Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global


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individual will become debauched or degenerate. On the other hand, with a<br />

strong spiritual influence, he can become a seer with intuitive perception <strong>of</strong><br />

the complex stages <strong>of</strong> creative unfoldment transcending temporal and spatial<br />

limitations. Such a person can instinctively establish sympathetic<br />

relationships with the highest as well as the lowest. He discovers the Divine<br />

Energy at both extremes <strong>of</strong> manifestation.<br />

Shukra in Hindu mythology is known by his patronymic Bhargava, which<br />

derives from Bhrigu. He is called Kavi or Kavya, the poet as well as poetry.<br />

<strong>The</strong> planet is variously called: Asphujit, the effulgent one; Shodasavisu, he<br />

who has sixteen rays; Maghabhava or the son <strong>of</strong> Magha; and Shweta or<br />

white. Ushana is one <strong>of</strong> the names <strong>of</strong> the regent <strong>of</strong> the planet Venus. In the<br />

Vedas, he was given the epithet Kavya because <strong>of</strong> his great learning and<br />

wisdom. He is a well-known writer on civic and religious laws. Such an<br />

eminent deity is considered as the teacher <strong>of</strong> the Daityas (demons), and<br />

Asuras which emphasizes the enigmatic character <strong>of</strong> Venus.<br />

Maghabhava or son <strong>of</strong> Magha relates Venus to the tenth asterism Magha,<br />

characterized by abundant life-giving energy. Under the Venusian impulse,<br />

the soul is pushed into the world with much energy and courage. Magha is<br />

connected with reproduction. It has an affinity with affluence and comfort,<br />

sexual pleasure and luxurious living. Such impulses find great resonance<br />

with Venus. <strong>The</strong> association <strong>of</strong> the regent <strong>of</strong> Venus with Magha points to<br />

their channeling the same quality <strong>of</strong> cosmic energy. Shodasavisu, the deity<br />

with sixteen rays, refers to sixteen important cosmic forces. <strong>The</strong>y are the<br />

sixteen phases <strong>of</strong> the Moon, each <strong>of</strong> which is identified and given a special<br />

name. <strong>The</strong>y also refer to the sixteen components <strong>of</strong> the microcosm or<br />

Shodasagana, which consists <strong>of</strong> the five organs <strong>of</strong> action, the five sense<br />

organs, the five elements, and chitta or consciousness. In Hindu thought, the<br />

number sixteen has a special importance and stands for sixteen articles <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong>ferings, sixteen kinds <strong>of</strong> worship, sixteen goddesses, the sixteen hands <strong>of</strong><br />

Durga, the goddess <strong>of</strong> Power, the sixteen erotic sentiments, and the sixteen<br />

sacraments from impregnation to death. All these are channels for different<br />

celestial impulses. <strong>The</strong> sixteen rays <strong>of</strong> Venus are the active potency which<br />

energizes them. Even his being called Shweta or White refers to his being<br />

positive, not under the influence <strong>of</strong> any other power. For this reason,<br />

Pythagoras called Venus the Sol Alter or the "Other Sun."<br />

<strong>The</strong> appellation Daitya-Guru indicates the special mission <strong>of</strong> Venus, but the<br />

role <strong>of</strong> Daityas, the demons, is <strong>of</strong>ten misunderstood. Literally, Daitya means<br />

demon but this conceals the real nature and function <strong>of</strong> these mighty beings.<br />

Daitya is a son <strong>of</strong> Diti whereas Did herself is a daughter <strong>of</strong> Daksha, the<br />

Prajapati or creator specially charged with the procreative process. Diti was

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