Beginning SQL

Beginning SQL

Beginning SQL


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Chapter 11<br />

The information that follows comes with a huge caveat: Virtually everything that follows varies depending<br />

on your specific implementation. Transaction and locking implementation is very specific to a particular<br />

vendor’s product and the details vary, sometimes immensely. The best you can expect from this<br />

book is to get a feeling for what is possible, and then you should read the documentation for the DBMS<br />

you are working with for the exact details of how that product works.<br />

Introducing Transactions<br />

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In <strong>SQL</strong>, a transaction is a group of <strong>SQL</strong> statements taken together as a logical unit of work. Oftentimes,<br />

the process of entering data requires adding data into several different tables and perhaps modifying data<br />

in a couple of tables. If any of those operations fail, then the entire set of operations must be undone. In<br />

order to ensure that you perform all of the operations or none of the operations, you use transactions.<br />

In order for a group of statements to be considered a transaction, it must pass the ACID test. ACID is an<br />

acronym that stands for the following:<br />

❑ Atomic: This property refers to the all-or-none behavior of the group of statements. If any of the<br />

statements fail, then the entire group of statements must be undone or rolled back. Only when<br />

all of the statements execute without error are the results of the entire group of statements saved<br />

to the database. When a patient checks in to the hospital, a new patient record may need to be<br />

created or an existing record updated. A check-in record needs to be created. A bed needs to<br />

be assigned to that patient. It would not be good to get the patient all the way checked in but<br />

not assign a bed to the patient. Losing patients is considered very bad practice.<br />

❑ Consistent: The database must be in a consistent state at the end of the transaction. The <strong>SQL</strong><br />

statements must be applied without error, and all database structures must be correct and<br />

saved. A consistent state really means that as the DBMS makes decisions on available data,<br />

updates to data do not overwrite previous updates, and records are not added or deleted based<br />

on data that is not a real, permanent part of the database.<br />

❑ Isolated: Data that transactions change must not be visible to other users before or during the<br />

changes being applied. Other database users must see the data as it would exist at the end of the<br />

transaction so that they do not make decisions or errors based on data that is no longer valid. If<br />

a product order is rolled back because the customer decides at the last minute to order a different<br />

part, another order should not be back-ordered because the first order was momentarily visible<br />

and there appeared to be insufficient stock to fill the next order.<br />

❑ Durable: At the end of the transaction, the database must save the data correctly. Power outages,<br />

equipment failures, or other problems should not cause partial saves or incomplete data<br />

changes. Most DBMSs manage this requirement through the use of transaction logs kept on an<br />

entirely different drive from the main database.<br />

In order to use transactions in a meaningful way, you need to build some data not included in the original<br />

database. In the next section, you build tables with inventory to implement a very simple rental<br />

database. You examine how these tables are created and how data is inserted, and you start to think<br />

about which pieces should use transactions. Later on, after you have learned a great deal more about<br />

transactions, you learn how to wrap some of these operations in transactions and why you would do so.

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