Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global


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Dhanishta extends from 203° 20' to 306° 00' <strong>of</strong> the zodiac. It is half in<br />

Capricorn and half in Aquarius, both ruled by Saturn. <strong>The</strong> asterism itself is<br />

ruled by Mars. It is primarily influenced by Sattwa or harmony, but the<br />

secondary and tertiary qualities relate to Tamas, inertia. <strong>The</strong> asterism is<br />

presided over by the eight Vasus, the personifications <strong>of</strong> the cosmic energy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> symbol assigned to Dhanishta is a drum called mridanga. Its primary<br />

motivational impulse is Dharma.<br />

<strong>The</strong> word Dhanishta a bamboo-cane flute as well as a drum. Both these<br />

musical instruments are hollow inside. <strong>The</strong>y resound and reverberate the<br />

tune played by the musician. Depending upon the touch on the drum or the<br />

blowing <strong>of</strong> the flute music comes forth. <strong>The</strong> instruments are merely links<br />

between the music and the musician. Similarly, under Dhanishta, the basic<br />

impulse is to purge the soul from whatever it considers its own so that the<br />

Divine plan for it can be unfolded smoothly. <strong>The</strong> individual must come to<br />

function like a reed through which the Divine music is played<br />

uninterruptedly and without distortion.<br />

Lord Shiva's miniature drum, shaped like a time-jar, represents the bipolarity<br />

<strong>of</strong> personality. On both sides <strong>of</strong> it the hollowness is covered by stretched<br />

leather, and tiny knots tied to two threads attached at the center strike the<br />

stretched leather alternately and rhythmically. <strong>The</strong> drum <strong>of</strong> Shiva represents<br />

the spiritual view <strong>of</strong> man, as does Krishna's flute. When Krishna plays the<br />

flute, his devotees, the Gopis are attracted to the tune and renounce all selfconsciousness.<br />

<strong>The</strong> representation <strong>of</strong> Dhanishta by these instruments shows<br />

that it prepares the soul for its ultimate unity with the cosmic plan. Such<br />

changes can be astrologically deciphered by examining the relationships<br />

between the various sheaths <strong>of</strong> the human personality and the planets<br />

vibrating them. <strong>The</strong> individual passes through tremendous strain in order to<br />

be lifted from mundane existence to spiritual reality.<br />

Between Shravana and Dhanishta, which are complementary in many<br />

respects, the soul first comprehends and then reverberates the Divine Music.<br />

In order to intelligently cooperate with Nature, it is necessary to completely<br />

eschew self-consciousness and even so-called prudential considerations.<br />

That is what the Gopis attracted to Krishna's flute had to achieve before the<br />

consummation <strong>of</strong> Divine Love. It requires complete renunciation <strong>of</strong> personal<br />

and social considerations. <strong>The</strong> soul has to become hollow like a reed or flute<br />

before it merges in the Supreme and the spark becomes one with the Flame.<br />

Having listened to the message <strong>of</strong> the Universal Spirit under the influence <strong>of</strong><br />

Dhanishta and giving up the personal point <strong>of</strong> view, the individual begins<br />

radiating the Divine message and power. With the emptying <strong>of</strong> selfish,<br />

personal, and Tamasic Impulses, the hollowness <strong>of</strong> the individual is filled

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