Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases


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I<br />

"In other words, the commitLee may revicw an<br />

appr-oval wiih conditions only ii t.hnse condiCions<br />

render thc projec:C uneconomic. Consistent with thj s<br />

statutory rcyuiremcnt, the ciepdrLment's rcgulaLions<br />

provide Chat the dcvcloper musL demonstrale t.hat. the<br />

conditioris are uncconornic before thc conmi ttee<br />

considers whether they are "consisterit with local<br />

needs, G.1.. c. 40B, 5 23. 760 Code <strong>Mass</strong>. Keqs. 5<br />

31. 06 (3) (2001) . DemonsLrating thiiC the cnnditions<br />

rcnder a project uneconomic i s, Lherefoi-e, a necessary<br />

elcinent oi the developer's prima facie cas(:<br />

relief ." Woburn<br />

. . . - at 590-593. (emphasis in oriyirial) .<br />

for-<br />

Where no evidence was presented t h L the project<br />

is rendered "uneconomic" by any of t.he condiLions<br />

imposed by the Board, .Lhe HAC: was wjt-hnut pclwer or<br />

reason t o strike such conditions, and the &vel-oper't;<br />

inot.ion for summary decisi nn should have been denied<br />

and the Trial <strong>Court</strong> should have overturncd the<br />

decision of Chc HAC. 10<br />

the Camnittee is whether the decision of t.he Hoard it;<br />

consistent with local. necds. r)iirsu~~~lt t.o the<br />

Cormittee's procedures, however, Lhere j s a shilting<br />

burden of proof. 'The Appell.ant musL first prove Lliat<br />

the conditions in 2qgregat.e make constructiori of t.he<br />

housiny uneconomic. ... Specifically, the dcveloper must<br />

provc that ""the conditions imposed . . . make i.t.<br />

impossible to proceed . . . arid still realize a<br />

reasonah1.e return [or profit.] as defiricd by t.he<br />

appl icable subsidiziny agency . . . .".<br />

The IIAC nolcs in its decj.sion thaL "just ;?s thc<br />

developer has introduced no evidence that the<br />

conditions affect thc ecrinomics of t.he development,<br />

the Board has presented no local hedth, safety, or<br />

environmental concerns to support. the condit.ions. " HA<br />

Vol. 1, 461. This observation is mi slcadiing and wrnny,<br />

where the Board has - no burden of proof un1.ess and<br />

until the developer satisfies ~ it.s burden of proving

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