(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global

(comprehensive), The Thousand Holy Names of ... - Mandhata Global


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Çré Viñëusahasranäma<br />

pastimes in that spiritual land <strong>of</strong> Våndävana; kapéndra – He is the<br />

master <strong>of</strong> the monkeys <strong>of</strong> Våndävana who participate in His<br />

childhood pastimes; bhüri-dakñiëa – on His birthday celebration He<br />

gives abundant charity to the brähmaëas.<br />

62<br />

SaaeMaPaae_Ma*TaPa" SaaeMa" PauåiJaTPauåSataMa" )<br />

ivNaYaae JaYa" SaTYaSaNDaae daXaahR" SaaTvTaa& PaiTa" ))67))<br />

67. somapo ’måtapaù somaù<br />

purujit puru-sattamaù<br />

vinayo jayaù satya-sandho<br />

däçärhaù sätvatäà patiù<br />

somapa – Lord Kåñëa protects the demigod Çiva; amåtapa – He<br />

protects all the demigods; soma – He is very famous and handsome,<br />

like a transcendental moon shining over Gokula; purujit – He is very<br />

powerful and defeats all His enemies; puru-sattama – He is the best <strong>of</strong><br />

all living entities; vinaya – the members <strong>of</strong> the Yadu dynasty humbly<br />

serve Him, and He reciprocates by humbly rendering similar service<br />

to them; jaya – the affection the Yadus bear for Him has defeated<br />

and controlled Him; satya-sandha – He promises to always protect<br />

His devotees; däçärha – He appeared in the dynasty <strong>of</strong> King Daçärha,<br />

and He is the most valuable thing in existence; sätvatäm pati – He is<br />

the protector <strong>of</strong> the Yadus, and the Lord and master <strong>of</strong> the great<br />

souls who preach the truth about Him for the benefit <strong>of</strong> the<br />

conditioned souls.<br />

Jaqvae ivNaiYaTaa Saa+aq Mauku-Ndae_iMaTaiv§<br />

Mauku Ndae_iMaTaiv§-Ma" Ma" )<br />

AM>aaeiNaiDarNaNTaaTMaa MahaediDaXaYaae_NTak-" MahaediDaXaYaae_NTak " ))68))<br />

68. jévo vinayitä säkñé<br />

mukundo ’mita-vikramaù<br />

ambho-nidhir anantätmä<br />

mahodadhi-çayo ’ntakaù<br />

jéva – Lord Kåñëa gives life to the devotees distressed by His absence<br />

by giving them His nectarean spiritual association; vinayitä – He<br />

protects His devotees as if they were His own children; säkñé – He is<br />

perfectly aware <strong>of</strong> how distressed they are by not being able to<br />

associate with Him directly; mukunda – His smiling face is as<br />

beautiful as a kunda flower; amita-vikrama – He uses His unlimited<br />

prowess to protect His devotees; ambhonidhi – the Garbhodaka<br />

ocean emanated from Him; anantätmä – He takes rest by reclining on

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