Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global


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and an alluring appearance but this should not beguile the student. It has the<br />

potential <strong>of</strong> a serpent. It contains wisdom and danger simultaneously. In fact,<br />

Chitra is one <strong>of</strong> the most mystical asterisms.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sanskrit word Mukta, meaning a pearl, is derived from the same root as<br />

the words Mukti and Moksha, both meaning liberation. No one has ever<br />

suggested that the liberation process for the human soul is a pleasant<br />

experience. Yogis resort to difficult practices and severe austerities before<br />

they hope to get any intimation <strong>of</strong> the final realization. During the process <strong>of</strong><br />

unfoldment <strong>of</strong> one's real nature and the dawn <strong>of</strong> the vision <strong>of</strong> Truth, the<br />

aspirant must discipline himself and forego the comforts <strong>of</strong> life. Even those<br />

who do not undertake this task voluntarily but find themselves on the path <strong>of</strong><br />

spirituality have to pass through severe ordeals. <strong>The</strong> process <strong>of</strong> releasing the<br />

soul from the thraldom <strong>of</strong> matter is a hard one. On this path, the individual's<br />

wings are clipped and his activities fettered. He feels tremendously<br />

frustrated. He must be completely broken before he can become free. His<br />

feet have to be washed in the blood <strong>of</strong> his heart before he can really move<br />

forward.<br />

In this regard, we should note that Virgo represents the Sixth house <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cosmic man, the house <strong>of</strong> disease and opposition. This house represents the<br />

ordeals <strong>of</strong> the seeker prior to his being ordained in the silken dress <strong>of</strong><br />

'Initiation' or direct insight into truth. It is the stage <strong>of</strong> trial and tribulation<br />

which must precede the activation <strong>of</strong> the soul's faculties. When the inner<br />

life-force begins to break the outer material crust, there is trouble and pain.<br />

<strong>The</strong> individual feels like he is being torn apart. But this act <strong>of</strong> the churning<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ocean is the inevitable prelude to the discovery <strong>of</strong> inner reality. <strong>The</strong><br />

real image hidden in the uncut stone must be carved out by the sculptor.<br />

When the stone chips are cut, they must cause sorrow. <strong>The</strong> celestial architect<br />

has to ultimately produce the archetype destined for the individual and for<br />

each entity <strong>of</strong> the universe. Tvashtar must cut <strong>of</strong>f the unwanted pieces <strong>of</strong> the<br />

stone which are not essential for the true image to come forth. <strong>The</strong> word<br />

Chitra also means an image or reflection. Under the impulse <strong>of</strong> this asterism,<br />

the archetype, latent within, forces the outer, the external, to dissolve so that<br />

the real image can be perceived.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story <strong>of</strong> the origin <strong>of</strong> the pearl, whether true or false, is similar to the<br />

process <strong>of</strong> unfoldment <strong>of</strong> inner consciousness. It is said that rain drops,<br />

under the influence <strong>of</strong> the asterism Swati, fall on oyster shells to form pearls<br />

within them. To get the pearls, the hard outer shells <strong>of</strong> the oysters have to be<br />

broken. In life, impulses from above, from the supra-mental level or the<br />

Divine itself flash on the consciousness <strong>of</strong> the individual and begin the<br />

churning operation. <strong>The</strong>y arouse the urge to realize the true Self. <strong>The</strong>

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