Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases

Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases Supreme Judicial Court - Mass Cases
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g91. "Absent. siich a showiriy [that the conditions render t.he projcct. uneconoruic] , t.he board . , . .. . .. is .- not - 1wquJre.q either under the act or the department's regulations Lo denioristratc that it:; cu1idit.i ons are consi st-eiit wit.h local riccds".. Id. (Ernphasj s added) . "The board therefore, complied with the act in grdntinq a comprehensive pcrmit with curiditions t.hat were determined not to be uneconomic, and the comittce lacked the power to revise 01- revoke Lhose . .. . cnntlitions". -- - Td. at 546. (E~riphasis added) . .- . -- The Trial Court siigqestcd t.hat WohurIi could be distinguished irom the case at bar in that in Wohurn, Lhe HAC: WAY reversed where the dispute j-nvolved tIic deteririinati.on of the niimher 01 dwelling units and the case at bar consLituted the strjkinq of unlawful conditions. (KA Vo1.2, 167). b'rom tiic openinq paragraph in Wuburn, howevcr, the SJC rncide clear, the limits of the HAC'S authorci.ty. \I ... we must. decide whet-her the Hniising Appcals Committee ... has Lhe aiit.hori.ty to a1 ter thc conditions placed nn Llie approval uF a comprehcrisive permit, where the developer ha.; failed Lo demonst-rate that those c:oiiditi ons make the housing project uneconomic. WE conclude tht t.he plain Ianquaye of t.he 18

0 0 0 a 0 a comprehensive pcrmit. act, G.L. c.40l3, 3s. 20-73 precludes such aut.hority. " - I:d. at 582. Following woburri, it cannot be disputed LhaL where the hoard of appeals approves a projcct wit.h conditions, t.he IIAC musL engaqe in the statuCe's t.wo- part tesL. k'irut, the HAC must determine Chat the condiLions imposed rcricicr t.hc proj ect uneconomic. Yjecond, and only if Che fi.rst test concludes that Lhe project will bc unecunornic as d I-esiilt of t.he condi t-ioris jnposed, the board must demot1sLrat.e that the conditj oris imposed are cons< sterit with local needs. - Only if . the HAC properly concludes that Lhe conditions imposed will rendcr the project tinecotiomic- LI burden imposed UII t.he dcveloper, not t.he board-will the burden shi.ft Lo t.he sccond tesL.' The HAC is aware of the clcar requirement-s of Che statut.?: "Once the appel larit has demonst.rated ti1a.L conditions in the Roard's woul.d, in thc agqreyate, rendcr t.hp project. iineconomi c, the burden then shifts Lo the Uo;lrd to prove first, Ihat. there is a valid heiilLh, safety, environmental, dcsign, open space or oLher local concern which supports each of the contested conditions irriposed, arid then, t.hat such concerti outweiqlis the regional need Lor ].ow and moderdte income housi.nq. " Faraqnn Res1dent.j a1 Properties, LLC, v. Hrookline 7,oniriq Boai-d of AppeaJ s, (Housinq Appeal:: Coiiini.), No. 04-16, March 26, 2007. See also Hay Wa.tch Real.ty Trust. v. Marion Hoard of Appeals, (llousirig Appeals Cornm.), No. 07-28, December 5, 2005, "When the Hoard has qrarited a comprckensive permit wiLh conditions, t.he u1Limat.e yucsLion beforc 19

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a<br />

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a<br />

comprehensive pcrmit. act, G.L. c.40l3, 3s. 20-73<br />

precludes such aut.hority. " - I:d. at 582.<br />

Following woburri, it cannot be disputed LhaL<br />

where the hoard of appeals approves a projcct wit.h<br />

conditions, t.he IIAC musL engaqe in the statuCe's t.wo-<br />

part tesL. k'irut, the HAC must determine Chat the<br />

condiLions imposed rcricicr t.hc proj ect uneconomic.<br />

Yjecond, and only if Che fi.rst test concludes that Lhe<br />

project will bc unecunornic as d I-esiilt of t.he<br />

condi t-ioris jnposed, the board must demot1sLrat.e that<br />

the conditj oris imposed are cons< sterit with local<br />

needs. - Only if . the HAC properly concludes that Lhe<br />

conditions imposed will rendcr the project tinecotiomic-<br />

LI burden imposed UII t.he dcveloper, not t.he board-will<br />

the burden shi.ft Lo t.he sccond tesL.'<br />

The HAC is aware of the clcar requirement-s of Che<br />

statut.?: "Once the appel larit has demonst.rated ti1a.L<br />

conditions in the Roard's woul.d, in thc<br />

agqreyate, rendcr t.hp project. iineconomi c, the burden<br />

then shifts Lo the Uo;lrd to prove first, Ihat. there is<br />

a valid heiilLh, safety, environmental, dcsign, open<br />

space or oLher local concern which supports each of<br />

the contested conditions irriposed, arid then, t.hat such<br />

concerti outweiqlis the regional need Lor ].ow and<br />

moderdte income housi.nq. " Faraqnn Res1dent.j a1<br />

Properties, LLC, v. Hrookline 7,oniriq Boai-d of AppeaJ s,<br />

(Housinq Appeal:: Coiiini.), No. 04-16, March 26, 2007.<br />

See also Hay Wa.tch Real.ty Trust. v. Marion Hoard of<br />

Appeals, (llousirig Appeals Cornm.), No. 07-28, December<br />

5, 2005, "When the Hoard has qrarited a comprckensive<br />

permit wiLh conditions, t.he u1Limat.e yucsLion beforc<br />


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