Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global


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the fish was important to them because their priestly duties and secret<br />

wisdom were connected with the savior who himself was conceived as a<br />

fish. Such significance for the fish in ancient thought that it could not leave<br />

astrology unaffected. <strong>The</strong> symbol has prevailed as an emblem <strong>of</strong> survival,<br />

wisdom and divine benediction.<br />

<strong>Astrological</strong>ly, the twelfth sign <strong>of</strong> the zodiac has the distinction <strong>of</strong> signifying<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> one cycle, the preservation <strong>of</strong> the seed and its regeneration. <strong>The</strong><br />

fish is an aquatic creature, but is different from a crab which represents<br />

Cancer and a crocodile associated with Capricorn. <strong>The</strong> crab and crocodile<br />

inhabit both land and sea, while the fish cannot survive out <strong>of</strong> water. <strong>The</strong><br />

Pisces impulse absolves the individual <strong>of</strong> all materiality and produces a kind<br />

<strong>of</strong> life which can prevail only when the individual and the universal have<br />

become one. <strong>The</strong> fish represents the seed, the symbol <strong>of</strong> progeny itself. It is<br />

also an emblem <strong>of</strong> prosperity and the fulfillment <strong>of</strong> desire, while the water in<br />

which fish reside represents Bythos, the great unfathomable depth that exists<br />

in silence and infinity.<br />

Two fish clinging to each other's tails expresses the balancing <strong>of</strong> two<br />

polarities. <strong>The</strong> opposite poles <strong>of</strong> electricity at this point cease to exist in their<br />

duality. <strong>The</strong> positive and negative fuse in each other. <strong>The</strong> impulse <strong>of</strong><br />

manifestation and the various forms manifest stop under their own selfgenerating<br />

power. At this stage, polarization ends. <strong>The</strong> cosmic quietitude<br />

prevails once more. Those born under the influence <strong>of</strong> Pisces <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

experience the universal consciousness impinging upon their psyche, which<br />

makes them feel very different than other people.<br />

This balancing <strong>of</strong> duality is achieved by several changes. Three stages are<br />

represented by the three important aspects <strong>of</strong> the symbol. <strong>The</strong> two fish are<br />

placed in the sea. <strong>The</strong> sea represents cosmic stability. <strong>The</strong>re is the feeling <strong>of</strong><br />

oneself merged in eternity. Direct experience <strong>of</strong> this state <strong>of</strong>ten produces<br />

tremendous fright. Though the fish is capable <strong>of</strong> maintaining itself in perfect<br />

equilibrium in the sea, yet there is a difference between the two. This<br />

difference causes several psychological problems, which are mentioned in<br />

various spiritual teachings. Even Lord Buddha had to undergo great<br />

psychological trials before attaining final liberation. Pisces has as one <strong>of</strong> its<br />

aspects the cosmic stability represented by the sea.<br />

Its second aspect is the unveiling <strong>of</strong> wisdom. <strong>The</strong> fish by itself is a symbol<br />

<strong>of</strong> wisdom. In the understanding <strong>of</strong> Truth which liberates the individual from<br />

bondage there is not necessarily the cessation <strong>of</strong> turmoil. But this<br />

understanding provides that strength which enables one to bear fear <strong>of</strong> the<br />

unknown. Having known the secret <strong>of</strong> nature, whatever happens in life is<br />

quietly borne. This aspect <strong>of</strong> Pisces is represented by the symbol <strong>of</strong> the fish.

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