcct monitorinq aqent. RA Vol. 1, 458.<br />

Ttic HAC opines t.hat "under the statutory scheme,<br />

[such functiuris] havc been reserved Lor state<br />

government," and on lhat hasis stri.kes most. of t.he<br />

conditions imposed by the Board to which Attitash has<br />

objected. In particular, the HAC strikes condiLions<br />

it. found to be "in conflict or inronsj st.ent with t.he<br />

core proqr;lnunati.c approach" of <strong>Mass</strong>liousing, the<br />

"oversiyh.C" agency and possible fundiny source of this<br />

project. RA Vol.1, 463.<br />

The HAC'S errail axe-wielding is based on its<br />

belj ef in agreement with DHCD - that the Board in<br />

this case "exceeded it.5 aiithority under G.L. c. 400<br />

that the permit conditions render the project<br />

"uneconomic." Set? 760 CMR 31 .06(7).<br />


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