(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Thousand</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Names</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lord Viñëu<br />

veda, which are difficult to sing; duräväsa – when one follows the<br />

difficult path <strong>of</strong> surrendering to Him, He becomes willing to reside in<br />

one’s heart; durärihä – although serving Him is difficult, He helps the<br />

devotees by crushing their difficult-to-conquer enemies, with lust as<br />

their general.<br />

Xau>aa®ae l/aek-Saar®" l/aek Saar®" SauTaNTauSTaNTauvDaRNa" )<br />

wNd]k-MaaR wNd]k MaaR Mahak-MaaR Mahak MaaR k*-Tak k* Tak-MaaR MaaR k*-TaaGaMa" k* TaaGaMa" ))97))<br />

97. çubhäìgo loka-säraìgaù<br />

sutantus tantu-vardhanaù<br />

indrakarmä mahäkarmä<br />

kåtakarmä kåtägamaù<br />

çubhäìga – Lord Kåñëa grants auspiciousness to, and fulfills the<br />

desires <strong>of</strong> the sincere devotees who have firm faith in the instructions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the spiritual master and the scriptures; loka-säraìga – He glorifies<br />

the good qualities <strong>of</strong> the devotees; sutantu – His transcendental<br />

attributes and pastimes are like a great net that traps the minds <strong>of</strong> the<br />

devotees; tantu-vardhana – the net <strong>of</strong> His qualities grows ever larger<br />

and more entangling as He appears in innumerable attractive forms<br />

and transcendental pastimes; indrakarmä – He acts for the protection<br />

and well-being <strong>of</strong> His servant Indra; mahäkarmä – after He killed the<br />

demon Narakäsura, He returned the earrings <strong>of</strong> Aditi and other<br />

articles the demon stole; kåtakarmä – He performs many wonderful<br />

pastimes and heroic deeds, like wedding 16,000 princesses<br />

simultaneously, defeating all the demigods and taking the pärijäta<br />

tree from the heavenly planets by force, defeating Lord Çiva in the<br />

battle with Bäëäsura, cutting <strong>of</strong>f Bäëäsura’s thousand arms, rescuing<br />

Uña and Aniruddha, and many more; kåtägama – after performing<br />

these astonishing pastimes, He returned to His capital city <strong>of</strong><br />

Dvärakä.<br />

oÖv" SauNdr" SauNdae rÒNaa>a" Saul/aecNa" )<br />

AkR aeraJaSaNa" Xa*®q JaYaNTa" SavRivÂYaq ))98))<br />

98. uddhavaù sundaraù sundo<br />

ratnanäbhaù sulocanaù<br />

arko räjasanaù çåìgé<br />

jayantaù sarva-vijjayé<br />

uddhava – Lord Kåñëa became famous for His wonderful pastimes;<br />

sundara – all the limbs <strong>of</strong> His transcendental form are exquisitely<br />


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