The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global

The Upanishads - Mandhata Global


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Chapter XIX<br />

Meditation on the Sun as Brahman<br />

<strong>The</strong> sun is Brahman: this is the teaching. An explanation<br />

thereof follows: In the beginning this universe was nonexistent.<br />

It became existent. It grew. It turned into an<br />

egg. <strong>The</strong> egg lay for the period of a year. <strong>The</strong>n it broke<br />

open. Of the two halves of the egg-shell, one half was of<br />

silver, the other of gold.<br />

That which was of silver became the earth; that which<br />

was of gold, heaven. What was the thick membrane of<br />

the white became the mountains; the thin membrane of<br />

the yolk, the must and the clouds. <strong>The</strong> veins became the<br />

rivers; the fluid in the bladder, the ocean.<br />

3<br />

And what was born of it was yonder Aditya, the sun.<br />

when it was born shouts of "Hurrah!" arose, together<br />

with all beings and all objects of desire. <strong>The</strong>refore at its<br />

rise and its every return shouts of "Hurrah!" together<br />

with all beings and all objects of desire arise.<br />

4<br />

He who, knowing this, meditates on the sun as<br />

Brahman- pleasant sounds will quickly approach im and<br />

continue to delight him, yea, continue to delight him.<br />


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