Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global

Astrological Mythology The Meaning of ... - Mandhata Global


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This symbol, arising from the importance <strong>of</strong> water, relates to many other<br />

mythologies. In Greek mythology, Ganymede was carried from the earth by<br />

Zeus to make him his "cup bearer." In the Hebrew religion, Latnech, the<br />

father <strong>of</strong> Noah, inaugurates a New Era, or a period <strong>of</strong> fresh regeneration<br />

after the deluge (Pralaya <strong>of</strong> the Hindus), implying thereby that life emerged<br />

from the Great Depth. Aquarius also relates to two aspects <strong>of</strong> the creative<br />

process, complete annihilation <strong>of</strong> the past evolutionary course, and the birth<br />

<strong>of</strong> a new race or beginning <strong>of</strong> a new way <strong>of</strong> life. Aquarius stands for a<br />

radical transformation involving the purification <strong>of</strong> the dross, accumulated<br />

as the result <strong>of</strong> materialistic desire, giving a new spiritual direction to life.<br />

<strong>The</strong> impact <strong>of</strong> such an inflow <strong>of</strong> cosmic life-force, in everyday life, is<br />

experienced as a thorough shake-up at first, followed by the dawn <strong>of</strong> a new<br />

consciousness in which the general welfare becomes more important than<br />

personal gain.<br />

A great importance to transformation, mutation so to say, is given to the<br />

Aquarian impulse because the psychological orientation received under<br />

Capricorn must find an outlet. This is possible only under an entirely<br />

different milieu and new approach to the problems <strong>of</strong> life. This is emphasized<br />

by the symbol <strong>of</strong> water related to this sign. Moving water has been<br />

given great importance in the manifestation <strong>of</strong> the cosmos. <strong>The</strong> creation<br />

began with water, the various changes in manifestation owe themselves to<br />

water, the evolutionary pilgrimage <strong>of</strong> purifying and spiritualizing one's<br />

nature takes place as a result <strong>of</strong> water, running water. It is only when the lifeforce<br />

energizes us from our inner side, or when our subjective nature is<br />

activated by the divine impulse, that we become able to transcend selfish<br />

desires in order to dedicate our efforts to the cosmic good. At this stage, the<br />

drop moves out to mingle in the ocean.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pitcher, standing for the mortal tabernacle, must release the water, the<br />

life-force contained within it, in order to experience the supreme bliss. <strong>The</strong><br />

individual energy has to merge in the universal or cosmic energy to attain its<br />

ultimate goal. This mingling occurs under the Aquarian impulse. But, the<br />

pitcher must be broken for success in this effort. Under Aquarius the<br />

individual, while maintaining his separate identity, is merged in the universal<br />

life-wave. This process, however, is not necessarily pleasant. <strong>The</strong> pitcher, or<br />

the individual consciousness, is always a hindrance and source <strong>of</strong><br />

unhappiness.<br />

<strong>The</strong> association <strong>of</strong> Aquarius with Kumbhaka, retention <strong>of</strong> breath and<br />

regulation <strong>of</strong> Prana or the life-force indicates that the Aquarian impulse has<br />

an invigorating effect, which can rejuvenate the individual. <strong>The</strong> way this<br />

renewal takes place has been expressed through various allusions. <strong>The</strong> life <strong>of</strong>

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