(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Thousand</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Names</strong> <strong>of</strong> Lord Viñëu<br />

AicRZMaaNaicRTa" ku-M>aae ku M>aae ivXauÖaTMaa ivXaaeDaNa" )<br />

AiNaåÖae_Pa[iTarQa" Pa[ÛuMNaae_iMaTaiv§-Ma" Pa[ÛuMNaae_iMaTaiv§ Ma" ))81))<br />

81. arciñmän arcitaù kumbho<br />

viçuddhätmä viçodhanaù<br />

aniruddho ’pratirathaù<br />

pradyumno ’mita-vikramaù<br />

arciñmän – Lord Kåñëa glowed with anger when He heard Kaàsa<br />

insult His father Vasudeva; arcita – the florist Sudämä and the girl<br />

Kubjä honored and worshiped Him; kumbha – enchanted by Kåñëa’s<br />

handsomeness, Kubjä wanted to enjoy Him as her paramour, and she<br />

lustily clutched the edge <strong>of</strong> His garments; viçuddhätmä – when Kåñëa<br />

promised to visit her home He was not trying to deceive her;<br />

viçodhana – He killed the elephant Kuvalayäpédä, purifying its sins<br />

and granting it liberation; aniruddha – Kuvalayäpédä was unable to<br />

stop Kåñëa from entering Kaàsa’s wrestling arena; apratiratha –<br />

Kåñëa is always victorious in fighting; pradyumna amita-vikrama –<br />

because His strength is unlimited, He easily defeated Cäëüra and the<br />

other wrestlers.<br />

k-al/NaeiMaiNaha al/NaeiMaiNaha vqr" XaaEir" XaUrJaNaeìr"<br />

i}al/aek-aTMaa i}al/aek aTMaa i}al/aeke-Xa" i}al/aeke Xa" ke-Xav" ke Xav" ke-iXaha ke iXaha hir" ))82))<br />

82. kälanemi-nihä véraù<br />

çauriù çürajaneçvaraù<br />

trilokätmä trilokeçaù<br />

keçavaù keçi-hä hariù<br />

kälanemi-nihä – Lord Kåñëa killed the demon Kaàsa, who He also<br />

killed in his previous birth as the demon Kälanemi; véra – He dragged<br />

the dead Kaàsa around the wrestling arena to display His prowess;<br />

çauri – He is the son <strong>of</strong> Vasudeva; çürajaneçvara – He proved Himself<br />

the best <strong>of</strong> heroes by killing Kaàsa; trilokätmä – He made the three<br />

planetary systems jubilant; trilokeça – He is the controller <strong>of</strong> the three<br />

worlds; keçava – He has handsome black hair, and He is the Father <strong>of</strong><br />

Brahmä, Çiva and all the demigods; keçihä – He killed the Keçi<br />

demon; hari – He delights the minds <strong>of</strong> the cowherd residents <strong>of</strong><br />

Våndävana, the demigods and all other devotees.<br />

k-aMadev aMadev k-aMaPaal/" k aMaPaal/" k-aiMak k aiMak-aNTa" aNTa" k*-TaaGaMa" k* TaaGaMa"<br />


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