(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Thousand</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Names</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lord Viñëu<br />

hutabhug-bhoktä – He protects the devotees; sukhada – He gladdens<br />

the devotees by freeing them from the subtle body <strong>of</strong> mind,<br />

intelligence and false ego, which is the cause <strong>of</strong> repeated birth and<br />

death, and granting them eternal spiritual forms to associate with<br />

Him in the spiritual world; naikada – He showers His devotees with<br />

innumerable benedictions, and even gives Himself to His devotees;<br />

agraja – all beauty and opulence emanate from Him and cannot be<br />

separated from Him at any time; anirviëëa sadämärñé – His devotees<br />

endeavor with great earnestness to attain His lotus feet, and they are<br />

never lazy in this regard; lokädhiñöhänam – He gives shelter to the<br />

devotees who approach Him; adbhutam – He fills His devotees with<br />

wonder by showing them His ever-fresh transcendental form,<br />

qualities and pastimes.<br />

SaNaaTSaNaaTaNaTaMa" k-iPal/" k iPal/" k-iParVYaYa" k iParVYaYa" )<br />

SviSTad" SviSTak*-TSviSTaSviSTa>auKSviSTadi+a

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